1 month post op

May 16, 2012

 Tomorrow will be exactly one month since surgery. I am still on purees which at this point, is extremely BORING! Next week I meet with my dietitian to go to soft foods. I went to a restaurant for the first time on Mothers day, it was a strange experience lol. We went to Pub 99 and as soon as I walked through the door I could smell yumminess! I ended up ordering a baked potato as nothing else on the menu was under 5 grams of fat and 5 grams of sugar. That is definatly a tough place to go to, and try to find something to eat with in my guidelines. This past week end I've been online getting the nutrion facts from restaurants and entering the things I would eat along with the fat, sugar, and protein content (all under the 5 and 5) and entering them into excel. I find most restaurants don't have the nutrional facts to give you. Although some do have the calories listed. Hopefully this will make things easier. I also have downloaded a few apps on my phone to be able to look things up. I'm still having a hard time getting in all my water. I'm supposed to be drinking 4 bottles of water and I'm lucky if I can get in one! Protein is getting easier but I still am not getting in the 55 grams that I'm supposed to be getting in daily. And I am SO sick of the pills! Lol I don't mind the multi vitamin twice a day but the gall bladder one I have to open the capsule and mix in with something sucks! And the 2 calcium chews 3 times a day is a pain. I ordered the calcium chews from Bariactric Advantage because I could not find any calcium citrate in any store. I want a chewable tablet but have yet to find one. The acid reflux capsule isn't bad since when you open it, it's little beads so thats easy to mix and swallow. My anti anxiety pill I was able to get in liquid form and tastes like crap. At 6 weeks I can start to swallow anything the size of an M&M or smaller so that will eliminate a few. I have yet to have any bloodwork done and think I should. I am tired all the time and feel weak most days. I know it's because I am not getting in all my water and protein. I try to force it, but get that gag reflex and stop because I'm so afraid to throw up. I walk 30 min everyday unless it's raining and thats hard to push through on my weak days. At time after I walk and lay on the couch, I feel bruised. I got to get more water in!


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