1 Year Post-op Update

Nov 29, 2007

November 29, 2007
Happy First Year Surgiversary!!!!!
Today I am down 179 pounds, who would have thought that so much can change in just one year!  
I will add a pic in the next few days!
Take Care

Blissfully Wed

Nov 13, 2007

November 14, 2007
I added some pics of the wedding, also the 11 month shot too!
The wedding was so pretty and intimate!  Only 37 people at my dad's home.  It was decorated all in red and yellow roses in memory of my mom who loved them! 
I could never understand the irony of blissful happiness and also having it feel sad too, but... such is life.  My mom would want me to hold the happiness not the sadness and it was a beautiful, wonderful day!! 
I am truly happy!

Mr. & Mrs. Howe

Nov 09, 2007

November 10, 2007
Today is our wedding day!  Last night during rehearsal I felt so overcome with emotion!  I am so happy, he is so wondrful to me and every person that means anything to me. 
Sometimes when I feel the happiest I also feel sadness because I wish my mom was here to share all of this with me.... she will be there in spirit I am sure.
I will post pics very soon!
Much Love to everyone on this meaningful day!

Getting Married!!!

Nov 04, 2007

November 5, 2007
BIG NEWS.....Elvis and I decided not to wait until June to get married...instead of going to Jamaica for 3 weeks this winter we are getting MARRIED on November 10th!!!!  
Only about 35 people and at my dad's house....I have all red and yellow roses as my theme....in memory of my mom....It will be very small and intimate, but sooo pretty and meaningful!!!!  
I will post pics soon!
WOW, life can change a lot in a year!

11 Month Update

Oct 29, 2007

October 29, 2007
As you can see I am now posting my weight!!!  AURGH!!!  But, I am feeling pretty happy with the weight loss this month.  I am now down a total of 174 pounds!!!  It would have been nice to hit -175 but what can you do... ;o)  there is always next month!
I have my year check up booked with Dr. Kam at the Barix Clinic in MI for the 26th of November!  Hard to believe that 11 months have passed, I am sure that they are used to seeing really drastic transformations in people.  I want to go up to the floor and say hi while I am there.  I remember the respectful care they gave and would like to once again say thanks.
Until next time...I will post pics within the week.

Getting Brave..

Oct 22, 2007

October 22, 2007
Well,  I am finally going to bite the bullet and put my weights down on my monthly update pics...
Hopefully someone will find it a good incentive!  I have really struggled with telling people my actual weight.  I used to joke that I lied about it so much I would need a person to remind me what I told them! lol 
Here's to new beginnings and letting go of the baggage! CHEERS!!!

Pumpkinfest Weekend

Oct 21, 2007

October 22, 2007
I feel like a broken record.  I can't help it though.... Everytime I do something that not even a year ago I could not have done I am amazed...STILL!!!
I hope I keep that feeling, I never want to take my health for granted again!

This was a busy weekend.  Went out on Friday night dancing with my handsome sweetie, and then WALKED home!  Saturday, my girlfriends and I took Val's son Austin to the Pumpkinfest parade.  We had to have walked 3 miles!  It may not sound like  lot, but when less than a year ago, going from the car to the house required a rest break at the end you are excited about it!  Sunday was spent cleaning and going to a hockey game. 

Other exciting news...I have my ticket to Jamaica!!!  I am going for 3 weeks this winter and staying with Elvis!  We are really looking forward to spending this time with his family so I can get to know them and we may even swim with the dolpins! 

I got weighed a few days ago and I am down 173 pounds!

Take Care, I hope everyone is well.

10 Month Update

Oct 03, 2007

October 4, 2007
I weighed myself on the actual day of surgiversary 10 month lol ( Sept. 29) and I am now down 168 pounds.  I will post a pic in the next few days.
I also cut my hair quite short. I have been adjusting to the thinner hair from losing so much and I felt like I needed to do something drastic to my hair because longer you could really tell that it just wasn't the same!  I wonder if when you are down to a more steady weight if the hair issue resolves itself??  If anyone knows please let me know!
But, I am not complaining!  I am the healthiest I have been in I cant remember how long - yesterday I even participated in the World Record Walk Challenge!!!!  I felt really happy that I participated and didnt have to sit on the side lines and watch feeling like a big fat fattie!!!!  
This was the best desicion I have ever made for me!!!!

Stopping to smell the roses....

Sep 09, 2007

September 9, 2007
I am feeling nostalgic today.  Probably because I went to my Aunt & Uncle's 50th Wedding Anniversary Party yesterday, and watching all of them together makes me really want to count my blessings.  
I posted my 9 month pic, taken about a week too late (today).  I weighed at dad's earlier and I have hit  -160 pounds now!!!!
I realized that I haven't put up a pic of Elvis and I yet, so I added one of the two of us taken about a month or so ago.  
Take care and I will write again soon.

9 Month Update

Aug 31, 2007

August 31, 2007
This has been a slow month for me.  I weighed on the 29th and was down 5 more pounds since last month.  Making me a grand total of  - 158 pounds!!
I feel like I am really hitting a plateau.  I need to pump up my water intake and also the amount of exersize I am getting (obviously just sex isn't cutting it!) lol....
I hope all is well with everyone and I will post a pic this weekend.  NOt that there is that much of a difference, but I am going out - so I will be all dolled up!

About Me
Surgery Date
May 21, 2006
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo

Friends 48

Latest Blog 59
Happy 2 Year Surgiversary!
I am a Proud Mom!
Fantastic news from Canada!
Bona Fide Relationship
Double Century Club Baby!!!!!
Feeling Great and Loving Life!
Settling in...
