Wow! The discovery of added protein shakes!

Jul 31, 2009

Ok, so not all of us understand the NEED for protein shakes.  I'm one.  OOpsy!

So this week after about 1 month of NO weight loss (though I have to admit the carbs crept back into my life to some extent) I was reading on the forum repeatedly how many people (Lori Black THANK YOU, as well as others) were finding that they had increased energy and for those who needed to lose more weight yet, increased weight loss by adding one or two shakes a day to their meals.  Sooooooooo.....

Last Friday when I was buying groceries I picked up a HUGE container of Body Fortress protein powder at Wal mart (like $13.97 I think, so reasonably cheap!) and told myself I would try for a month and add one to two shakes a day to my diet and experiment to see what would happen.  

Now, this is kind of hard for me as I am now working a bit (YES!  WOOT I HAVE A JOB  out of the house!)  A bit more on that later...I like to sleep in (get up around 9-9:30) so I don't usually have a morning snack, so adding a shake then isn't feesible, I do have protein coffee (using coffee and BSN Lean Desserts either vanilla bean or fresh cinnamon roll which make my coffee taste JUST like an expensive cappucino).  I eat lunch about 2 hours later.  Sooo I am adding at some point in the afternoon my chocolate shake.  A lot of people mix the protein powder with water, but I can't do it...ICK!  I mix two scoops of the powder with a teaspoon of chocolate syrup and 6 oz of whole milk and about a cup of ice.  Then magic bullet here I come.  Whip that sucker good and that Ice pulverized makes it just like a yummy chocolate SHAKE.  :)  YUMMY!    AND I add 52 g of protein to my day!  Just between my afternoon shake and the morning coffee I get in 72 g of protein a day....then I EAT food for the rest!  

One of my goals for myself is to get off of disability...I'm working at it.  Due to insurance issues I am not pushing myself too hard right now, though the first of the year I plan on finding a job and getting off of it!  Right now I have picked up a job for temporary purposes...I am paying it forward in the process!  I am helping an older lady get to her doctor's appointments and grocery shopping and such right now, BUT she is in the process of getting her DS.  She has just finished all of her testing and as soon as Dr. A has all her records she is on her way to the SWITCH of a lifetime!  

I have to say that I am STILL thrilled with the DS and the choices I have made.  LIfe is LIFE now and being lived...instead of tolerated and just coasting through.  

My grandson has moved back to his home 5 hours away, and our walks are gone.  My 19 year old daughter got a little Yorkie this summer, Crash is his name.  We go for the walks now, but she is moving out in a couple of weeks and he is going with her so another of my walking buddies will be gone.  I will still work at taking those walks, I did buy an ipod shuffle so I have something to occupy my thoughts and walks.  I will continue to drink those protein shakes as I lost 5 pounds in the last 4 days due to the shakes and walking....WOOT! 

Life is just plain good....and this weekend is our local county fair....I have a promise from my hubby that he will take me....AND I will FIT on the rides so this is out for FUN!    For the first time in the 23 1/2 yrs that we have been married I will be able to WALK as much as I want, and ENJOY the fair...I'm soooo excited!  

A year and a bit more....

Jul 03, 2009

I can't believe that it has been a year...but then again the size I am something must have happened in that year! 

Let's see how do I explain what I have learned and what has happened in a short way?  hum.....

I guess to jump in is to say I can jump, walk and run with the best of them.  I can grandson is visiting right now and we walk and walk and walk.  We have spent an HOUR walking around town and that could never have happened before. He loves going on walks and begs to go and we go.  We go to the park and play, we go for walks, we walked to the cemetery (probaby about a mile and a half round trip) to visit his big sister's grave and make sure that the flowers were ok there.  We walked to the post office (about a mile round trip) and back so that we could mail some packages.  We stop and play at the park and I can keep up with him, he is 22 months old.  THAT is a miracle...but THAT is one of the many reasons I wanted to have surgery, to be able to spend time with my grandson and others that may show up down the road.

I have a YARD...and I LOVE it!  Now my DH was taking care of it the last 18 or so years, that used to be my love, being able to go and mow the lawn (yeah a bit crazy but a stay at home mom to 5 who were born within 7 yrs of one another leaves all minor things that got me out of the house a treat!).  He did good but our yard was getting smaller and smaller as he decided not to mow the weeds in certain places of the yard.  This drove me crazy I WANT a nice yard, and he just wanted to keep it mowed.  Well this summer those weeds have took me a month of mowing and working at getting those weeks mowed to do it but we now have a wonderful yard.  I have flowers that are kept weeded as well.    I am so thrilled that I can do it, not rely on someone else and beg and plead for them to keep it nice.  

I have a LIFE!  I can go shopping and spend time with my family, walk up the stairs to visit my daughter's in their apartment and just plain LIVE!  This is awesome to me.  Something I had been destined NOT to do.  I enjoy going places and doing things now, I don't dread it!  

I have to remind  you though, I have to take vitamins EVERY DAY!  I can live with it.  I take in the monring:  1 multi vitamin, 1 zinc, 1 vitamin D 50,000IU, 1 vitamin E, 1 Vitamin A and 1 vitamin K.   In the evening (bedtime) I take:  1 multi vitamin, 1 zinc, 1 biotin and 2 calcium citrate, and every other day another Vitamin D.  My labs are good.  My vitamin D is where the PCP wants it, but it is still low according to others and newly suggested numbers by the AMA (they are NOW saying that numbers should be 80-100). My level is 39.  

All in all I can say that this has been the most interesting ride of my life.  5 kids and  a hubby, two grandchildren but I still think that the DS has been the biggest miracle.  It has given me my life back...diagnosed with a limited life three years ago, now I have an unlimited life.  I am HEALTHY and living my life to the fullest.  Thank GOD and Dr. Sudan for this wonderful gift....

Starting weight:  Jun 12, 2008 was 308 lbs.
Today's weight :  July 3, 2009 is 175.5 lbs
Goal weight :  unknown date  is 140 lbs. 

I am heading down the road of sucess and added life! 

I really am a Nebraskan enjoying THE GOOD LIFE!

1 week short of 6 month surgiversary....WOWs!

Dec 05, 2008

Guess with Christmas coming up I'll type in green for a while!  LOL 

First of all I want to say MERRY CHRISTMAS to you all!  I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season and great New Year! 

Wow, can I really be almost 6 months out from surgery?  It just doesn't seem possible, but my scale is saying YES YES are no longer on the verge of breaking me!  LOL  My weigh in (done weekly) was yesterday and I am offically (or at least according to my scale) down 98 pounds as of 12/4/2008.  WOOOTT!  NEVER in my wildest dreams did I expect to see this weight again in my life. 


You know, when you start the search for the right surgery or if you really WANT to jump in the ocean (far much bigger than jumping into a river or lake that is for sure!) for a life time change as severe and serious as weight loss surgery you THINK you can see yourself suceeding and getting healthier and thinner.  When you get the finalizing forms to register for the hospital stay and the surgery you are still walking around in a stunned state.  Is this really happening after all the research, the soul searching and the queries into the lives of others who have had it, is it REALLY going to be who I am, what I will live and breath for the rest of my life?  I was soooo, relieved when I got to that point, my main thought was getting healthy, not being in pain any longer (or at least not in as severe pain as I was currently in from the arthritis), being able to live a somewhat normal life (whatever I THOUGHT that was).  Never in my wildest dreams did I think about all the other "little" things that would change in my life.  The thoughts and emotions that I would have to deal with.  Or for that matter, how those around me would have to change their lives and adjust to what I was going through, this isn't a ride for the weak or the selfish. 

Your family can't be weak, they have to be just as strong or even maybe stronger than you.  Yes, YOU are the one ultimately going through everything, BUT those you live with will have to learn things too.  Like, the leftover meat in the fridge is YOURS...not for their munching or for the puppy's is YOUR next meal!  LOL  Last night I made a huge meatloaf, I was soooooo looking forward to having a cold meatloaf sandwich (ok so 1 slice of bread a sandwich does not make, but a semi sandwich it does).  I had some leftover meatloaf I put in the fridge to chill last night, and went to bed.  This a.m. first thing that came to my mind was MEATLOAF (not mind you totally diff mind set from pre -op lol, then it would have been CAKE or whatevr garbage I made the night before).  I get up and head to 1st the bathroom (we all know that is the FIRST stop for most DSers) and then 2nd hello fridge and meatloaf.....HEY where's the meatloaf....someone ATE MY MEATLOAF....boy talk about a bubble buster!  Guess I have to remind the family when I say, "this is my next meal" take heed, I MEAN IT! 

They also have to learn (or accept or just tolerate) the fact that the topic of conversation for the first year post-op is going to be "GUESS HOW MUCH I LOST"  or "I HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR IT IS ALL TOO BIG".  Trust me, they HAVE to be strong to go through this.  How boring do you think it is to hear it ALL OF THE TIME?  This is a wonder for us, we have never made this fast of an accoplishment and gone down through ANY clothing sizes (or at least not as FAR down) in our lives.  This is NEW to us, and yes it is new to the family too, BUT they have to LISTEN TO IT!  We are living it, we WANT it, but these poor suckers who are living with us, had not clue as to what kind of braggart they were going to have to live with.  My poor kids (DH is great!)  ...I have two at home teenage girls.  They get this glazed over look when I start pulling at my jeans (to keep them up) because they know what is coming....they will try to slink off, hide behind a book or become entranced in whatever (and these kids HATE the news and weather! but boy have they been seeking it for some time now)is on TV.  If their ignoring, hiding etc doesn't work and I STILL hound them (and this is a warning for you all too!) I try really hard to NOT be surprised when I get told 'MOM ENOUGH! WE GET IT...YOU ARE LOSING WEIGHT!" 

I have to say, my family is awesome!  They are strong!  (even sometimes when they have to tell me to SHUT UP!)

I said that they cannot be selfish either.  But that works two ways, you can't be selfish either.  I have learned from experience that I have to be willing to have say two kinds of bread in the house (theirs, the white icky kind that is DANGEROUS to me and those around me if I eat it!, and mine~~ 100% whole wheat lo carb), to know that they like their candy and chips and other little treats (YES the box of brownie mix in the cupboard I bought, my DH loves brownies and hasn't had one since my surgery, he deserves some soon!).  I have to LEARN to not make only what I CAN eat right now (high protein lo carb things) and to adjust the family favs to either something I CAN eat (or pick apart and eat) or make their favs and find something else that meal for myself. We rediscovered tuna casserole.  DH hadn't said a thing about things like that since my surgery.  One night I came across a high protein tuna casserole recipe (really not that diff from other tuna cassaroles, just three cans of tuna instead of one and LOTS of cheese, and peas instead of corn for the veggie in it as peas have protein and corn is all starch).  I thought DH and the girls were going to eat the pan too! They were thrilled to see an old family fav come back to the table.  They can't be selfish as they have to be able to learn that when we go out to eat, picking the fast food place with all that breading isn't the best choice to make mommy smile, but she will make adjustments if they will compromise.  We go to one place to pick up a quick meal, they get their breaded foods (onion rings, chicken nuggets) and I can have mine (hamburgers etc) and we all smile. 

There have been alot of adjustments in the last six months, and there are still more to come I know that. But do I regret ever making this choice?  NO WAY!  I am just as at ease with it now as I was in the pre-op room getting ready for surgery.  I wasn't nervous then, I was ready, I knew I was saving MY life, and with it, the stability and health of my family.  I'd do it again in a second.  What I am disappointed with is that I was fat to begin with, that I ruined my metabolism with bad eating habbits, yo yo dieting and other things.  Is it ALL my fault, I don't think so, I think alot has to do with heredity.  I come from a long line of obese people, none of them ever successfully lost weight to be a "healthy" size.  I'm changing that, or should I say Dr. Sudan changed that. 

I am disapointed to say though, that because of the unstable situation at Creighton University where Dr. Sudan was practicing (he has since moved to NC and is working at Duke U, so if you live in that area you have acquire one hell of a doc!) I am in the process of changing doctors.  I will be going to Dr. G. Anthone and will see him the for the first time on Dec. 18th.  He has requested blood work so I will know then how well my vitamins  are working for me and get whatever needs to be changed there done. 


OMG almost 4 month's out.....

Oct 09, 2008

Blast and dang if I haven't be negligent in posting here.  I'm sorry! 

Let's see, what has happened in the last four months? 

I have been ridded of 56 POUNDS....high blood pressure, pre-diabetes, sleep problems and IBS. 

I have learned that life IS still fun...I CAN walk to the park pushing a stroller with Lionel in it...Grandma took him to the park for the first time! THAT was an adventure for both of us and a fun one at that! 

I have lost LOTS of inches, though off the top of my head I don't exactly how many. 

I have gone from a size 28/30 jeans to a 22; a size 30/32 top to an 18/20 top; a size 48DD bra to a 42DD (maybe even a 40DD).  Just totally amazing when you think about it.

This last weekend I went to the Harvest of Harmony Band parade and field show.  An all day event that last year I couldn't even consider going to, too much walking and sitting and bleachers etc.  This year we parked about 3 blocks from the main parade route AND then walked another 2-3 to find a place to stand.  We took Lionel, so I was also pushing his stroller.  THEN we went to the field show, climbed the bleachers and watched the show.  THEN we went shopping for a couple of hours.  The only thing that hurt was my feet, but I have arthritis in them and they hurt no matter what.  I NEVER got out of breath, and was NOT tired.  I think I had more energy than my daughter did, though Monday we found out that she has a severe UTI and that was probably playing a part in her being tired. 

All these WOWS! at almost four months out....I can't wait to see what 5 months out or 8 months or one year will bring! 

Next on my to do list....take Lionel to the elementry school playground to play, about an 8 block walk one way.  He'll be here this weekend, we shall see! 

Well BLAST it anyways!

May 22, 2008

I just talked to Charity from Dr. Sudan's office.  SHE called me.   Seems that there need to be 2 surgeons present with my surgery and the second surgeon won't be around on the 5th.  :(  She was calling to see if I would trade with another lady who didn't need the second surgeon.  She was hoping that it would work out that we could just trade pre op and surgery dates so that I wouldn't have to wait until July to have surgery.  It did.  Thank GOD!

I had to call hubby right away so that he could change his vacation days and all of that.  But that isn't the big problem.  Really there isn't a BIG problem, just a bit of disappointment that it won't be done in 2 weeks but in three instead.  

There is always a reason for things happening and I will have to remind myself about that one.  THAT isn't going to be easy.  LOL 

Off to do some work and notify some others that my surgery was changed.  :(

Hugs to all!  Have a great holiday weekend as well! 


17 days & counting...

May 19, 2008

Time is moving closer and closer...nerves set in and I realize that my life really IS going to change forever.  I talked to my best friend Andrea about changes that are going to be occuring to me.  She has recently lost about 60 pounds (WOOOT FOR YOU ANDREA!)  and tells me how different things are now for her and she says, "and that is SIXTY pounds, just think how it will be for you when you have 170 pounds gone!"  Geez, I never really thought about getting to be small again...thin again...or healthy again!  I had really just accepted that I would be fat for life and that I would probably die young like my mother and grandmother.  How I wish this had been an option for my mother, that she had done it and that she was here now to see me fight for it and my life!  

I have been slowly picking things up for the hospital and for after surgery.  Lining things up for my girls so that I know where they will be and when and not have to worry (yeah right!  lol) about them while I am in the hospital.  Bill is going to be staying for the length of the hospital stay with me as the papers I got said that it will be 3-4 days and then I can come home.  That is if nothing causes me to have to have open and nothing goes wrong.  

The negatives that I was getting from my two youngest girls have gone by the wayside for one of them.  Niki is now continually telling me that everything is going to be ok.  She recently went to the doctor for anxiety / panic attacks and has new medications.  The doctor told her that it would be a good idea if she tried to get control of her weight (about 60 pounds overweight) now so that she won't have to deal with my problems down the road.  She is 110% behind that, so she will be improving her eating habbits this summer and going for walks with me and such.  

I am scared sh**** in some respects.  Not because of the surgery, which is kind of strange, but because I am heading into a life I never thought I would get.  I have spent so many years trying to eat right. lose weight and be healthier that I didn't look at how it would be WHEN I accomplished this.  Now it is staring me in the face and I'm not sure how to feel or what to think.  I KNOW in my heart that this is going to be a fantastic ride...and a whole new me!  That part excites me as much as it scares me.  I look at clothes as I don't have much for summer clothes, and realize that I don't know what size I'll be wearing or what to buy.  I'm going to just make several sundresses that will be easy to take in and then got a couple pair of knit (t-shirt type) capris that I can wear at several sizes.  

I've been doing the "next year at this time" thing.  Last weekend was our daughter, Jenifer's high school graduation.  I see certain people only one or two times a year and those that I saw, most do not know that I am having WLS.  After they all left I turned to Bill and said, "wonder what they will say next year when Tiana graduates."  And I do wonder.  It is going to be an exciting time then.  

I have two angels who will be checking up on and me updating all in the message boards.... I really can't wait to meet them either!!!  Thanks so much Kathy & Joyce for being my angels!  It is so awesome that I have you both to help me out and through this adventure!  

17 days and counting...17 days to plan, pack, shop and work.  17 days to ponder what life is going to be like for me soon.  17 days until I get to experience the unknown.  17 days....and counting!  

29 days and counting...

May 07, 2008

I just can't believe that this is really going to happen! 

Today in the mail I got my pre-op packet and all the instructions from the doctor's office as well as the NUT.  I go in for my pre-op appt on May 28th, and then surgery on June 5th.  To think that between my 2nd daughter's 19th birthday (the 27th) and my younger brother's birthday (June 9th) I will be changing my life for the best!  It just astondishes me in what I have done and accomplished in the last year to get to this point.  

To say that I am not scared is beyond stating.  I am scared, excited and nervous.  But yet, I know in my heart that this is the best thing for ME!  And it has to be for the most part FOR ME!  No one else can tell me that this is the right way or the wrong way to go about handling my weight problem.  I know that there will be those eventually who say that I made a dumb/stupid/selfish choice in having WLS.  THEY are not in my shoes, have not lived my life and are not looking at my future.  Thank you kindly those persons who will have rude responses to my choice but don't think I haven't already thought of that answer, that question or those thoughts.  I find it so interesting that it is typically those who have never been MO or SMO who have ALL of the answers to what my problem is.  Diet, eat less, walk more, don't eat fats, don't eat carbs, don't eat before bed, don't eat when you get up, drink water so you don't get hungry.  HA HAHAHAHA!  

catch yall in a bit & will write more Lionel needs grandma now  :)

One month to go and countdown begins! 4-27-2008

Apr 26, 2008

Wow!  Things have taken so long for me to get to this point and now it seems just so soon that I get to have my surgery, yet sooooo far away.  Lots to do for now.  

I have asked on the DS board what is needed or suggested that I take with to the hospital and have started a list.  It was interesting what different people told me!  But such a big help as some I would never have even thought of myself.  Here is a short list of some of the things that were suggested.  The things in a different color are what I have already...slowly working on the countdown.  

***wet wipes (adult) 
***sports bra a size bigger than normal for swelling that I will have 
****panties in a larger size than I wear (again for swelling reasons) 
****something to do just in case (but most say that I will be too tired, I'll take my crocheting and a book or two) 
****pillow for in the hospital if I want (I ALWAYS take my own pillow, can't stand those little thin things, I want my feather pillow lol) 
****extra pillow to put between the seat belt and my body on the way home 
***water bottle to sip on the way home 
***PAIN PILLS before I leave the hospital 
***phone numbers of my Angel (Thank you Joyce for being my Angel) 

So far that is all I have for my list.  

As to how I feel, hummm.  Some days I am thrilled, excited and want to have it done RIGHT NOW!  Others, like tonight, I have butterflies in my stomach and worry about everything, how can we afford the gas to get there, how long will I be there and will my hubby have to come home before I do and then come back and get me.  Will the girls be ok on their own for a few days.  How will I work everything when I get home.  Then I look at the dates and think WOW!  It's coming up. 

But first I have to get Jeni graduated.  She will graduate on May 10th.  She is excited to be leaving high school and has already enrolled in a local community college so she is ready and raring to go.  For us this is #3 that will be leaving the nest, with two more left.  They sure do grow up fast. 

catch you all later Laurie

About Me
minden, NE
Surgery Date
Mar 31, 2007
Member Since

Friends 21

Latest Blog 8
1 week short of 6 month surgiversary....WOWs!
OMG almost 4 month's out.....
Well BLAST it anyways!
17 days & counting...
29 days and counting...
One month to go and countdown begins! 4-27-2008
