8 Month Update

Jul 31, 2007

July 31, 2007
I got weighed on the 29th - which is my exact surgiversary date and YEAH!!! I am now down 153 pounds.  I really feel so much better.  Life has changed so much.  I am always feeling like I need to be busy, sitting on the couch is not something I do anymore (unless I am watching Big Brother...lol) 
My boyfriend and I are actually talking about getting ...gasp! ...married... I can't believe it.  I had planned to enjoy my newfound life and being single and just when you least expect it.. I find serious love....he is amazing and treats me with such respect and tenderness.  I adore him!
I hope everyones summer is moving along well and they are enjoying every day!

Life is Moving FAST!!!

Jul 16, 2007

July 17, 2007
I look beck to a year ago now and I think about how different my life was!  Getting my health and life back were just a dream that seemed soooo far off in the distance I couldn't even imagine it!  
Now, I feel so much better - Last weigh in on the weekend I was down 148 pounds!  Things are getting so serious with Elvis, he is talking marriage!  I am freaking a bit because I have been on my own for so long that it is hard to think that I may have to compromise and share things ..lol
I hope everyone is good and life is treating you well.

7 Month Update

Jul 04, 2007

July 5, 2007
Well, my weight loss was -139 pounds on June 29th which was my 7 month surgiversary!  It meant 10 pounds for the month.  This is going to be short and sweet because I am using my dads laptop to update.  My computer is unhooked until my basement is finished...hopefully  I will be set back up this week or next.  I am having computer withdrawl!  Take Care and I will post my 7 month pic soon.

Missing Mom...

Jun 17, 2007

June 18, 2007
A year ago today was when my mom passed away.  Yesterday we had an interment ceremony  at the cemetery.  It was a very long day emotionally.  

To top things off, I get up this morning and our cat Smoke, that we have had for about 13 years is lying dead by the road - he had been hit by a car.  How ironic is it that our cat dies on the same day my mom did???

The weight loss is moving slow this month.  I have only lost 4 pounds so far this month.  Oh well, I am trying to see it as a time for my skin and body to catch up to the loss.  Hope all is well with everyone.

130 pounds Gone Forever!

Jun 09, 2007

June 10, 2007
Wow, I have really hit a period of non-movement on the scales.  I am okay with that right now though because it will give my body a chance to catch up a bit.  I weighed yesterday and I have finally lost that pound that put me at -130 pounds!  YEAH!

6 Months Post-Op

May 29, 2007

May 30, 2007
This really should have been wrote yesterday, but I was so busy! It feels like this 6 months has zoomed by.  I am down  15 pounds this month and 129 pounds in total, which is great, but I am a little let down because I did not lose any weight since last week - maybe I am finally hitting a plateau.  I think that I will kick my excersize into a higher gear - like actually doing some!  (lol) Seriously, I need to do more formal excersize though, and I am going to start to walk each night too. I will post pics later today.

What a Difference a Year Makes...

May 22, 2007

May 23, 2007
I thought it was timely to look back at the goals I set out for myself just over a year ago - I wrote this list on May 21, 2006...
With weight loss surgery my goal is to become healthy again!
Things I look forward to doing once I lose this weight.
1.  sleeping a full night through! 
Which I do now!! and I dont use the c-pap machine!
2.  walking without my back feeling like it will break.
- This is soooo much better, I don't worry where I park and I will go in to any mall and walk!
3.  not worrying whether the chair will fit anywhere.
- I even fit into booths at restaurants now!
4.  buying clothes I like, instead of buying clothes just because they fit.
- My visa card can vouch for this one!
5.  being able to reach all places on my body easily (am I the only one with this problem - how humiliating this is).
I reach everthing fine, and so does my boyfriend lol
6.  looking in the mirror and feeling attractive again.
- Some days better than others, but I am feeling like ME again!
7.  spending time with friends again, I have isolated myself so much!
- I am always busy with family and friends, I now don't get enough me time!
8.  keeping my house and gardens clean and beautiful (this has become such a chore
and BIG job)
- The house looks good and the gardens will come!
9.  enjoying being around small children again- I love kids but damn they scare me too! - they are so honest.  I am always worried they are going to comment about the "fat lady" and then have to look at  the parents quick sympathetic, embarrassed look - I hate that look.
- I am around my friend's kids all the time.
10. BREATHING! At 38 it should NOT be such a chore.
- I walk without getting winded now!  I feel soo much better, and I will be 40 next month!
Those are just a few things I am sure I will think of more!

The Big Pay-off for Hard Work!

May 16, 2007

May 17, 2007
Just a quick update before I go to work, last night I went to my dad's and got weighed...and I am now down 128 pounds!!!!!  All the hard work of the past few weeks is definately paying off on the scales!

Mother's Day Blues...

May 12, 2007

May 13, 2007
I miss my mom.....
So much has happened in the past year.   Last year this time we were just realizing how sick my mom truly was.... and I had honestly resigned myself to the fact that I would be fat and probably dead by the time I was 50.  Life, WOW you never know what it is going to bring to you.  
Anyways, enough of my depression.....I want to tell you that my kid is the most considerate. loving girl (sometimes...lol).  For Mother's Day she gave me the most beautiful photo album filled with pics of my mom throughout the years, even thinking about it now makes me well up with tears!  AND as if that isnt enough my boyfriend gave me a Guardian Angel wooden figurine to sit by my mom's picture... I am truly blessed for the people in my life!!!!
We are pretty much done moving now, and are just waiting for the contractors to get the basement rec room drywalled and the bathroom redone and we will be ALL done!  All this hard worked has paid of on the scales too, I got weighed last week and I am now down 121 pounds!
I hope everyone is well, and to those of you who are mom's...Happy Mother's Day.  If your mom is still here with you, make sure you take the time to let her know that you love her!

Moving, Painting & Cleaning...oh my!

May 03, 2007

May 3, 2007
I have muscles in my butt I did not know I had!!  My rear is so sore from the painting and moving.  Brie and I are moving (not far, to the other side of the duplex I live in) THANK God I have lost this weight!!!  I know that I would never have been able to do the work that we have done in the past few days!
Not a lot else new with me, I will keep you posted if anything exciting happens

About Me
Surgery Date
May 21, 2006
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo

Friends 48

Latest Blog 59
Happy 2 Year Surgiversary!
I am a Proud Mom!
Fantastic news from Canada!
Bona Fide Relationship
Double Century Club Baby!!!!!
Feeling Great and Loving Life!
Settling in...
