OMG My Insurance Paid OFF

Mar 01, 2007

1 Mar 07, I was looking for the spot to update the insurance part. I'VE GOT GREAT NEWS.  My Foreign Services Health Benifits Plan (part of Mutual of Omaha and government employees health) sent me a check for $9,700.00 against an $11,000.00 claim. NOT BAD!!  Only problem was having to come up with the $$ and HOPE for reimbursement.  Since we're overseas there is no presertification process.

I hope this news bring happiness to someone. I know I for one will shout from the roof my gratitude for this operation and the people that care enough about you and me to do.

May GOD Bless you all with wellbeing.................

10 weeks post op and FYI on that pizza

Feb 25, 2007

Eveyone dealing with lap band surgery, let me tell you a little story. First the good news, I've lost 29.5 lbs since 15 Dec 06.  At first it was happening pretty fast then the weight loss slowed a bit.  Now, not that this is BAD news, but a precaution for those that might not know.....last Friday a friend took me to lunch. I had a bit of French Onion Soup (YUMO) and ate maybe one and 1/4 pieces of pizza.  WELL,,,,,,I've felt STUFFED all weekend. STUFFED, I tell you!!  I'm thinking now that the pizza dough and cheese maybe got stuck.  I immediately reverted to liquids only and as of Monday morning I'm feeling spunky again.  SO, this is simply an FYI post.

I thank GOD every single day for bringing this surgery to me.  I never could have had this success on my own. We all need a boost sometimes and whomever invented the lap band and perfected it - May GOD bless and keep them well.

Happy Monday from Heidelberg, Germany.

Two months Post Op

Feb 15, 2007

OMG, I feel wonderful.  Today I am 8 weeks and one day post op.  I have lost 23.5 lbs and am walking everyday and now swimming.  I absoluely LOVE this band. I am never sick, I can eat anything I want (just chewing longer) and feel NO weakness. 

Everyone, if you're considering WLS, I highly recommend the lap band. Sure hope they offer this in the states soon.  

I even lost weight in my FEET!! Thrilled ya all, that's what I am.

Hats off to Dr. Favretti and the crew in Italy!!!!

My Christmas Gift to ME.

Dec 25, 2006

Dec 25, 2006

I am 10 days post op and am feeling pretty wonderful.  After reading all the posts, I see what I can expect.  Thank you all for being there. My GOD its nice to not feel isolated and all alone.  

My painful side affect of gas has subsided and I only have mild feelings after eating some things.  BUT for Christmas dinner I was able to eat pureed brocolli and Cajun shrimp.  So far so good. AND I began my workout routine today.  I was big on working out before but back surgery caused me over a year of no movement. I am so excited. Finally, this new year, my 50th, I will finally make goal of Perfect health.  

I am so encouraged with this surgery.  I just have to be true to me.

Here's to us all working on the one who counts most.

About Me
Dec 22, 2006
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OMG My Insurance Paid OFF
10 weeks post op and FYI on that pizza
Two months Post Op
My Christmas Gift to ME.
