Been gone a long time.

Feb 15, 2011

Hi, everyone. I lost interest in the computer for awhile. I had wls Sept 1st 2009. I lost 19lbs the first week in 7 days, then 33lbs the 1st months, I never was sick and did real well, basically ate what I wanted. In Feb 2010, I just stop losing weight, I went from 275 to 170lbs and since then I am stuck nothing I do can help me lose weight. I must be honest, and tell you I have never exercised, between fibro/neuropathy it has been to much. I don't have a lot of loose skin except a little on my stomach, so I feel blessed. I am considering a boob job, but I'm afraid of the pain. When I had wls I had a hernia repair and the pain was almost to much, I'm allergic to 6 pain meds, so it was hard to take the pain away. Having this surgery was the best thing I could of done for myself.

In March of 2010 met the love of my life and married him Nov 20, 2010. He is like a man you read about in romance books, he loves me unconditionally, thinks I'm the best woman in the world. He does run the treadmill faithfully a mile everyday. I have bought several differet exercise equipment, that I haven't used.Starting this month I'm going to try and see what my body can handle. (pain wise).

I have never felt more loved or happy in my life. I never take life for granted or my husband. I wish you all the luck in your WLJ, just follow your Dr's orders and do your protein/vitamins/glasses of water, juice etc. I pray that all of us live a better,healthier, happier, life, etc. Life can be so good,depending on how we look at it. God-bless and good-luck........................huggs 

feb is over

Feb 29, 2008

I have met a really great guardian angel on here named Sue, who has/is helping me thru my WLJ, I gained a couple of pounds back right after I got better, however, in the last 2 weeks I have lost and kept the ten pounds off, I'm trying to get my protein/ fluids in and eat healthier, I'm smimming 3-4x's a week, and getting on the treadmill the days I don't swim.

I have to join weight watcher's monday,/ see the doctor for 6 months, for ins to pay for WLS, I don't even have to lose weight, just be consistant doing both, I have decided I love me and I will do this for me to have a healthy/longer life, I'm worth it . I do pray everyone else is doing ok, I know losing weight is so hard and to maintain etc, I wish us all good luck.

starting the wl

Feb 08, 2008

Wow I have been sick for two weeks, decided to start a healthy diet tomorrow but noticed in two weeks I have lost ten pounds woo hoo, I will have my biggest struggle with giving up frosted flakes, and making myself eat meat/drink water, but I will I'm worth it,

About Me
Surgery Date
Dec 16, 2007
Member Since

Friends 5

Latest Blog 3
feb is over
starting the wl
