First 50 pounds gone

Oct 04, 2009

Whoo hoo....the first 50 are history.   Thirty pre-surg and 20 post op.  I've had great fun emptying the closet and re-finding favorite clothes I can wear again, thanking God, I usually purchased "classics" instead of fads, so I can wear the oldies, even if it will just be for a short time.  Went to an amusement park with family yesterday and had a blast.   Since I'm just 3-4 wks post op, I find myself trying to do too much and getting too tired, forgetting that I had major surgery....but I'm trying to watch that.  One thing is for sure, I sleep well.  

I started talking about surgery at work, I didn't pre-op because I didn't want the "garbage truck people" dumping their horror/failure stories on me.  The people I've told have been supportive.

I'm noticing I have to be careful what I read on OH.    I have to protect my mind while I'm getting information from the forum.  I can't read the "excuses" posters, just have to realize they are what they are, and get out of them.   I can't let other posters choices affect my mindset.  I've made an investment in my health and I can't buy in to "please tell me that it's okay that I don't do what I'm supposed to do".  Hold on, don't shoot off a hate message to me.....I do understand that not everyone that has had surgery is/was mentally READY and strong enough to have had the surgery and they are working through the process at whatever level they are and can...or they don't have a strong support system in place that is helping them be strong and make the life changing choices they want to make.    The support of this group is very important and I think the fellowship is probably a Life Line to many.  It's really surprising to me though, that people can spend the money, and not follow the rules....after much thought, I think it's a good thing my insurance didn't cover the "vested" me in the process, because I'm actually financially tied to my choices.   please again no hate mail, I'm just processing information as I type, trying to understand....and re-enforcing to myself why I can't let excuses, reasons, or thoughts of failure slip into my mind.  

Daily affirmations like "everything I touch turns to gold"  "No toxic thoughts ever cross my mind" "God has blessed me with this wonderful gift, and I will use it for his Glory" "My future is so bright I have to wear sunglasses all the time" keep me focused on my goals.  I'm on a mission and I hope all of you that are on the same mission have the same great successes as we progress through.

I am so blessed and Life is so GOOOD!!!!
I hope you all have an OUTSTANDING day today.

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About Me
Norman, OK
Surgery Date
Apr 01, 2009
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