starting again

Dec 26, 2008

Caloric Intake= approx. 1,800 calories
Excercise Expenditure= 500 calories

Starting weight 280  on 12/26/08


Going for mini-goal

Jul 30, 2008

I need to lose 8 more lbs to hit mini-goal of 270 on 1 year post op.  That would be a total loss of 127 pounds. 

I am doing so much better because I am excercising now.  I work out at least 30minutes 3x a week.  I intend to increase that to 5x a week using Wednesday and Sunday to rest (and due to scheduling conflicts).

I am also drinking more water.

2 lbs per month??

Jul 12, 2008

I am now down to 281.  I am still losing about 2 lbs per month through just eating smaller portions. 

Each support group I go to I recommit myself to eating better and excercise.  This is a very hard process emotionally and will power wise.  I love food.  I want it.  I unfortunately dont get sick on anything but milk (little lactose intolerant now).  I still have triggers like going to the movies and wanting popcorn and coke.  I have cut out all carbonated beverages again.  I drink more water now but not  64oz.  I am eating smaller portions than I was a month ago by willpower.  I had been eating too much.

This is a constant struggle and probably always will be.   I forget that I am not still 397 lbs and can do aerobics or the ellipical machine or walk a far distance so I have been shying away from doing those things because for so long I couldn't.  I need to take baby steps to show myself I can do physical things.

Commitment to excercise

Jun 13, 2008

I worked out yesterday for 30 minutes.  I am going to start this every day.  I have tried in the past to do it 3 times a week and that allows me to skip out too much.  I am very all or none...I have to be super stict or I wont follow.

I am down 2 pounds and now at 285.

lost another pound this morning

May 01, 2008

i have done nothing differently overall.  i actually ate badly yesterday 1500 calories (from pizza and ice cream).  i expected to gain but instead i am down one, now at 287.

stalling and then slow

Apr 29, 2008

I am now at 288.  It has been very slow.  However, I was this weight in High School (11th grade) and lost 40 lbs on Nutrisystem my senior year.  I remember feeling thin at 240.  Right now I still feel fat and jiggly.

STILL stalling

Mar 16, 2008

I am holding a LOT of fluid almost 10 pounds worth.  I am still at 295 without the fluid.  I am dehydrated I know and my next goal is to get 100 grams of protein in and at least 64oz of pure water. 

Stalling again....

Feb 27, 2008

I am at 295 so this MONTH I only lost 4 pounds.  I need to try the 5 day pouch test.  I also need to watch what I eat more.  I am back to eating a lot of carbohydrates.  

I walk at least 15 minutes 3 days a week (walking to/from class) and do cardio for 30 minutes one day a week and that is UP from no excercise.  I have very busy schedule but there is time in the morning before work that I could do more cardio and have the walking be just my more active lifestyle.

Oh!  P.S. I hit 100 pounds lost from the start (397 to 297) around Valentine's Day .


Feb 02, 2008

Today I went below 300 pounds!!!  I am 299 with 2 more pounds to go to 100 pounds lost from the start!

i have the flu

Jan 26, 2008

yeah so my body couldnt take my busier schedule.  
however, I have lost 5 pounds in these past 10 days (since my last gripey post).  it was due to working out and protein.  however now that i have the flu i cant excercise.  may try protein drink but may not sound so tasty once i fix it.

About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 15, 2007
Member Since

Friends 31

Latest Blog 26
Going for mini-goal
2 lbs per month??
Commitment to excercise
lost another pound this morning
stalling and then slow
STILL stalling
Stalling again....
i have the flu
