Bad days...

Mar 30, 2010

well, 2 weeks flew by again, today is the 30th and I have not lost anything, and it is hard to stay focused.  For the last year and a half I have had many medical problems, they all started with my blocked bowel in Sep 2008. Now I have, ibs, sbs, depression, low hormones, low b12, extreme fatigue, cronic headachs and  I have had nothing but problems with eating since then.  Unfortunately I had doctors encouraging me to eat unhealthy (because healthy food made me sick), when I got out of the hospital and was down to like 125 lbs, my doc told me to eat chocolate and anything that would put weight on me.  Long story short, chocolated didn't settle with me, but neither did lettice, fruit or vegs and most other food.  The only things that I could eat and not get "sick" off of is mainly carbs,.. chips and the like... so I munch all day, because I'm hungry all day, and the only foods that work for me are bad foods for us (wls peoples).  so I have put on almost 30 lbs since then.  the first 15 is ok but not the last 15, and the scale keeps creeping up.  I tried  to eat heathier these last couple of weeks, but still so many foods that don't work for me, and then depression kicks in... and that's the end for me...bring on the food.  Desprate, I ordered a new "diet" pill that just came out that is suppose to curb the appitite (my biggest problem right now)....  I never thought I'd ever order one of those ever again!!!  :(
I will let you know what happens in the next couple of weeks,  right now at 155 (tonight, just ate dinner however, never a good time to weigh in)..... 

Get back on track!!

Mar 08, 2010

I have let my weight creep back up to 151!!  I am so disappointed in myself!  Starting today, I am going to get back on track.  My goal is 135 by End of April... 16 lbs, I can do it, look how far I've come.  I just need to get back to the basics.  If I don't do this now, what's going to happen?  soon 160..170..200...250??!!!  NO WAY!!! NEVER AGAIN!!
Ok, here is what i know has gone wrong...
1. Eating WAY to many carbs, empty carbs (chips, fries..ect)
2. Not eating enough protien
3. GRAZING!!!  (so bad!!)
4. Not enough excersize... (always soooo tired)
5. Eating when I'm full
6. Eating to fast, not enough time to digest and feel full
7. Drinking diet-pop while eating...bad!!

Ok, now that I have it in writing, it's not hard to figure out where I'm going wrong.  It has been so hard, with my health issues.  I have so many things I can't eat, that make me sick.. almost all vegs and fruits.  I am always so tired, hardly any energy... But these are not reasons to let all my hard work go to waste!!  I can do this!!   Starting today...
2. NO CANDY of any KIND
3. eat 3 small meals, with 3 healthy snacks each day
4. Drink more water
5. LIMIT...1 Diet pop a day!!
6. Protein first....Eat SLOW!
7. Move more...walking, and other excersize

I will weigh in March 16.....   (week 1, back to basics)



Out but not over

Oct 23, 2008

Well, I am out of the hospital after a 5 week stay.  I've been home for almost 4 weeks now.   After I got out of the hospital, 1 week later my wound started to get an oder and they put me in the hospital again for a night of observation.  Well, they let me out the next day, to do wet and dry pacs to my wound 3 times a day with antibiotics.  After that week went by I went back in to find that the antibiotics ate away the permagraph that they put in to cover my wound in surgery!!!  I thought for sure they were puting me back in but they didn't and said to keep doing the wet and dry packings.  They said that my wound was starting to "granulate", which is what they want it to do.   I seen my doc again this week and he now wants me to see the plastic surgeon for doing the skin grapht.  This I am not looking forward to.  I have heard that the skin graph hurt like hell!!  I am going to ask if they can do a thigh lift instead and use the skin they take off for the grapht instead, then I won't have an open wound were they take the skin from.  I guess we'll see.  I have my appt nest Tuesday.
I am back to work, My doc said I didn't have to go back for anther 2-3 months, but I couldn't take it any more and asked to go back.  I just have to take it easy and no lifting anything over 10 pounds.
My appitite is back and I'm doing good in that regard.  I am finding I am a lot more picky than I ever have been, some foods just don't appeal to me anymore, which can be frustrating when I'm looking for something to eat.  But I am down to 129 lbs, under my goal by 1 pound!!!  Yeah!!!  I just wish I could excersise to put it all in place.  oh well, soon hopefully, everything will be back to normal.  Sort of anyway.  I have come so far and now I will never be able to look at my stomach the same, it won't have a belly button and it will have a big "patch" of skin in the middle...YUK. and now possibly a big uneven leg were they take the skin from!!  If I think about it too much I get depressed.  But only time will tell I guess.
I will let you know how it all plays out!
Take care and God Bless!!

Tummy troubles-started 3 weeks po tt

Sep 20, 2008

I have had a BAD few weeks!!! On Sunday aug 24, I had real bad,sharp pain in my lower right abdimin.  I have always associatied that pain with gas pain. and It usually passes in a couple of hours (painful hours).  This was not the case this time, I took some gas x and some anit-cramp med and things got worse and I ended up in er with excurtiating pain.  They admitted me that night and I am still here today.  They admitted me after doing tests and finding I had an obstructed bowl.  Monday they wanted to try a low key approach and see if it would "un-do" itself by not feeding me or giving me any liquid.  This did not work and Tues. they tried  a fleet, which also didn;t work and the pain was getting worse.  The docs did not feel that it had anything to do with my tt but more possibly because of my hysterectomy from 10 years ealier. (more room for things to get twisted in there)  Tuesday got so bad that they did an emergency surgery to see what the obstuction was.  It was a twised intestine that was now dead.  they removed 6-8 in of my lower intestine that was "black" (dead).
After that thing continued to go down hill. My doc went on vac for the labor day weekend and left me in the care of idiots.  things were going good until sat when my temp doc thought I was doing good so took me off antibiotics, I did not know this until later.  So when my doc got back I was infected again and had to go back in for a second emergency surgery!  My doc said it was because I was so tight. but I believe it has something to do with them taking me off antibiotics.  But anyway, this time they left me "open" so I could heal properly.  I spent the first 5 days in ICU and then moved to a room.
On to of all this I had to have a blood transfusion, I couldn't have anymore IV's in (the last one they put in, they triied 9 times before getting one!!) so they put in a PICC line, which got a blood clot so they put in a new line in my other arm and I now have a clot to look out for.
Swell hell??   I had so much retained flouid for the 1st surgery and then had a second surgery on top of the I acually gained....65 POUNDS!!!! and then some!  My legs and arms were bigger than they were before wls.
I missed my daughters 1st day of school, I've NEVER missed one of those!! and now I'm going to miss my youngest daughters 1st homecoming!!!!!
I just want to go home!!!
They put a VAC theropy pump on me to close the incision,  it's sore and they need to change it every 3-4 day, which is painful!!  and I will have to go home with that vac because it will take a least a month to close the insicion!!  I have been in the hospital for one month and I might finally get to go home next week!! Pray for me! I really want to get out of here and move forward.
I will let you know how things end up. 
Docs want me to eat more calorie foods, this is hard for me because I don't feel like eating, and they still have me on the iv feedings so I don't know if that is why I'm not hungery.  I hope so because they won't let out of here until I eat more!! 

2 Week Post-op tt

Aug 16, 2008

Hi all! I wanted to give an update of how things are coming along.  Well, things pretty much stayed the same from day 4 to day 8.  Mainly sitting in recliner with legs and head elevated.  My drains started to slow down around day 8 also but then they started to hurt were they went in to my body, burning basically...OUCH!  Was still moving around hunched over but getting a little straighter every day.  Day 9 I was up moving around quite a bit more but I felt it that night, sore and tired!!  Day 10 I had my 1st doc appointment, they took out my drains (they were draining less than 20cc each in a 24hour period).  It went fast and didn't hurt too much. (however I did take my painkillers 1 hour before my appt. so it would go easier)  They also took  out all my staples.. Now that hurt a little more, because there were so many and some were stubburn!!  But everything felt soooo much better when they were done.  Nothing was open or draining and the doc said everything looked great!  I was told that I needed to make sure I was walking straight up now, try not to hunch over but still take it slow.  Also to keep wearing my binder all the time and that I could buy a different one if I wanted, called a "waist nipper".  and I could start wearing them at 2 weeks out.  I felt real good after my appointment and so I took a trip to pick up my daughter in SD, 5 hours each way, someone else drove but holy cow did that completely drain me.  I slept almost all of the next day, I would wake up for about an hour and then be so tired Id sleep for another 4 hours and do it all over agian!
My swelling hit that day also!! I thought I was deformed!  and the swelling has been going strong everyday since then!  I feel like a stuffed chicken all the time but if I take off my binder I feel even worse, like Im going to pop!  It looks terrible too, I keep worring that it won't go down and this is the size Im going to be....not good!  Im sure its going to get better, I will let you know!! 
I am off my pain killers completely (since day 11) but I still tire easily.  I still feel "tight" and it pulls when I stand straight, I catch myself slouching and have to stop and pull myself up, slowly.
Showers are much easier now that my drains are out and it only took one day for my drain "holes" to close up. 
Also my nurse said I can sleep on my side now, at about day 11 I tried, it was ok but still a little unconfortable, by day  13 I was having no problem sleeping on either side!! YEAH!!!
Day 11 the "itching" started also.  I just rub a little on my binder to make it feel better, I don't dare itch it.
I will attempt to go back to work on Monday also.  I will let you know how that goes!!
Thanks!!  See you later!

4 days post op TT

Aug 03, 2008

Just wanted to give everyone an update on my TT and muscle tightening.
The surgery went great, no complications.  Day one: I slept most of that day, doc had me on Hydrocodone every 3 hours.  I went to a hotel after I woke up in recovery and was proped up with 4 pillows behind me and two under my legs and drank lots of fluid, I had a catheter in so I didn't have to get up to go the the bathroom, so I slept until I was woken up to take my pill, then I went back to sleep.
Day 2, I seen my doc before I went home, he said everything looked good..they were able to save my belly button to.  I have 2 drains and a tummy brace on.  My drains can come out in a week as long as they are draining less than 25cc in a 24 hour period.  Lots of pain.  Need to stay on back with my legs and head elevated at all times.  I walk hunched over, way way over.  This should get better everyday.
Day 3, same as day two, sleep a lot and have a burning feeling at the incision site...ouch!!!  not to bad when I lay down but is a killer when I'm up walking around!  Eating is back to normal.  I can shower when I'm up to it.  Have to keep tummy brace on 24 hours a day. 
Day 4, little more awake today, but tire easily.  Still a lot of pain and burning.  Walking a little straigher today, but stll hunched over quite a bit.
I am also taking a stool softener about 3 times a day since surgery, it really helped. 
So far so good.  Lots of pain but I guess that should be expected:)
I'll post again in a couple of days

2 Years!!

Jul 27, 2008

Well, today is my  36th birthday and  tommorrow is my 2nd  re-birthday!!  I  can't believe 2  years have gone  by  already! 
I have  had a  few  months of  struggling  with  some  of  me  eating  habits.  I went to Las Vegus in March and had a little "spell", I  acually fainted at  the airport, twice!  We  still  are not  100%  sure  what  caused  it, I  was  a  little  dehydrated, so  that   is what  the  docs  say  it  was  from.  Anyway,  I  was  at  my  lowest  after   that (of course I was  sick  and didn't  eat   much) 132 lbs.  Before  Vegus I was still  holding at 135 lbs.  But after I felt  better, I ate  ate  and  ate  some more,  BAD!    My  appitite  was  scary!!   I  was hungry  all  the  time!  and  the  scale  just  kept creeping  up,  little  by  little.  This  last  month  I have  been  triing  to  get  it  back  under  control, it's  coming  off... slowly.  I  was  back  up  to  145-146  and  am  back  down  to  141.   Still  not  good  but  I  haven't  given up, I  know  I  can  do it!  I  also  was  approved  back  in  April  for  a  tt thru  my  insurance.  I  have  90  days  in  which  to  get  it  done.   I   am  scheduled  for  surgery on  July  30,  2008.  I   really  am  looking  forward for  the  long term  results, cause  Lord  knows  I look  at  myself  and  still  see  "fat"  girl  when  I see  all  the  hanging  skin,  BUT  I  am  terrified  of  the  acual  proceedure.  I  have  so  many fears  and  uncertainties.   My  biggest  fear  is PAIN  and  the  unknown.  and  my  Greatest uncertaintly  right  now  is,  am  I  doing  the  right thing?   Is  it  just  a  vanity  thing?   Is  it  a  bad thing  to  want  to  look  good  for  myself?  I  just don't  "see"  myself  as  having  success  with  my weight  loss  looking  the  way  I  do.   I  feel  so guilty  having  plastic   surgery when  I   have  so many  obligations. (sole  provider  for  my daughters   and a  fairly  new  career).  And because  of  all  that  I  haven't  told  anyone  close  to  me  except  one  person  and  they really  didn't  think  it  is  "necessary"  but  I  had  to  have  someone  for  support  and  to  drive  me after surgery.  This  is  the  only  place I have to share  my  true feelings  and  concerns.  OH and  all  it's   members  have  been  a  God send!!   I  don't  know  if  I  could  go  through  with  this  if  I  didn't  have  OH!!
I   don'  know  anything  about  my  surgeon, I  met him   only  once, for  the  initail  consult  and  he went  over  a  quick  discription  of  the   surgery.  A TT  with  muscle  tightening.  He  said  he would  tell  me  everything  the day  of  surgery  if I  was  approved.  He  seems  knowlegable  and he  has  his  own  practice  and  a  web  site.  I  just  should  of  asked  more  questions  about past patients  and  their  results  and  that  kind  of stuff,  but  of  course  I  didn't  think  of  that  at  the  time.  His  name  is  Dr, Abdullah  and  the web  site  is:
that's  how  I  found  him.  I  was  a  little disappointed  because  he  said  he   wouldn't  do a  BA   and  TT  at   the same  time  because each  procedure  is  a  major  one  and  it  is  safer  for  me  not  to.  Those  are  the  two  I  want  done  the  most  and I just  was hoping  to have  it  all  done  at  once  and  not   have to have  2  recovery  periods  and  2  separate  times to  miss  work.
Oh  well!  I  am  still   thankful it was  approved, my  insurance  will  cover  $5,500  for  the  TT and  I  have  to  come  up  with the $2,700  for  the  muscle  tightening.
I  will  let  you  all  know  how  things  go  and  if  I get  brave  enough  I'll  even  maybe   post before and  afters.  I  know  everyone  elses  before  and afters  have  helped  me, to  know  what  to  kinda expect  and  gives  me  a  little  peace  of  mind!
Anyway,  I'll  give  an  update   after my  surgery!  Please  pray   for me  and   my surgeon!  Thank  You!!

1 1/2 Year!!

Feb 06, 2008

I can't believe so much time passes... I try to find time to get on here and it just never happens or I do, but I'm to tired to type:)  Well, It's been over a year and a half since I started this journey and it feels like yesterday,  time really has flowen by and SO many amazing changes!!  
I have been maintaining at around 133 to 135lbs, food is back to normal (meaning it is more challenging because I can eat just about anything), so I have to stay focused and remember "who" I am and not who I was!!  I am in control of my eating habits and I remind myself that everyday.  My tool is still working for me but I have to work just as hard to make the "right" choices.  My down fall is, as always, vitamins and exercise.  I don't take my vitamins everyday and I FEEL it, I get so drained and tired I can hardly move.  I try to take them and then I get in a hurry so I don't take them all 4 times a day....  I am working on that though.  I do exercise but I know I should do more and more offten, something else for me to improve on...
I am however in a size 6-8 Pants and can wear a "small" shirt!! Something that is WAY beyond my goal!!! I still rave about this surgery because it IS the best thing I have every given myself!!!   I just had a good friend of mine have the band put in a couple of weeks ago and I am so excited for her!!!  and now I found out that one of my nieces is going in next week for the band also,  Again VERY excited for both of them because I know how they are going to feel in a year and half!!! FABULOUS, WONDERFUL, EXCITED, BEAUTIFUL, SENSUAL, FLERTATOUS, SEXSY, ENERGETIC, HAPPY, CONFORTABLE, SATISFIED, TERRIFIC and on and on and on!!!!!!!  I wish all of you starting on this journey huge success and happiness!!!
Till next time!! God Bless you all!!!

15 Months

Oct 29, 2007

Hey everyone, 
Just wanted to make a quick update.  I am still holding my own, down to 135 which is awsome to me!  I'm not sure how I lost 2 pounds but it happend, I feel great!  There are some days that I know feel like I'm slipping, expectially with all the halloween treats every where!  I found that I can have chocolate and that scares me!!!!  but the funny thing is I don't crave chocolate, it's just that it's there so I eat some....BAD BAD BAD habit!!!  I need to get rid of all candy from my house and work office, then the tempation will be gone anyway.  Busy couple of months for me, work is steady and always keeps me going, but it's my two teenage daughters that keep me the busiest lately!  They both just had their birthdays this month (20th and 27th) and one turned 16 and the other 14....... need I say more:)  
Back to my wls, I did call and check on a tummy tuck and breast augmentation, but that doesn't look like it's in my near future, a tt is around $10,000 and the augmentationis about $7,500. OUCH!!!  I don't have almost $20,000 laying around so I will have to wait and look into it later, maybe financing or something.  I just know that I look down and know that I have to do something about all the loose skin sometime, for myself.  But for know I am just happy to have my weight under control and my health problems have diminished!  
Till next time!!!

1 year one month

Sep 05, 2007

Okay, I'm a little late for this month.  VERY busy time for me at work and getting the kids ready for school.  
Not much going on in the weight loss department, I still am down 104 lbls.
I did get my blood work back for my one year post op and everything was in the "normal" range which was great!
I would like to still loose another 10 pounds, but my scale just won't move, but I'm not helping it much either, been eating (snacking more like it) way to many of the wrong kind of foods, like peanuts, chips, and crackers.  and not as many protiens like I should be.  That's my goal this week, to get back on track.  Scares me a lot to know how easy it is to slip back into BAD habits!  I just need to get focused again...I just keep reminding myself that wls is a tool and I still need to work and be careful what I eat, or else I will be right back were I started and I DONT EVER want to be there again!
I am having troubles with my mind not catching up with my wieghtloss, I still look down at myself and see "fat" girl all over me.  I know how much I've lost but I don't SEEEEE how much I've lost and that is depressing some days.
Anyway, I will update again at the end of Sep. and let you know how things are going!  Have a GREAT month everyone.

About Me
Crookston, MN
Surgery Date
Jan 31, 2006
Member Since

Friends 5

Latest Blog 17
Out but not over
Tummy troubles-started 3 weeks po tt
2 Week Post-op tt
4 days post op TT
2 Years!!
1 1/2 Year!!
15 Months
1 year one month
