Last Appointments

Jun 18, 2008

I see the light.  I finished my last diet history appointment and my last dr. appt this week.  One more class and it is time to submit to the insurance company.  I have struggled with my weight since I was 10 years old.  It has been a roller coaster.  Before I started this journey it was two years of down 10 up 15 etc.  Now I am excited and scared to have a tool and will have most of my health problems go away.

Further along than I thought

Apr 14, 2008

I was going over my checklist of the appointments and documents I needed to complete.  On April 5,  2008, I got a call from the doctors office.  What I thought was my diet history turned out to be my letter of medical of neccessity.  The medical assistant that the diet history would be the nutritional classes and the appointment notes for the six months.  When I went  back over my checklist I only had two things left to do.  My one on one nutritionist appointment and my support group meeting.  This was the best news I could receive the day before my birthday.  When I started this journey in January everything looked so far away.  Now in a couple of months it will be time to submit for approval from the insurance. 

Took a class this week that used a video camera

Mar 27, 2008

and let me say I did not think the camera added 10 pounds.  To me it looked like it added 15 to 20 pounds.  Let's say I did not like what  I saw on camera.  The first day I wondered why I wore what I did to work that day.  I hardly recognized myself.  The second day I wore a dress that I knew camoflauged my weight but I still did not like the image I saw.  Part of what I do is based on image and how you look.  I also did not look healthy or in shape.  It was not an image I was proud to see.

Psych eval completed

Mar 13, 2008

I had my psych eval yesterday and completed my third nutrition class.  I was nervous about my my eval but the appointment was quick and she recommended for the surgery.  So the journey continues.

Got my documented diet history

Mar 03, 2008

At my doctor's visit on Friday, my PCP documented my diet history to submit to my surgeon's office

Started Journey December 2007

Feb 16, 2008

I had my surgical consult in December 2007 and have  been going ever since.  

I have completed One nutrition and one PCP for diet history appointment.  I have also completed my sleep study and I am in the process of scheduling my follow-up.  

My next  major appointment is in March and that is the psychiatrist visit.  

If all goes well, I hope to have  apply for approval in June.

About Me
Odenton, MD
Dec 10, 2007
Member Since

Friends 25

Latest Blog 6
Last Appointments
Further along than I thought
Took a class this week that used a video camera
Psych eval completed
Got my documented diet history
Started Journey December 2007
