Had my First Fill....

Mar 28, 2010

Hello My Lovelies!

So I received my first fill this past Tuesday.  The process was really weird for me.  I am not a medical type person who like medical type things.  My doctor would push on my port and I got a little nauseous, the thought of it makes me cringe.

Anyway, I got over that and he gave me 2cc's. 

At first I didn't feel any different at all.  I was a little bummed by this. Then Friday night I went out and had dinner with some friends. I was half-way thru my grilled-chicken when I felt full. But I wanted to finish my chicken damn it!  So I did. When I left I was like man, I'm stuffed!  I still had a 30 min drive home.  That was damn near the worst night of my life! The drive home I practically stripped down, undoing my pants, bra, button up shirt. I could not breathe hardly and was desperately looking for some release.  I finally had a huge burp, with some upchuck and felt better .  But I thought I was gonna die.

Soooo, now I am not concerned with feeling full...but just feeling satisfied. And its working, Go figure.   I go see my doctor in a week or so.  I'll feel you in then!

Oh yeah! People are noticing.....

Love you all!


One Month Post-Op

Mar 16, 2010

Hello All!

Well, I am one month out and between 11-13 lbs down.    Not going to lie...I was hoping it would be more, but steady as she goes...I didn't gain all this weight in one month, I shouldn't expect to lose it in one month.

I get my first fill next Wed, on the 24th! So....from there, I should be seeing more substantial weight loss. My surgeon had me on solid foods a week out, so compared to some, I have lost less because others were on liquid/mushie diet for 3-4 weeks.  So please, others reading, don't get discouraged from my weight loss compared to the other stories that you read. 

I begin working out today!!! I am really excited about this, because I know its only going to influence more weight loss.  It's not going to be like the old days where I killed myself in the gym and didn't see any improvement!

Right now my weakness is pizza.  I am not even sure why??? I never really cared for pizza before.  Usually at work, we all buy a pizza because we are to busy to go anywhere.  It sucks, but I have been bringing my lunch now for probably like 3 weeks now.  I did have a slice, and it was delicious! But my guilt took over me.  I don't want to start to relapse so early in the game.  So I have been good! 

This past week 3 people noticed that I have been losing weight.....awwww yeah! My boss even told me that he has noticed a change in my attitude.  That I am not getting sluggish midday like I used to.  A HUGE reason for this is because of what I am eating.  I am not eating things that are too heavy.  I am eating breakfast every morning-something I never did before.  AND NO SODA! Tea, Milk, and WATER WATER WATER. 

I will take my measurements this evening when I have someone who can help me, lol. From there, I will track my measurements monthly.  I think, I am not sure yet.  I haven't noticed in my clothes the weight loss yet, however, they are probably fitting like they are supposed too! They were most likely to tight before!!!! But, I have noticed in my jeans for sure that the thigh area has a lot more room. 

Well boys and girls,  that's all I have for right now.  I am off to the gym! 

Thanks for all the support!

1 comment

If you have a lapband, please read and let me know...

Feb 23, 2010

OK, so I am a week out.  And I am starting solid foods as per my doctor.  I am nervous about this because I have not got the first fill yet.  Ive noticed that I am eating significantly less than what I used too....but I am still able to eat more. 

After youre surgery,...before your first fill.....how was your diet? Was there any weight gain? Anybody please help me.  My concern is that I am going to gain weight before my fill.

Thank you. I go see my surgeon next week, but not for a fill. Just a follow up.


Slight Meltdown.

Feb 15, 2010

OK, just breathe.......

First, my surgery is tomorrow. 

Well...my surgeons office called and was like, we dont have your lab work. Youre not going to be able to have surgery tomorrow without it. And I get all flustered, and was like....yall need to find it because I know yall have it because someone from your office called me and went over my blood work results with me.....They find it like an hour later.

Then the hospital calls and says they moved my surgery up from 945 to 9am.  and that I have to be there at 730am. Ok, no big deal. But I have to call my mom and let my BF know because everyone has a schedule. 

Then.....my BF tells me that he will be there when I go into surgery, but hes being called to a mandatory meeting at work at 930, hopefully he will be there when I wake up.

Then, I had to work today and it was so busy. I was supposed to get off at 8pm....at 8:23, I decide to call it a day. I needed to hurry and get home and get all my last minute stuff together for surgery in the morning. Then......I couldnt find my car keys.  I looked, I looked, I looked.....after about 30 mins of searching...I call my boyfriend. NO answer. Over and over over....for about an hour I am calling him so that he can bring me my spare keys-my other keys are just gone. Vanished.  Finally, I call a friend to go to our house and knock on the damn door.  So, 2 1/2 hrs later, he shows up with my spare keys. 

Then........................my dad calls and says my mom cant come tomorrow because she is in a lot of pain.  She suffers from fibromalgia-i think-...or however you spell it and some other things that were not sure of.  And that was it...I cried. And cried. And Cried.  Then started feeling like I was going to effin flip out. 


wish me luck.  (i will not smoke a cig. i will not smoke a cig. i will not smoke a cig. i will not smoke a cig. i will not smoke a cig.)

My first "Oh Yeah!" moment....

Feb 13, 2010

So, this is day 3 on my liquid diet....BOOOOO! I have been going through the motions and have been cranky, sleepy, losing focus...and MIGRAINES FROM HELLLLLL! Migraines so bad I contemplated quitting. Yep. Now I am going through the depressed phase.....

So I dusted off my scale, batteries were dead....Go figure.  I then went and got some new batteries, stepped on the scale and I have lost 5pounds! And that is even before I went pee! I have spent the past year trying to lose 5lbs. Not gonna lie, I cried a bit.  Just a bit.

So, for my first "OH YEAH!" moment, it has made these past couple of days worth it! My surgery is on Tuesday, I am still quite nervous.  But I am getting closer....closer to my goal.


About this liquid diet.....

Feb 11, 2010

It kind of blows! It's only day one, and already I am thinking that I need to eat FOOD. Keep reaching out for something other than my broth...or jello.  Please pray that I have the strength to make it through these 5 days.

Ok, this week is gonna fly!

Feb 07, 2010

I am one week and one day away from surgery! OMG....it's all beginning to feel surreal.  I went shopping today for my last minute stuff for Pre/Post Op Surgery stuff.  I got sugar free jello, fat free pudding, broth broth and more broth.  I got Gas-X strips for post op, I hear gas is a prob...Got my gummie vitamins....got comfy clothes to be in for a couple of days after surgery.  Got a book to read and I am also keeping a journal to document my progress on paper. Im kinda old school in that way. Oh, got my protein shake stuff.

Am I missing anything??? Please feel free

Surgery is Feb 16th!

Feb 06, 2010


About Me
Euless, TX
Surgery Date
Feb 02, 2010
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