Lets see here.....

My name is Nicole and I am 27 years old and weigh 298lbs.  Whoa. Where did that come from??? Last I knew I was 150lbs in high school and playing sports, having a great time! Now I know that when I graduated from high school I went straight to work and became a work-aholic.  I quickly moved up in my career, and with every promotion, I put myself on the back burner.  Meanwhile, I was in a very abusive, self-destructing marriage. I like to blame my ex-husband for my weight gain, but it's my fault. Truly. While I was a work-aholic, battling a marriage that was never meant to be, I was diagnosed with a life threatening disorder.  One I nearly died from.  This disorder disrupted my whole life, taking the ability to have children away, to eat green vegetables,  even an accidental fall on my butt could potentially be harmful to myself.  So....not able to cope, I sat. Literally, sat on a couch for 6 months and would only move away for necessary functions.  Gained ALOT of weight at this time.  Got divorced...lost some weight! Met a great guy, an awesome guy.  And 6 years later, that life threatening disorder, well turns out it was a mis-diagnosis.  I am healthy. Well, almost.  That mis-diagnosis was my saving grace.  I decided I needed to get healthy.  I quit smoking on 04/20/09...yeah! Began my weight loss journey on 10/20/09 and I am now scheduled to have surgery on 02/16/10.  I currently do not have any medical problems except my cholestrol is 6 points to high.  So I am going to get healthy, while I am young. While I am able to bounce back.  And......I have to get this body in shape so that I can have a baby one day!!!! Ya know, since that is now an option!  Phew, what a story I have.  Cant wait to show you pictures...before and after.
Much love,


About Me
Euless, TX
Surgery Date
Feb 02, 2010
Member Since

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