Debbie B. 20 years, 11 months ago

Marcia - I am sooooooo proud of you!!!!! You are going to be in the onezies before you know it!!

Dana M. 20 years, 11 months ago

Marcia. Oh my gosh, you look so wonderful. I am so proud of you. I do not know if you remember who I am. I started out at 365 pounds on 3/31/03 and am now 246. Isn't life just wonderful now. Keep up the great work. I would also like to thank everyone who has e-mailed me with kind thoughts and prayers for my dad and my family. He is having surgery tomorrow. The neurosurgeon says that he will have to have chemotherapy and radiation after he recovers from surgery. This surgery might take away his ability to speak, I pray God that this is not true, but if it is at least my Dad will still be alive. I love him so much and I just am selfish enough that I do not want to lose him yet. Oh a good note, I have had an epipheny today! I realized. I am worthy, I am a good person, I can low feel free to start liking who I am and then maybe love myself too. I need to not let what anyone else thinks of me effect me. I am an excellent product of God and I am getting stronger. All your prayers for my dad and my family must be working on me. Thanks so much for your support. I would like to give hugs to everyone. Dana P.S. My dad's surgery will be tomorrow at 1:00 P.M. Arizona time.

real S. 20 years, 11 months ago

Happy Birthday Marcia!! Many Happy returns........ Lynn

lorien 20 years, 11 months ago

Talk about heating pads . . . I have 2 outside cats that I take care of. They never wanted to come in . . . so I've got 2 cat houses, and for the winter I bought 2 gel filled disks in a pet supply catalog. You put them in the microwave and then in the cat house. Well, they make wonderful portable heating pads. If I want to tuck one behind my back while I'm watching tv, I just pop it in the micro for 2-3 minutes, and then tuck it behind me . . . no worrying about an electrical outlet!

Karen N. 20 years, 11 months ago

Happy Birthday, dear Marcia, happy birthday to youuuoooooo. I'm glad to see you feeling better today. (and I'm writing this from my office with a space heater tucked near me feet!) We're gonna make it!

Dr.Marcy 20 years, 11 months ago

Marcia, You've had excellent success!! I am so inspired by you. Keep up the great work. Weight loss may slow down but it's still coming off...right?? Love ya, Marcy

lorien 20 years, 11 months ago

Marcia, Marcia, Marcia . . . Young lady . . . have you any idea how many times your posts have had me in stitches? You're human! Give yourself a break. You're doing fabulously, but no one can be perfect all the time. My feeling is that if you're craving some carbs, have some, cause if you're anything like me, denial will eventually put you in a full blown binge. Gal, you're gorgeous, keep up the good work. Luv ya!

Debbie B. 20 years, 11 months ago

MARCIA!!!! Do you realize what an inspiration you are to me and others on this board!?!?!?!?! You have lost almost 150 pounds in less than 7 months!!!! Your success is phenomenal and your talent is unlimited!! Just chalk today up as a bad Monday and pat yourself on the back for doing a great job!

JoAnn 20 years, 11 months ago

marcia marcia marcia..first of all i hope everthing goes well for hubby get him on his feet first..i am frezzing my butt off drinking more decafenated coffee and tea at night because i cant get warm..wearing heavy cotton socks and heavy sweatshirts..but bellla its a great price to pay for losing weight..damm marcie im looking forward to moving to florida in 7 years when hubby retires the heck with winters any more ..cant stand them..take care bella hugs joann

Dr.Marcy 21 years ago

Marcia, I am so sorry for you. Sending all my love and prayers!!! oxoxo Marcy
About Me
Wesley Chapel, FL
Surgery Date
Oct 16, 2001
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me at 377
2 years 5 months
