One Year Came and Gone..Wow

Feb 19, 2010

Hey Guys, One year came and went so very fast.  I am so glad I had the surgery.  I have change jobs so now I am in retail and not at a desk.  I really miss everyone on the board.  I hope they get an Iphone app., that would be awesome.  I am so glad I had the surgery, my life is so much better.  I still have 60 pounds to lose. but hey the 90 i have lost is great.  I can get in and out of my bed without having to kick my leg hard to get up.  I travel and do alot of stuff with my son.  I hope next year when I  write on this blog I am skinny with a boyfriend.  That is my goal to be under 200 pds and go on a date.  (And feel pretty while on it.)  I sometimes still get emails asking about my doctor and would I do the surgery.  The first couple of months is so hard, I now realize that I have an obession with food. I still have to work on it.  I still eat bad stuff.  I struggle with this everyday but I also walk 20 miles a week.  I work out 5 days a week and year ago I could barely go up a flight of stairs.  I am not where I want to be but I am on my way.  This surgery also changed my sons life my whole family.  It was worth it.  Everyday when I go to the gym I say nobody can fight this fight but you!  Everyday is gameday and I try to make it count.  I hope all who is on the journey, gets as much rewards as me.  Thanks to all my freinds from the oh, boards would have never made it this far.   

Close to First Goal

Sep 10, 2009

I am trying very hard to lose this nine pounds.  I am working out really hard.  I now exercise 5 times a week.  I can tell that my body is changing.  At times I wish it was so much faster.  I am working very hard at losing the weight.  The myth that surgery is a fast fix is very much a myth.  I pushing my self very hard.  I will say that with the VSG you still have to struggle with control because you can eat anything that you please.  I still struggle with sweets.  Bad I know but I am being honest.  I also am surprised at the changes in my body.  I was not prepared for the sagging skin.  I think we all hope that when we lose the weight that we have this great waist line and look like a thin model. Not the case, my breast now have this horse shoe effect, where before they were a little more plump.  I am very glad I had the surgery, dont get me wrong., but I am now facing the challenges of being  7 months out.   The other thing I will say is that I was so late to join a gym, I became a member of the YMCA, I told everyone upfront that I had wls, this is the most supporting group of people to work out with.  I wish I would have done it sooner.  Write later.

back again

Aug 24, 2009

I have not been able to get on the computer in awhile.  Good news is I am out living life.  I am enjoying my weight loss and can just now start to tell a difference.  I have bought a house and  a new car in the past two months.  I have a lot of milestones this year and alot of changes.  Things I am grateful for... I can walk 2 miles do 1 hour of water aerobics, and swim six laps and still go to work.  I can turn around in the tub and paint my own toe nails!! I can get up out of a chair without help.   So many of the small things I am grateful for.  I still wish that this was going faster.  I still long so much to be thin..  I must say now I am out of my house and going to the YMCA and oh yeah... I am going on a cruise with my son in a few weeks... I am almost starting to tear up... because I just realized that I am accomplishing my goal.  Will write soon.
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been awhile

Jul 08, 2009

First let me say, the camping trip was great.  I came home and realized I accomplished a goal.  To travel with my son.  This journey of wl is so long you must enjoy the small steps.  I did opt out of the family 4th, because I did not want to spend the day talking about my weight with others.  Because, work has been so crazy my exercise schedule is off.  I still feel as though my weight loss is slow.  Some days I wake up and wish I was skinny.  The other night I actually dreamed about it.  I am starting to struggle now with cravings and grazing.  Just got a break today and thought I would blog. 

7 Day Camping Trip

Jun 04, 2009

I am taking my boys tomorrow for a camping trip.  This vaca will have alot of exercise, so I hope I can shed some pounds.  We rented a cabin in GA and are going canoe touring, tubing, swimming, and bike riding.  Hope I can hold up.  Off I go.. Will post when I come back.

Such a Bad Day UGH

May 29, 2009

Today at work, I worked at the retail store.  One of the other clerks ask me how much weight have I lost.  I replied 50 pounds.  She said that she thought I should be losing more weight by now.   June 17 I will be post op 4 months.  I thought so also.  Then she goes on to tell me that wls, doesn't work for everyone.  I feel like I have lost the honeymoon phase of weight loss.  I look at other people's ticker and I know that I am behind schedule.  This is the low part of the emotional roller coaster.  My aunt come in to town today and was there when this happened and also said she couldn't tell I have lost any weight.  I feel despair, again.  I wiish people didnt know I had surgery.

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This just in...

May 22, 2009

I am interupting your schedule.. to let you know that today I walked 3.5 miles and then I rode my bicycle in the park- on the bike path - for one and 1/4 miles.  My legs felt like jello.  I just took my bike to the shop to get the tires replaced.  I hope to add riding bikes to my new excercise list.  My son went with me and couldnt believe it.    I am trying to lose weight so bad.  I have been putting off riding because I weigh so much and I didnt want people to see.  I am glad I didnt let it stop me.  Write soon
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Buying Clothes

May 18, 2009

I went last Friday to get some new clothes for my son's award nite/diner at his school.  I have been dreading buying new clothes, I have oddly become attached to certain clothes for some reason.  I know I have lost some weight so I was hoping that I would need like two sizes down but I have only went down one size.  I was kind of bummed.  The good news is at diner I sat with an old friend I have not seen in years.  She  had lapband done two years ago and we started talking about WLS and I told her that I just recently had the VSG.  I am always worried about eating too much, I was surprised at how much more she could eat than me.  I think when I had the surgery that I would only be able to eat a teaspoon of a few things.  I was comparing it to bypass- who I have had several friends with that surgery.    I am also fighting head hunger really bad these days.  I have been stressed about finances and it is a hard battle to fight. 

back again

May 12, 2009

I had a great Mother's Day, I got a new camera.   My son can work it better than me already.   I am a little worried about my weight loss.  I feel it is way to slow.  I am very nervous about finances right now and I notice last night that stress causes me to eat.  I need to find a new way to pacify myself.   My sons tuition and braces are killing me this month.   He has his first dance this Friday night.  The doctor called me and I have a goiter on my thyroid .  I go next week for sonar. 

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Lay Offs

May 07, 2009

It is getting very scary around here.  U S steel has shut down for a year.  UNREAL... The unemployment rate around here is getting very high.  We are very slow here at my work.  I am wondering what is going to happen in the next few months. 
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About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 09, 2009
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