My name is Michelle.  My husband is a wonderful man, who is very supportive of me.  We have 3 beautiful children, Austin 14, Jonathan 11, and Emily 22 months.   I have not always been overweight.  Not until I started having my precious babies.  I also found out that I was hypothyroid after my second child, which is now under control with medication.  I have gained and lost and gained back well over 130lbs in the past 15 years. I am by no means blaming pregnancy because I didn't gain much with any of my children, in fact, I lost weight...alot of weight after I delivered.  It just seems that after each child, I also gain 30-50 lbs.  I have tried so many diets and diet pills...with the yo-yo effect.  I want to lose weight so bad, but it takes me forever to take off 10lbs and the I get discouraged and you know what happens then.  I have told "VERY" few people how much I weight because I am so embarrassed that I have let myself get to this.  So, here it goes...I weight 276, which is not my highest.  My highest weight was 289.  Okay, so now I have it online for the entire world to read....guess that is my 1st step (admitting). 

I feel that I have let my weight rob me of myself.  I have become a homebody, which is not me at all.  I just don't want to go anywhere, because I have started feeling very uncomfortable.  Finding clothes has become impossible.  Therefore, I don't have many clothes suitable to go out.  The old me was very outgoing, the life of the party, love to make people laugh.  Now, I put on a front, I am so unhappy with myself.  I can't stand to look in the mirror. 

The worst thing is that I feel that my health is starting to be effected.  I have not been diagnosed with any health problems, except hypothyroid, but, I haven't had a thorough physical in a few years.  I need to make an appointment to do that.  I just don't want to keep on the way that I am and one day be tagged with a diagnosis of diabetes, high blood pressure/cholestorol, etc. 

Now, let me say this...I have insurance, good insurance , but it does not cover WLS.  There is an exclusion.  So, I have to pay out of pocket, which means alot of saving!!!  I WILL DO IT!!!  I want to live again and enjoy my life.  I want to play with my kids without feeling worn out.  I want to have the confidence that I once had.


About Me
Pace, FL
May 30, 2007
Member Since

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Initial Consultation
