Donna Ingerson 21 years, 10 months ago

Max, Keep up the good work. I am going to need the support your getting. (I hope) So keep trucking. I am hoping you can do your own updates soon. Darlene is doing a great job of keeping us all informed of how you are doing. Good Bless and Take Care.

maxsprague 21 years, 10 months ago

I was truely blessed to have 3 angels to support me during my husband surgery and post-op. When I was falling a part while he was in ICU and really had no one to talk to Gail Mahoney,Denise Robinson and Melissa Moriarty gave me hope and brightened my day and lifted my spirits. Darlene

dlr121702 21 years, 10 months ago

Max & Darlene: Just read the new posts and am soooo glad things are going good for the both of you! Wow, are you loosing weight fast, or what?! That is amazing Max! I am so happy for you. Sounds like things are almost under control and I could'nt be happier! Now Im gonna need your support for my surgery which isnt until Dec17th Ughhhhhh...I am not a paitent person, but it will be worth the wait! Love to the both of you and keep up the awesome work. Solid foods are right around the corner...{I see you peeking} {{{{HUGS}}}}

maxsprague 21 years, 10 months ago

4 weeks post-op Max is on the soft diet and has lost 36 lbs!!! His 4x shirt is pretty big. The day of surgery he was wearing a 6x. Darlene

Neil S. 21 years, 10 months ago

YEAH!!!!!!!!! You are home!! I am very happy for you! I hope the rest of your recovery is peaceful! God bless you! Neil

Roberta W. 21 years, 10 months ago

Max and Darlene, Thank you for your prayers and concern for me. I hope Max is doing better now. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers also. Good luck and God bless you both!!! Roberta

maxsprague 21 years, 11 months ago

Max is home!!!!! He is still very weak and sore and on a lot of blood thinners. He has a lot of fluids on his legs and hips. Walking takes a lot out of him. He is very happy to be home with the kids. We want to thank all of you .. who have e-mailed us and kept us in your prayers. God Bless you all................ Darlene Sprague

dlr121702 21 years, 11 months ago

Hi Max & Darlene....Just popping in to see how the big guy is doing...? Havn't seen apost in a couple days and was wondering how things were going. Much love and Hugs to both of you. Let us know how things are soon, okay? God Bless and keep you both in his loving care

Tami D. 21 years, 11 months ago

Max, Hold on to your faith. Things will improve day by day and before you know it you will be well and back home! May God hold you in his healing hands and help you to become well again. Tami

Elle Felts 21 years, 11 months ago

Max and Darlene. My prayers are with you both. I am so sorry to hear you are not feeling well Max. My surgery is Aug. 8th in Birmingham Alabama. I hope I can get thru it all. I hope you will soon be better and out of the hospital soon and up and running around. :) God bless you both. Take care. Loretta Felts Tuscaloosa, Alabama
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Dorset, Oh
May 20, 2002
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