5 month update

May 09, 2010

Well today is my five month surgiversary.  I've lost 99 pounds... darn that last pound!     My husband and I went on our first real vacation since we've been together (ten years) to Vegas.  We had a great time.  I was surprised by my eating.  I tried a lot of new things but never had a problem with any of it.  I even had a glass of wine each evening we were there and had no problems.  Partly scary (to not keep me from it) but partly good (that I can do "normal things").  Anyhow, I came back from my trip and had lost weight.   That sure surprised the heck out of me.  I had this mindset that I'd not lose any weight but that's my old mind.  I know I was pretty good, didn't overeat and stuck to protein first.  

I've been battling moodiness.  I realized that I'm not absorbing my anti-depressant as I did before surgery.  So I'm working with my doctor to slowly increasing that.  I hope to feel normal soon.  I've been so upset that I've cried over weird things.  I'm just on a short fuse right now.  It's weird because I sure thought that "if I could only lose 100 pounds everything would be great!"  I don't mean that I thought it would fix every aspect of my life but I sure thought it would be different.   Don't get me wrong, I'm very thankful for my surgery and my weight loss, but not only are my same issues still here but now I can't use food to stuff them down.  So, this is not what I expected.  

So, let me focus on the good things that my weight loss has brought to me:

1) I can shop at normal stores now; no more plus size stores!   I bought a large pair of pants yesterday... LARGE!   What?   crazy!  Also, normal stores have cheaper clothes!  :)
2) I can walk and go up stairs without becoming winded or having knee pain.   That's right, my husband and I walked the length of the Vegas strip and I didn't have any problems... in fact my husband was the one complaining about the walk!  
3) I can fit in chairs, seats, planes now!  I'm not spilling into the seat next to me, I'm not leaving impressions of the arms rests on my legs!
4) I had to get my ring re-sized to a 6.5 from an 8.  I don't have that darned water retention going on when I put my ring on anymore.
5) I'm off my high blood pressure medication.  Now I have low blood pressure!   I hated that darned medication.  There was always some sort of side effect that caused me problems.  So happy to be off of that!
6) No more GERD!   No more heartburn!  Yeah!
7) I don't need to buy wide shoes anymore!   Regular feet means easier to find shoes that fit and are stylish!

Ok, so one last thing I wanted to mention.   I bought a diet journal this weekend.  I'm going to start writing down what I eat and how much everyday, water intake, and exercise.  I have been doing it a little bit on the computer in a spreadsheet but now I'm going to have a notebook to do it all the time no matter where I am.  


About Me
Surgery Date
Apr 14, 2005
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