Long time, no post--all my WOW's and progress so far

Mar 24, 2008

I had my surgery on December 18th and so far have lost around 84 pounds!  I realized a few days ago, that I am really not documenting all the changes that I am experiencing.  I am afraid if I don't document it, then I will forget and then I might begin to take all this for granted.  

1. Getting into and out of my car is MUCH easier-I actually have a couple inches between me and the steering wheel!

2. I can actually zip up my coat!!!!  With extra room!!!!  I bought this coat around four years ago and could never zip up the coat!  I love being able to zip it up--so warm and cozy!  AND I love having POCKETS on my coat!!

3. My joints don't hurt all day, every day--actually they hardly hurt ever!!!

4. I can buckle the front seatbelt in my best friend's minivan!  WOOHOO!!!

5. I can fit into clothes that before my surgery I couldn't!

6. I can walk faster and longer than I used to!

I have a surgery date!

Oct 31, 2007

Woohoo!!  I will be having my RNY on December 18th!!  I am so excited!!


Oct 24, 2007

Yesterday I found out that I have been approved for surgery!!!  I am so excited, but also the reality has not sunk in yet.  It seems like I have been working SO hard to get approved for the surgery and it is hard to believe that it actually happened! 

I also seem to be having a little bit of sadness--weird, eh?  I am sad that food will no longer be there to support me and I am sad that I have missed so many years of life because of my weight.  

Starting Over

Sep 27, 2007

Well, it looks like I am going to have to start over with my six months of physician supervised weight loss.  I have learned that the insurance company wants monthly weights (which my doctor has not been doing) and will most likely deny me without them.   It just seems so stupid--I am fat, that is obvious.  I have tried and tried to lose weight.  Six more months will not change that.  I am disappointed and frustrated, but I will do what I have to do to get the surgery.

Let the Nervous Energy Begin

Aug 30, 2007

As way to help alleviate some of the nervous energy that I have as I wait for insurance approval, I have begun writing lists--lots of lists.  I actually have about five lists going right now that are related to the surgery--a list of items to pack for the hospital, a list of things to buy before the surgery, a list of things that need done around the house before the surgery, my short-term goals leading up to the surgery and my post-op goals.  WHEW!!  But this is one way that I am able to channel some of my evergy into something good.  I will plan, plan, plan and hopefully that will ease the transition from hospital to home.

Recommendations for after surgery

Aug 30, 2007

I am seeing a ton of recommendations on OH for products and tips for after the surgery--I know I will never remember them all so I am going to write them down here;

--Any Whey Protein has little taste and little odor--mix one scoop with one pack sf carnation instant breakfast and 8-12 ounces milk = 35 gms protein.


Aug 27, 2007

I miss stretching.  I used to love stretching and contorting my body every which way, feeling my muscles stretch right to the point of a slight ache.  The lovely loose and dangly feeling felt after a good stretch.  My body size just does not allow me to stretch anymore.  Ahhhh--one more thing that surgery will give back to me!!

Being positive

Aug 14, 2007

My life today is so incredibly different than it has been ever before.  I had a depressed childhood, crazy teenage years and chaos filled early twenties.  Now I really feel like I am settling into myself and knowing who I am.  I wake up most mornings feeling content and peaceful.  My stress level is low and I truly feel better about myself than I ever have.  

Yesterday a coworker was in a horrible mood--she was being very bitchy to me and everyone else.  She is going through a divorce right now so I know life is difficult for her but she seemed to be feeding her anger by continually perpetuating the anger within herself!  What is the point of that??  

But then I realized that I used to do that as well--I would be depressed and do everything in my power to remain in that place--sleep alot, not eat, not talk to anyone, isolate myself, etc.  And I realized that I no longer do that.  I don't dwell on dark moods and as a result I have them less and less.  I know that I have a lot to learn about myself still and I know that I am not 100% happy--but I also know that I am working on myself and I am making changes.  I know that my life will continue to get better and better and I am excited about it!

Patience is a virtue...that I DO NOT have!

Aug 13, 2007

Well, Friday the psychologist called and said the "team" decided that all I need to do (in regards to psychologically preparing for surgery) is to find a therapist and meet with him/her at least once before the surgery and continue going to support group meetings.  This is GREAT!!  I was already planning on continuing to go to the support group meetings and I know what therapist I am going to see so no worries about that!!  

Now I am REALLY getting impatient for all the paperwork and stuff to be sent to the insurance so I can see where I stand with them.  Just wishing that I could know that I am approved and have a surgery date scheduled.  That would be fantastic!  I have to keep reminding myself that everything will fall into place and that it will happen when it is supposed to happen (that is the closest to the Letting Go and Letting God that I ever get!).  It is just SO hard to be patient. 

I know everyone on here feels the same sense of frustration and impatience at the seemingly never ending process of insurance approval--it is good to know that I am not alone in that respect!

Case being taken to team today

Aug 09, 2007

My case is being taken to the "team" today to decide what I need to do to have WLS.  My psychological evaluation did not go as well as I would have liked and the psychologist stated that he did not think he could make the decision himself therefore the team would be involved in making the decision.  I am so tired of my past psych hostory being such an issue.  It was six years ago and my life is so different today from what it was like then.  Plus the psych eval barely even touched on my life today and focused entirely on my life then.  

According to the St. Vincent's website, the reason for the psychological evaluation is:

All patients who are planning to have weight loss surgery are screened by a licensed psychologist to ensure their best interest is considered. Leading health experts recommend this type of screening for patients undergoing bariatric surgery.

Bariatric surgery can be very stressful as you make lifestyle adjustments and deal with changes to your body. The psychologist will discuss your coping skills, typical reactions to a stressful situation and your preferred learning styles. This information will be helpful to the bariatric team as we strive to provide you with the best care.

The role of the psychologist is to screen patients for possible issues that may interfere with your success. Examples are: screening for severe depression, psychosis, suicidality, and chemical dependency or abuse. Patients are also assessed to ensure they have realistic expectations of what the lifestyle changes will be and to discuss their expected outcomes.

The psychologist will assess the patients' ability to assist the team in their care and their willingness to cooperate with the team. Most patients feel depressed prior to surgery simply due to carrying excess weight and due to the treatment they experience by society. This depression is not the same as severe clinical depression, and is expected to disappear after weight loss has been achieved.

The psychologist will also discuss issues of adjustment after weight loss. Our staff can provide referrals for patients requesting additional help. Support groups are not intended to provide psychological therapy for patients, but specialized help is available if the patient wishes.

Now--this is NOT AT ALL what my eval was like.  My current life and my expectations for the surgery were literally only touched on for three questions at the end of a 75 minute eval!  Nothing was said about my preferred learning styles, my coping skills or my reaction to a stress ful situation.  The psychologist spent several minutes before the interview even began telling me that people with abuse histories (which I have, but he didn't know at the time) have a hard time with the interview and basically telling me to let him know right then and there if I had been abused so that he would be prepared.  It was a really strange and uncomfortable introduction to the interview.  I guess I am just irritated and somewhat angry about the psychological evaluation because it was not handled well and the psychologist was horrible.  I see why he is completing evaluations instead of actually counseling--he would be HORRIBLE at counseling!  

Okay--had to get that off my chest.  Hopefully I will hear about the decision of the team soon.

About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 26, 2007
Member Since

Friends 27

Latest Blog 12
Long time, no post--all my WOW's and progress so far
I have a surgery date!
Starting Over
Let the Nervous Energy Begin
Recommendations for after surgery
Being positive
Patience is a virtue...that I DO NOT have!
Case being taken to team today
