adaugh 17 years, 1 month ago

I'm so glad you're doing so well! How did your follow up go?

Suzilla 17 years, 2 months ago

We are all waiting for you to check in - Hope you are doing well and feeling great. Can't wait to join you on the loser's bench. My thoughts are with you.

jane H. 17 years, 2 months ago

Welcome to the loser's bench !! I've been thinking about you all day and trust that all went smoothly and that you are able to get a good nights sleep and post soon to let us all know how you are doing. Lot of hugs, love and blessings, your way. Jane

calgal 17 years, 2 months ago

hi, best wishes for a smooth surgery and a good recovery. see you soon on the losing side of life.... hugs, sally

Jillianna 17 years, 2 months ago

Hi little Megan, I am praying for you! I know this is going to be the best thing that you ever did for yourself. I hope you have a super speedy recovery period. At least you know and walked thru this with some of us before hand... Thanks for all your encouragement and support. We're here for you, too.....<3 Jill

Arabella 17 years, 2 months ago

Hey there Megan! Today is the big day! Have been thinking about you. After 2 weeks, I can tell you I have no regrets! Please post as soon as you can and let us know how you are doing. Kim

meesa 17 years, 2 months ago

You should do just fine, Megan! Tell Dr. Pleatman I said "hello"! Praying for an uneventful surgery for you! hugs, meesa

Ali61 17 years, 2 months ago

Hi Megan, Congratulations on your big day! Very soon you will be on the other side and feeling wonderful about your new start on life. I am one week out, have lost 16 pounds, have more energy, and am so much more loving and caring to myself. Soon you too will be sick of jello and pudding! I know it's an operation, but it really is something to celebrate!! Alison (Ali61)

Blue_77 17 years, 2 months ago

Best of luck in surgery tomorrow!! Hope all goes well and you have a quick uneventful recovery!!

Suzilla 17 years, 2 months ago

The best of luck and speedy recovery to you.
About Me
Surgery Date
Apr 04, 2007
Member Since

Friends 138

Latest Blog 18
August 8 - Update on me
July 13 - Wow I'm bad about posting!!!
June 16 - Comment about acid reflux
June 13 - 13 days post-op + update about June 6 appt.
June 5 - 5 days after surgery
May 31 - Surgery day!!!!
May 30 - Tomorrow's my surgery!!!
May 28 - 3 more days til my VSG!!!
May 23 - Pre-surgery appointment with my surgeon
May 21 - Pre-admission appointment
