A case of the blues.....

Jun 01, 2017

So i am now 4 years out of surgery abd love my body now as much as i did right afterwards, ended up having a baby so my stomach skin is now lioser than it was bit definitely hokding up better than i expected, i had always assumed i would return one day and get my arms and inner thighs fixed to finish the deal but my boyfriend (who tells me to do what i want), also says i should be happy the way i am and has also verbalized his dislike with the first scars i have so i am torn and heartbroken at thw same time. I want to feel as beautiful as he says i am and just hate tgis feeling. I doubt men will ever understand how it feels to be a woman and live in a society where someone is constantly putting young women with perfect bodies up on a pedastal. I just want to feel normal,  i feel as if i am trapped inside a body that belongs to someone 20 years older than myself.......ny breast lift is still amazing but i do have encapsulation, a surgeon from here in the states said it coupd happen again and it doesn't bother me so i see no reasin for a revision. 

