My story goes back some 40 plus years.  I remember being in the 3rd grade and  Greg had to use the verb "very".  So, standing in front of the class, pointing at me he said, "Lynnell is very fat".  That wasn't the first memory, just the one I remember most.  It's been a battle ever since.  

 I'm now 49 and have accomplished every other goal I set sights on except one.  I quit smoking almost four years, began working out and quit alcohol and fast food six years ago (I took off 80 lbs then regained 40 with the smoking cessation thing), but I'd never been successful at stopping myself from eating more than I burned.  I found myself working out six days a week and keeping a steady 220 to 230....yeah I'm a real strong fat girl - not good.   

THEN a little over a year ago I began experiencing back pain, foot pain, etc and found I needed back surgery (disc replacement).  THIS was gonna set me back even further because working out like I used to was out of the question for at least a year....and I couldn't possibly eat less than I was unless I took diet pills (which I know from experience don't work) or had my mouth swen shut.  

Well I have two close friends that have had more drastic WLS but both said they'd do it again in a heartbeat.  How could I go wrong with this Adjustable Gastric Band and NO cutting, stapling etc.  Oh there was no one to stop me because when I showed my back surgeon the web site, he recognized the procedure and surgeons saying they were tops in the field in Europe. 


I had the operation done near Verona, Italy (Garda Lake) on 15 Dec 06.  The doctor set up everything and had a driver pick us up from the airport and drive us to our hotel (just 300 meters from the hospital).  We walked into the little town and found it to be most romantic and a wonderful place to visit.  However, since both of us were recouperating from back surgery, my husband and me wore out pretty soon. 


The next day we walked to the hospital and found our way OK.  The doctors set me up with another English speaking patient and we chatted and became friends immediately.  We were quite an attraction in that Itialian hospital and everyone kept coming in trying to talk to the Americians...little did I know it was because they were gonna do the surgery on us THAT NIGHT and the others were the next night.  Wooooooosh, off we go, my roommate first then me......

Considering I'd just been through two back surgeries, this lap band thing was a piece of cake. Six tiny incessions closed with bandaids. The anasteasia (SP) made me pretty sick and I missed the part about your period making the band feel tighter (guess what I started WHILE in surgery) my first night was NOT the best BUT truly, pain wise, no big deal. I was up walking immediately and was discharged the morning of the 17th.

That brings me to here. I'm post op 8 days.  Now is there anyone out there in Germany that has similar experience or any advice for me during the early days????  I'm so thrilled for my future....Our futures!!!!  THANK GOD, for those doctors and YOU.



Lynnell in Heidelberg 


About Me
Dec 22, 2006
Member Since

Friends 4

Latest Blog 4
OMG My Insurance Paid OFF
10 weeks post op and FYI on that pizza
Two months Post Op
My Christmas Gift to ME.
