Update on weightloss surgery

Aug 16, 2012

 Havent had surgery yet...but very proud to say that ive lost almost 30 lbs in less then 3 months and if i keep going at this rate i may not need surgery!!! YAY ME

So confused

Jul 12, 2012

The last few weeks ive been really confused and its driving me crazy....ive managed to lose 14 lbs in less then a month and im starting to wonder if i need to have surgery if i can lose it on my own..do i really want to risk my health and not feeling good all the time just to get to my goal weight faster...i mean once i am down to my weight im left feeling like crap all the time and not bein able to absorb any vitamins so am i gonna be sick all the time, but on the up side i will be skinny though if i do what i am doing now and dont have surgery i wont reach my goal weight for 2 yrs...please someone help me i need advice on what to do cause the way things are looking i may not be having surgery for a few more months cause of insurance reasons..please someone help!

Mind over matter...

Jul 09, 2012

 I am still waiting for my insurance to open for the month of july so the nurse over at the surgeons office can send all my info to medicaid for verfication for authoriazation of payment for the surgery...dont see it happening in july..but its ok cause ive signed up at the gym in june and ive lost almost 14lbs since then..i still need surgery to make it alittle easier to get to my goal weight but if i dont have surgery i will have to kill myself working out to reach my goal either way in the end i know it will be worth all these trials and tribulations that ive had to go through.

Getting Closer

Jun 14, 2012

 With each passing day i am getting closer and closer to having surgery...I have to say its been a long road and i havent quite reached the end but im half way there..im done with all my requirements and testing. The nurse will be forwarding all my information and tests results to my insurance and i am hoping beyond all hope that they say yes when they call me with an answer that same day i should get a surgery date and a date to go to my nuturtional consult. I know its all gonna work out God is in my corner and with him by my side nothing is gonna go bad!

Sleep study tonight

Jun 01, 2012

 So im going for my sleep study tonight and ive got to say im alittle nervous. Hope i can knock out both test without and with the cpap machine..kill 2 birds with one stone.

sleep study scheduled

May 30, 2012

 so i went and met with Dr Eisenchenk today and I go for my first sleep study on June 13th...hopefully i can go alittle sooner then that...just got to wait and see


May 27, 2012

I just got on the scale and ive gained a lb since my consultation on april 9th...I CAN NOT GAIN ANYMORE WEIGHT! On wed ive got my sleep study consult and i hope if they weigh me and my surgeon sees that ive gained weight he doesnt cancel the surgery that would SUCK BIG TIME! ..Does anyone think they will cause they told me the day of the surgery when they weigh me i cant weigh more then what i did at the consult or is it the pre op visit where they weigh you i need help advice input info someone out there must know dont want to call my surgeons office and ask cause im scared to tell them i gained a lb please help!!!


Apr 28, 2012

 Im not fat GOD loved me so much he made me SUPER SIZED!!!!

Sticks and Stones..wish i had some to throw at those a-holes!

Apr 27, 2012

 Tonight my family and i were at a shopping plaza and as we were crossing the road to get to the car this car full of people stopped to let us cross and this guy yelled out the window MAN THATS JUST DISGUSTING. I think that was adressed to my husband because he has an overweight person for a wife, anyways i just wanted to go home and lock myself in my room and never come out. That one phrase just made me feel more sure that i want to do this surgery and ive never wanted anything more!!!

Meeting GREAT people

Apr 26, 2012

 Ive been a member for one day and so far i have like 4 friends..it feels real good that there are people like me out there going through the same struggles and can relate to how i am feeling i am soooo grateful that i signed onto this website and now have fewer worries and concerns about this surgeries thanks to you all and hope more people friend request me cause a person can never have too many friends! GOD BLESS

About Me
Apr 25, 2012
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