I was born and raised in Birmingham, so I am southern to the core.  I am from a very tight knit and opinionated family.  I am very blessed with the people in my life. I began to struggle with my weight in my mid twenties.  I would go up and down.  At the age of twenty eight, me and my son was in a bus wreck and our lives changed in that instance.  I had many injuries and MANY SURGERIES.  During that time I gained ALOT of weight.  I ate for many reasons because I was hurting, bored, depressed, happy whatever.  It became a way of coping with what I was facing at the moment.  It gave me comfort to the point of an addiction.  Everyone kept  telling about my weight, telling me to lose weight and HOW to lose weight.  That just made me eat more. 

I started to get the lap band over a year ago to find out my insurance would not cover it.  At that point I could not afford it.  A year later, I am headed to Mexico for a VSG.  Just proves that God had his hand on me.  The financial part of this  is hard, but the reward out weighs the risk.  For me I am past the point of wanting this to the point of I NEED this.  Physically and Mentally I need this.  I reached my lowest point in November of 08.  I think anyone who is obese goes on this roller coaster of emotion.  This surgery is like a flicker of light in a very dark place.  At times it is scary to follow it because you cannot a afford another failure or disappointment.  I am not trying to be negative but there a lot of realities where I am at right now.  

My hope for 2009 is to begin my WLS journey and have a new and improved me.  I am eleven days from leaving to Mexico. I invite anyone to be a friend and share their experience with me.  I am just learning how to set up my page, profile etc.   Anyone can contact me at
[email protected].  I am hoping to post my pictures very soon.

P.S.  My name is Lisa.  I was called loulou as kid, after the lady from Hee Haw.  


About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 09, 2009
Member Since

Friends 21

Latest Blog 26
