On this journey...FINALLY!

Apr 17, 2017

It has been a long road, but I'm finally on it! I was sleeved on March 21, 2017  and am about a month out. So far I haven't had any complications. My surgery was uneventful and with the exception of feeling challenged with fluid intake, my sleeve Sunshine is doing what she is supposed to! As of today I am on soft foods, but truly I am so uninterested in food. This is something I could have NEVER imagined saying. I guess it is a part of the honeymoon stage. In the meantime, I am focusing on protein, water, and light cardio (walking). until released to do more activity. I have gone through to much to not committ to a healthier lifestyle.  I am so happy and blessed to have this opportunity!

1 comment


Mar 03, 2017


Optimism prevails...

Feb 07, 2017

Seriously, it has been ANOTHER year! Yet and still I press forward. I met with the surgeon a year ago. Unfortunately, I had to start nutritional counseling over. :( What a disappointment that was. It has been somewhat helpful, but at this point nothing is new. My nutritionist is a young, idealistic, young woman that wants to save the world one fat person at a time. (((SIGH))) She means well. I go listen and comply with few results. So many delays as a result of insurance denials, loss of paperwork, medical delays (ironic), etc. Through it all the scale has gone down, up, up, down, down, up! My paperwork has now gone farther than ever...prior approval. The wait continues and I shall remain optimistic! 



Jan 26, 2016

Happy, happy, happy! I have an appointment with for a psych eval and then I can meet with the bariatric surgeon! Who could be so happy about seeing a "head doctor?" Lol! I have done EVERYTHING else so as long as the evaluation goes ok, I should be able to schedule my surgery in the coming months. The only thing is that I havent shared great details with my family. They know I'm working on my health but do not know to which extent. I will not give them full details until right before. There is NOTHING they could say to change my mind about this and honestly, I don't think they would try. I just don't want to discuss this until it's on my calendar as a done deal. Keep sending up prayers for me! 


Pressing forward...

Jan 13, 2016

One year later...(((SIGH!!!!))) I cannot even believe that I logged in a year ago. I have however made progress and will be scheduled for another psych eval before seeing the surgeon again. Even though I met with with him personally a year ago, I am MORE encouraged as I have been seeing a nutritionist for nearly a year. I have also been working more on my cardio which has been tough and rewarding. I believe WHEN all goes well with the psych eval, I should be able to have surgery(VSG) scheduled within the next few months! WHOEVER IS READING THIS, PLEASE PRAY FOR ME! Most of my friends can't relate so I don't bring it up with them or my family. This has been a true struggle for most of my life.  I want to LIVE! 


Once again seeking help!

Jan 14, 2015

So, it's been nearly five years since I've last written and 10 since I joined this site. I don't want that to be a discouragement to anyone that is researching or seeking information. I have not been seeking weight loss surgery all that time. I stopped pursuing this option about five years ago. After a series of additional health issues gaining, losing, gaining, and losing again- I decided that I need to aggressively seek this option. I recognize now that while there are still barriers to getting approval for this surgery, chances are much better than they were when I initially researched. There have also been many changes in the type of procedures and the availability of procedures. At this point, I am seeking to have the sleeve gastrectomy. I have researched, been to seminars, and finally met with a surgeon a couple of weeks ago. I'm encouraged that something good is going to come of this. While I have modified my eating patterns, I'm sure most of you know that it's just isn't that simple. I am praying for favor and progress!


Disappointed and sad

Mar 02, 2010

I got my letter from the insurance copany denying my request. I am not sure if I will appeal as they stress that this is a specific exclusion. After I shook of the disappointment of it all, I received news that a very dear friend died this morning as a result of medical issues that were a result of  obesity. I cannot express how I feel...


Jan 24, 2010

OK, so it's been 2 and a 1/2 months since I comepleted the last of test needed for submission. Dr. submitted package to Insurance for approval. I am praying for God's favor to continue...

Here I go again...

Nov 08, 2009

So a year later and what progress have  I made you ask?  Well, not a whole lot. I had to get a medical issue resolved which I did and I think I am ACTUALLY going to be able to move forward. I had nutritional counseling and a psychiatric evealuation completed (not too crazy).  This will all be submitting to my insurance company, UHC along with a letter of support, medical records, etc. I have observed mixed responses from them. I need your prayers please!!!

Holding out hope...

Nov 10, 2008

So...here I am, and not much progress since I've last written. Yet another road block (medical issue) arose shortly after my last post but I plan to conquer it and actively pursing WLS. I'm now waiting on the insurance co. response. I pray a positive one. UHC seems to have mixed reviews but my Dr. fully supports as a medical necessity. Pray with me! I am sooooooooooo tired of not seeing myself in the mirror anymore. Doing it on my own has become too hard. I need this...

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May 14, 2004
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