Becca K. 21 years, 12 months ago

What you might be experiencing "head hunger". You know that you are getting what you need but your body still thinks that it wants more than you are giving it. I am preop and I am trying to do the protein drinks now so that I can get used to smaller portions and I am constantly fighting that mental urge to have more than I need. Maybe others can add some feedback. Maybe try to distract those thoughts by doing something with your hands, play a game, take a walk, it might help. Many blessings!

kelli6 22 years ago

Denny, God is truly wonderful. I am so glad to hear that you are doing so well. I pray your life will just get better and better. May He bless you always and in all that you do!!!

jennifer W. 22 years ago

Denise, We are all so happy you are on the other side! Thank you for sharing your story and wonderful outlook. I wish you a speedy recovery, and a spectacular new life!

Mary R. 22 years ago

I just wanted to congratulate you on your surgery and your positive additude. You are a gorgeous woman and you have inspired me. I will look foward to your updates. May God Bless You.

Monette L. 22 years ago

You go girl!!! I saw your pic and you are absolutley gorgeous. I hope you have a speedy recovery. I can't wait to see your after pictures - you can model your lipsticks! I bet you can't wait either. Well I hope all is well. Take care.

kasi H. 22 years ago

yayyyy denise! hang in there. i'm so glad everything went smoothly for you! let me know if you need talk or anything!!! just send me an email. L&L~

msbevhills 22 years ago

My operation date was on June 18, 2002. I must say that the last three days before my operation I went through so many changes and odd behavior. On June 14th, which was Friday I was happy and eating anything my heart desired, on June 15, Saturday, it was a special day. My husband and I had the night alone. The children slepted over friends home and we went out to dinner. I had a Pina Colada in a coconut which was so delicious and also some rice, red beans, avocado salad, pork roast and some Puerto Rican dessert called "Flan". Which is similiar to a vanilla custard with a sugary syrup. Yum!! That late evening I find myself sad, because I was so stuffed from over eating. I went to my cupboard and took 4 tums to help my stomach ache subside. The next day, Sunday, June 16th, I spent the day sun tanning, swimming, reading and having some chilled wine outdoors with my 3 pomeranians. In the evening My husband and I went to pick up the kids at their friends home. That evening I sat down and said a long prayer. I prayed for the Lord to strengthen me and help me through the new journey I was about to experience. I asked the Lord to help me deal with today because it was my last day to have the kinds of foods and drinks I have had all of my life and have enjoyed so much. It was a day of mourning. The next morning, Monday June 17th, I woke up and headed to my kitchen and prepared myself my breakfast. Which consisted of jello, broth and water. Throughout the early morning I felt fine. But as the day progressed I developed a headache, hunger, crankiness and nauseau. Yes, this was all from hunger. Throughout the rest of this long day I desired a milkshake, hamburgers, french fries, and everything else amaginable. I was becoming angered with this liquid diet and wanted food!!!! At this point I want to say, "Forget this stupid idea" and I wanted to cancel the operation. All because of my desire for food. It is so sad to think that the power of food is controlling me. Reminder, this day requires that you have a fleet/enema before you go to bed. Well night time came and went and I woke up at 6 a.m. on Monday, June 18th, operation day. I had to arrive at the hospital at 7 a.m. I arrived at 7 a.m. signed my papers and was taken upstairs to the pre-op room. I got undressed, put on my gown and slippers and layed down on the bed. The nurse was pleasant and hooked me up to the IV. She also gave me a needle in my stomach which is a medicine to prevent blood clots. It did not hurt!! At 9 a.m my doctor came in and talked with me and my husband, then the nurse gave me a sedative which make me drowsey and then they rolled me into the operation room. I woke up in recovery about 1:15 p.m. and feeling no pain, just drowsey. About 2:30 p.m. I was taken to my private room with a lovely view of the mountains and a golf course located in Arcadia, California. The rest of night I felt great, with no pain. Well, I did not allow myself to feel any pain because every 15 to 20 minutes I would press the button for the pain killer. That evening the nurse got me up and walked me down the hall. Yes, it is extremely important to walk, walk, walk. I also had my first ounce of water that evening, which tasted so good and refreshing. The next morning June 19th, Wednesday morning, my vital signs are perfect, my blood results are fantastic, I am up and walking and I am not hungry. The dietitician came in and reviewed my diet, the doctor came in and looked at my bandages, and everything was fine. It was time for me to be released, go home and walk up into the new world on the otherside. Before I was released I had to eat my breakfast, which consisted of jello, apple juice and broth. I ate it all and it left me completely satisfied. I went home feeling good and today which is thursday, June 20th I remain feeling great. I continue to get out of bed and walk around my home. It is best to stay active and busy. Try to rest as well but do not make it a routine to stay in bed. Staying in bed could cause blood clots and also cause the metabolism to slow down. I am following my diet which consists of having my protein drink, water, crystal light, (which can substitute for water) and apple juice, every half hour. The beautiful news, is that on June 16th, Sunday, I weighed myself and the scale read 269 and today I am weighing in at 259. I feel great and I know I will continue to feel great. Thank you for your emails. God bless!

A J. 22 years ago

I just wanted to send my warmest wishes to you. I have you in my prayers along with your family. Just think, in no time you will be feeling better and moving on to life on the losing side! Congratulations!! Hugs

msbevhills 22 years ago

CATHY T. 22 years ago

About Me
Arcadia, CA
Surgery Date
May 07, 2002
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
