
Feb 04, 2008

Well I am down 216.2

Getting there

Jan 26, 2008

I am getting lazy in regards to what I should be eating and not. I'm still dropping weight but it drives me nuts because I have forgot what the Dr. has pushed me to to. Eat the 3 meals only and have only 6-8 bites of food. I snack throughout the day. Probably the main reason I am dropping so slowly now. I have to start excercising more. Doing it every once in awhile is not cutting it. I am not 83 lbs. lighter. I have been blessed and taken of all my medications. Just need to monitor my sugars/carbs so my level stay under 120. It is amazing too me how I can so easily fall back into old habits. I may have started having a slimmer body but my heart still belongs to that big girl I was. I do enjoy shopping it is fun to be able to say nah that is too big can I have a smaller size.  BMI is now 39.9 so that is definetly getting better.  Well that is all for now. God brought me through this and he will definetly get me through the rest of it. Ya'll have a good one.


Nov 09, 2007

Amazing how you loose track.
I am down 63 lbs and am loving that part just hate the sagging butt.  I really need to get to do the excercise bit so I can start to tighten everything that is trying to go south.  I am thrilled that I am feeling healthier and spending more time with my family because of it.  I do need to start taking in more protien as my hair is falling off and thining hair is not attractive on me. Well of to boyscouts later.

Moving on down!

Sep 11, 2007

Well things are going so so.  I hate to eat. Can you believe that I am at that point. I don't feel hungry! I am trying to get to the point that I eat everything that I am suppose to.  I have lost 31.6 pounds already. I think it is wonderful and all since I am starting to get off the medications which is wonderful. I just need to start getting the protien in.  I would rather not eat but it is not happening. I would love to even start getting more water in.  It is just time I will get it going one way or another.

Still having some pain!

Aug 31, 2007

I am doing a whole lot better since surgery but I am still dealing with some sharp pains on the right side at times. I have been at work since the 15th and it really has not helped me.  I am down 23.8 pounds.  I just got myself an elliptical and it is fun.  It is taking me a long time to get use to excercising again. I am only doing about a 1/4 mile per day.  I just need to realize I have not exercised since back in the good old days (10 years or more).  It will get better I just need give myself the time but I have a hard time dealing with being useless.  I am excited that I have been given this tool, I just need to take advantage of it.  I'll see the dr. on Sat. to see if I will get the good stuff(soft food).  Well that is all for now.


Aug 18, 2007

I have lost 13.6 pounds so far.  I have also returned to work, not the best idea but it was a need.  I had my spouse this week but next week I am on my own.  I have to drive 35 min. from home. Thank God at this time I do not have the students or I would feel horrible for them. Can you imaging the possibilty of getting hit by one of the kids. My stomach is healing really well. I still have about a half inch that has not connected well on my right side but I just placed new butterfly stips.  I am still having a hard time sleeping on anything other than my back. Miss the good ole days of laying on the tummy. Feel horrible if I try to sleep any other way.  Well that is enough for today.  Ya'll take care.

1st lap down!

Aug 11, 2007


I am finally home from San Antonio.  The drive was horrible as I felt every bump.  The surgery went with out any problems. Everything really went well. The only problem is that the pain was the beyond words.  It is getting better day by day the first 2 days were the worse.  I had to stay in San Antonio on Friday as I was feeling to sore from having my stictches, the drain and IV taken out.  I am sleeping most of the time as you sure don't do it at the hospital.  The staff were wonderful and I was grateful.  Now ask me if I would do it again knowing it hurts, you bet.  Well I am out I am tired.


Aug 06, 2007

I am so excited.  The surgery will be on Wed., I will be heading out in the morning to San Antonio.  I want to be there early so I can start taking that nasty tasting stuff to clean out the system.  Hopefully I can get it down without a problem.  I am definetly ready for this surgery.  I am so ready to be happier and healthier.  I am currently weighing 291lbs. Let's get ready to see a weight dropping.

About Me
Corpus Christi, TX
Surgery Date
Apr 08, 2007
Member Since

Friends 18

Latest Blog 8
Getting there
Moving on down!
Still having some pain!
1st lap down!
