I get my first fill tomorrow

Aug 17, 2008

I am excited that I get my first fill tomorrow. I havent really lost any weight since I started back on solids so I will be excited to start to loose again.  I hope its enough of a fill to make a difference.  I am walking 2 to 4 miles a day still!!

3 week post op visit

Jul 28, 2008

I had my three week post op visit today and I was given clearance to eat again!!!  Im so happy.  So far I had 4 broiled scallops and a half of a baked potateo for lunch.  Boiled chicken and noodles for dinner.
I plan to make a pot roast tomorrow.  I feel like a real person again now that I can eat.    My offical weight lost with the  WLS Dr. is 27 lbs post op.
Now the real work begins since I wont have a fill till Aug 18, I gotta make sure I follow the diet!!


2 weeks since surgery and down 25lbs

Jul 23, 2008

Its been 14 days since my surgery, I feel good. Still sore at times and get tired easy but over all I feel like a new person.  I am still on the all liquid diet although I have a cheated a bit.  I am down 25lbs from my last regular dr. appt to yesterday.  I normally wear a 26 but I was able to buy a 22 dress yesterday.  So things are going well. To God be the Glory.

10 Days Post Op

Jul 19, 2008

10 Days Post Op and I want to eat!!
Im taking it day by day.  I have 9 more days till my drs. appt.  I am prayerful that I will make it.  I am really cranky cause I feel hungry.  I am sure I am not drinking enough protein shake. I need to concentrate on drinking that every hour but its tedious to keep up with it.  I can wait till I can get some regular food...In fact I cry about it about once a day!

Post Op Day 6

Jul 15, 2008

Wow I feel pretty good.  A little sore when I bend down or get in and out of the car but in general I feel good.  I know I dont drink enough protein shake but I do try to keep hydrated by drinking something.  In fact, I want more water than I am suppose to have.  Its so hot out right now, when I excercise, I want to drink alot more than 2 ounces of water every 15 mins.  Food wise I am ok, it would be nice to eat but I try not to think about it.  I have 15 more days of liquid diet to focus on.  I bought a new scale today.  It showed me 20lbs lighter than my last preop doc. visit.  I dont know it thats true or if its just  different scale.  It will be 2 more weeks before I go back to the drs and check if the scales weigh the same.

Day 3 ost opp

Jul 13, 2008

ok time seems to be ticking slowly for me...I am posting again.

Accomplishments today:  I walked a mile outside, when shopping for liquids and food for my son with a little assistance.  Im not interested in drinking protein shake every hour..it gets worrisome to remember..but I am trying my best...still a  bit sore but getting more mobile day by day..also was able to do some good burping today..

2 days post op

Jul 11, 2008

I am 2 days post op. I am still quite sore but have myself wrapped in one of those surgery wraps which is making things a bit more comfortable for me. Its something about my tummy feeling free that hurts. Last night was a bit painful and i couldnt roll around and get comfortable like i would wanted to. I got up and slept in a chair which felt better. I think that I feel better when I dont take the pain medicine though. It seems to make my head feel cloudy and I just want to sleep. Known that I need to walk as much as possible, sleep is not where i wanted to be. I am so thankful to God that things have gone so welll and there have been no complications.

Eve of the day

Jul 09, 2008

Tomorrows the big day!  Im drinking my clear liquids and Magnesium Citrate (which didnt taste that bad).  I just got a call that my surgery will be at 7am which means going to the hospital at 5:45am.  Im excited and not too worried knowing that worry is a trick of the enemy.  Thank God for his comfort.

Im all set..

Jul 07, 2008

Wow today was  a busy day..  I had my PreOp  that included meeting with:

1.  The surgeon

2.  The dietitian

3.  The psychologist

4.  Some programming wanting to do clinical studies on your liver- I said no

5.  Hospital Insurance agent (the money for the actual procedure was due today. I didn’t realize that till they asked for it. thank goodness I had it)

6.  The anesthesiologist
7.  Urine Test

8.  Blood work

9.  EKG (again)

10.Chest X-Ray

  So far so good..next step is the surgery on Thursday!!

Met my surgeon today

Jul 02, 2008

Well I met my surgeon today. It was uneventful no real surprises.  The only thing that has me worried is the long term impact of the lapband device...the facts are there arent long term studies on what this device will do after being in my body for 30 years...I have my pre op on monday and surgery on thursday...

About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 26, 2008
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No hernia
3 month visit today
so I had my first fill
