Debra Massey
Las Vegas, NV, USA
Post Op - BMI: 25.8
Surgery Type: RNY
Member ID: M1064348768
Contact: Click here to send a Personal Message
Surgeon: F. Darwin Zahn, M.D.
I am a 50 year old Wife & Mother. I suffer from many health problems. All of which the doctors say are caused by my obesity. So I am ready to start a new healthy life. I have had my consult, my Psycological testing, have been ok'd by Dr Zahn & Dr Maxwell. Nicole told me the paperwork had been faxed to the insurance company on Friday 9-19-03. We drove home to Vegas, and on monday I had to call my insurance company.... just to make sure they got the paperwork... Much to my surprise they told me it had already been approved. They had faxed the approval to Dr Zahn earlier in the day. So now I am waiting for Nicole to call me with a surgery date.Just got off the phone with Nicole...I got my date January 7, 2004.

10-31-03 I come to the website daily to read all the updates. It is such a comfort to read & know there are so many out there that can understand. I have my date (01-07-04)& it really seemed so far away when I first found out...It started out 109 days, and I am already down to 62 days. I have gone thru so many phases, excitement, terror, depression, disbelief... I am now in the phase of thinking that something is going to go wrong.. I am so afraid it isn't going to happen. Before, I would have gotten depressed and went shopping. But since I got my date I have not been shopping and have not bought one item of clothing. I have had one person contact me, he has the same surgery date as me. I hope to find more people to correspond with as I get closer to my date. I don't want to be the one that gets depressed & runs to the website to cry... but today was just one of those days, Next update will be much more positive... Promise

11-06-03 Well here I am back. This time feeling much more positive. I have been hoping to get an angel, but no one in the Phoenix area or Las Vegas area yet. But I actaully did get my angel. Michael contacted me, he is from the So California area. He & I will be having our surgery on the same day. He called me this week and it really felt good to talk to someone that knows just what I am going thru. He is wonderful. He told me he will call me from his hospital room the day after surgery. Needless to say I am sure we will have lots to talk about. Things are going very fast. I will be going to Texas for Thanksgiving to see my family. I will take this chance to sit down with everyone & talk to them about all of this. I was going to keep it a secret, but decided I could not go into it without being honest with everyone. Most of the family is very supportive, and there are some that think I am taking the "easy" way out. OH IF THEY ONLY KNEW..... Then when I come home from Texas it will only be 4 weeks till my BIG DAY. And in that 4 weeks I will go to Phoenix for my Pre-op tests. Gosh... a lot to do. And I thought it was so far away. I do have a question??? if anyone reads this and could share. My husband & I are trying to make the decision to drive to Phoenix or fly. I am not sure how I can handle a 6 hour car ride so soon after surgery... then again if flying would be any easier. Its only a 50 minute flight. I think I would rather me miserable for an hour than 5 or 6. And I hate to think about stopping on the side of the road to get out & walk. Well, thats enough for tonight, But before I go... Thanks Michael.. you truely are an angel.

11-21-03... I always mean to come on & update, but I start reading other profiles & get lost. So I will update before I start reading. I went to my first support meeting on wednesday. WOW do I feel much better. Everyone there was great. We have people at all stages. Some have reached their goal, Some getting ready to have their TT, and one 2 weeks out of surgery, one 3 weeks out of surgery. Just being able to talk and be understood. I am going on vacation to be with my family in Texas this coming week. I am sure there will be lots of questions, laughter & tears as I try to make everyone understand my surgery & hopefully gain their support.When I come home from vacation I will be 4 weeks from surgery. As of today I am 43 days from my big day. I thought time would go by so slow, but boy was I wrong. To everyone... have a great Thanksgiving. I'll update again when I return....
Thanksgiving is over, had a great vacation. Talked a lot with all my family about my upcoming surgery. All were very supportive, except one. So I explained to her that I didn't need her ok. I would be just fine without it. According to her Iam taking the "easy way" out. With all the friends & family I have on my side, she really doesn't matter. Since I have been home I have done all the Pre-op tests and they are being faxed to Dr Zahns office. We leave Vegas on the 4th (Sunday), I have an appointment with Dr Zahn on Monday afternoon, a day of teaching on tuesday, and surgery on Wednesday the 7th. The time has passed so fast. When I got my date of January 7th back on Sept 22nd I thought WOW.. that is a lifetime away. I thank everyone for the support I have gotten. Especially to Michael, he is my WLS partner. He saw my surgery date on the web page and discovered that our surgery dates are on the same day. He will be at UCLA, I will be in Phoenix. We have talked on the phone and shared so may feelings. We plan to be in contact while we are in the hospital, just to make sure we are doing things right. :-) My support group is great. They have answered so many questions. I have been asked by so many if I am getting nervous. Well not about the surgery. But I am a bet nervous about the new life. I know I can do it. And no matter how much I talk to those that are already on that side, until I am there it is still the unknown. I wish everyone a Happy New Year. I had planned to stay home & have a nice quiet night, but on Christmas Eve I won a prize package for one of the hotels here in Vegas. I have a beautiful Suite for two nights, with New Years Eve Dinner for two, and tickets to the New Years Eve Bash on the Fremont Experience in Downtown Las Vegas. Soooo I will bring in the New Year in Style.. and Start My new life... on the losing side..
WOW only 4 days to go. I am so excited. I will admit there are some moments of nerves. But then all the last minute things are keeping me busy. We will leave for Phoenix tomorrow, then I see Dr Zahn on Monday, Teaching Day on Tuesday and check in at the hospital at 9:30 Wednesday morning. It's almost like I am moving in slow motion with so much to do. Last night I had a wonderful call from Michael, my WLS partner who is having his surgery the same time I am. It is so funny to realize I am not alone. We would talk about feelings & each one of us were feeling the exact same thing. Gosh its nice to find out we really are human. Michael has been a Godsend. I worried because I didn't have an angel, but Micahel has been the answer to my prayers. THANK YOU MICHAEL. Also thsnk you to everyone on here. I have recieved so many well wishes from my surgery page. I will print them & have them at the hospital with me. My Girlfriend that has had WLS took me to lunch yesterday, she has been a great sorce of inspiration. She is giving me all her clothes she can no longer wear... Yeah. its like christmas. I have a good friend who's daughter (5 years old) gave me a Teddy Bear to take to the hospital, :-) to "keep me safe & happy" I cried like a baby. See, here I am worried about surgery, that I may feel a bit of pain, when this 5 year old baby wanted me to be ok in the hospital, when this wonderful little girl is going thru so much more, she has Hodgkins Lymphoma and is going thru chemo right now. She is scheduled for a bone marrow transplant & stem cell transplant. It took me looking thru the eyes of a child to know it really is going to be ok...
The day is here... ! and I am so excited. I got a great nights sleep (which really surprised me) I am off to the shower then on my way to the hospital. I'll update as soon as I get home from the hospital.... and then I can change my status to POST-OP...
:-) God Bless
Finally... I was able to post as... POST-OP. Surgery went great. I was up & walking to go to the bathroom half an hour after they got me back to my room. Then walked in the hall an hour later. Lots of walking, lots of water. The staff at St Lukes are the best. I never wanted for anything. I had the room mate from hell, but I just kept the curtain closed and tried to ignore her. When I got out of the hospital and back to the hotel, I had settled down for my fisrt LONG night at home. I got the surprise of my life. My wonderful brother and sister in law had flown in from Texas to surprise me... THE BEST medecine I could have gotten. I Love You Big Brother..Well back to lay down for a bit. Thank you so much too all for the prayers & well wishes. I will post again after I get back to Vegas... God Bless
Gosh life is great. I feel better & better everyday. Almost all the soreness is gone. I went out woth my daughter today and she even commented how much more energy I have. I see the Dr on Thursday..can't wait to see what his scales say, mine say I am down 19 lbs..... Michael my WLS partner in California is also doing great, its fun to talk and realize how we are doing everything together, and I can't wait to go to my support metting on Wednesday. I'll update again after the Doctor on Thursday... God Bless
Had my first post-op appointment on Thursday. 15 days after surgery and 22 lbs down. Dr was very pleased with my progress. I am completely off all meds. Before I was on enough insulin to kill a person, now I am off insulin and my diabetes is controled. My blood preasure is completely normal. I know everyone told me this was possible but I never dreamed it was possible for me. We flew from Vegas for my follow up in Phoenix. I made it thru the airports with no problem (something I was unable to do just 3 weeks ago) Everyday gets better & better. I have had a bit of a problem being a little over emotional :-) but I think that is more a part of being a woman than a problem from the surgery. I want everyone to treat me normal, but some members of my family treat me like this surgery has made me an invalid. I know they are just concerned and I understand that. I went for a walk, by myself, and when I returned I could see the concern and worry, I was asked if I was alright. Geezzz I just went for a walk. Not only was this surgery a life changing surgery for me, but also for my family. I highly encourage everyone to attend thier support meetings. And if at all possible have your spouse or family members also go with you. Best wishes to all, I'll update again soon.... God Bless
Wow... time gets away. I didn't realize it has been so long since I updated. I come on the website to read everyone else's updates and never think to update mine. I am now 8 weeks post-op. Feeling great and 42 lbs gone forever. All of my health probelms.. asthma, diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, sleep apnea are under control. I am no longer taking any meds. My blood sugars are around 110 in the morning and 113 at night. before my surgery I was lucky to have a blood sugar under 500, and that was on pills & insulin. Now I am taking no meds & and feel great. So far no real problems with any foods. Eggs nauseate me... and milk products are a great laxative.. LOL so I stay away from them. I do have a problem getting all of my protien in, but I try. It takes me forever to go food shopping now.. I think I read every label of everything I put in the cart. I was able to go shopping at the Mall with my daughter and was so pleasently surprised. We walked the complete upstairs & downstairs without me giving out and needing to sit down. I bought a new pair of shoes... one size smaller and they are NOT wides... :-) All my clothes are falling off me but what a treat that is. I was at my husbands office the other day & one of the guys came up to me & said "wow you are really slimming down" He made my day.... I was contacted by a great lady who had decided to not have the surgery. We talked and she started coming to our support meeting, I am happy to say she has decided it is right for her. I can honestly say the day I had my surgery was the start of a whole new life for me and my family... my husband has his wife back and my daughter has her Mom, a Mom she always dreamed of... a Healthy Mom and a Happy Mom.......
Wow, what an exciting ride I am on. I feel great. Am able to eat just about anything I want, except all the NO NO things and I really don't want those things. I still look for all the things with huge amounts of protien since I have a hard time getting in the required amount of that "stuff", I get most of my liquids in everyday, so all in all I am doing good. I have lost 55 lbs as of today. I still have a hard time seeing the loss. I can feel it, especially in the ways my clothes fit (or should I say "don't" fit). I had lunch with a girlfriend the other day. She had not seen me since the week before my surgery. When she started walking towards me I stood up, She almost fainted. Made me feel like a million dollars. I have not sent any pictures to my family back home. I plan to go see them sometime this summer. I can't wait to see thier faces. BUT the best part of this whole new life is I am healthy. And even better I am HAPPY. My support group has made such a difference in my life. And my surgery buddy Michael in California has been a lifesaver. He is doing great, he has lost a total of 80 lbs. When i get down or have a bad day I know I can call him and he understands. I don't just get the standard "its ok" I get a heartfelt "I understand". So for now I will close this. Time to fix dinner... MMMM Shrimp. Take care all and God Bless.
Well after going thru a very bad bout of depression... thanks to my WLS Friend & partner Michael I am much better. I am now 12 weeks post op and 60 lbs gone forever. One thing I did that made me feel 100% better... I cleaned out my closet. I had looked at all of those clothes and in my mind there was a fear I might actually go back to them. So now my closet is EMPTY. I have a few pairs of jeans that fit, and I am going to have to buy a dress for Easter because not one of my dresses fit. I felt sooo good looking at the boxs of clothes and my empty closet. I had my 3 month blood work done today. I am hoping for the best. I will get the results back just in time to travel to Phoenix to see Dr Zahn on the 19th. Life is Great........ I'll update again after I see Dr Zahn. God Bless
Things are happing so fast its just so hard to keep up. I have lost 90 lbs.... yeah, gone forever. I feel great. I have my ups & downs.But all I have to do is go back & look at my pictures. I went shopping yesterday, mainly because I don't have any clothes that fit. I went to Ross and found a dress... nice, cheap & a size 18. I decided to try it on, an much to my surprise.......... IT FIT. I started in a size 28. AHHH so I threw caution to the wind... we went to Sam's Club today. I was looking at bulejean shorts. Yep thats what I said, SHORTS. Haeven't even thought of wearing a pair of shorts in 30 years. I found a pair... size 18 so I thought what the hell... I bought them, thinking I would be able to wear them sometime this summer. Well nothing do my husband... but when we got home I had to try them on.... I would say 10 more lbs & they will fit great. It is so amazing, if something is too small one day I wait a week and BAM... it fits. I had a lady at church come up to me today & tell me how wonderful I look. I sent pictures to my parents... they are in shock. My Dad, bless his heart told me the pictures are great.. But he wants to put his arms around me... My Mom cried & told me she never thought she would ever have her "beautiful Debbie" back again. I knew I had a new life ahead of me. But I never dreamed this would have such an impact on so many people.its been just over a year ago that I put my health in God's Hands. And that is where it stays. If at anytime I feel that I am doing the wrong thing, I close my eyes and get the assurance from God that all is good. I get phone calls out of the blue from Mike, my very special WLS partner. It's almost as if he can feel when I need to hear his voice. He is doing great. We had surgery at the same time. He is doing wonderful and is such an important part of my journey.THANK YOU MICHAEL. I have lost 90 lbs so far, my birthday is in 8 days. My goal was to lose 100 lbs by my birthday. I may not make it by then but I am so close... :-) who's counting anyways. This time last year I would never have dreamed that I would have lost 100lbs. Life is awesome...... God Bless All
WOW, its been over 6 months and my life has changed so much. When I can figure out how to change or add pictures to this I will post a new picture. I finally went back to Texas to visit family and they were all in shock. All asked where the rest of me is. I went from a size 28/30 dress to now wearing a size 16. And went from a size 28 jeans to a size 18 jeans. I had my 6 month check up with Dr Zahn on July 19th. I am 100lbs down and all is great. My blood test all came back normal. My diabetis is completley under control. As a matter a fact, according to my #'s... I am no longer a diabteic. Considering I was on enough insulin to kill a person and now I am on NOTHING... it is nothing less than a miracle. I have had one small set back, but it has nothing to do with the surgery. I will be having spinal surgery next monday and could use some prayers. I haven't been able to exercise like I should, but once the surgery is done everything should get back to normal. Life is Great.......... and when everyone asks me... would you do it again? do you have any regrets? YES I would do it again... and any regrets? YES... that I didn't do it a long time ago... I have a life back.. and Life is Good....
Life is good once again. I have just returned home from the hospital after having Spinal Surgery. My WLS has been a great help in this surgery. I had surgery on my neck & I would have had to learn to eat all over again. I have to take very small bites, chew everything very very well.... sound familier? It is really tough to swallow. I had my check up with Dr Zahn on the 19th of July and got a great report. All my blood work was great, Iron was a bit high so now I am on vitamins without iron, B-12 was perfect.... all in all Life Is Good. I have gone from a size 28/30 to a size 16. I even enjoy shopping now. I can fit into "normal" clothes. Until later... God Bless
Just came home from our support meeting. I feel so much better after I get together with everyone. I even brought home some clothes someone brought in to share... WOW much to my surprise I was able to wear a size 14 jacket... I could even get on the size 12... but it is a few more months before it will "really" fit. I bought a skirt yesterday.... a size 14!!! wow did that ever make my day. I am doing much better since my spinal surgery. All the pain is gone so now I can concentrate on exercising and getting the rest of this weight off. I am 61 lbs from goal. I have lost 120 so far...I was ask again today... would you do it all over again? You betcha I would.. in a heartbeat... until later... God Bless
Wow... 9 months post op... I saw Dr Zahn the middle of this month. I am feeling great. I am into a size 14. I have seen lots of old friends, and its fun to see the look on thier face when they are trying to figure out who I am. I am down a total of 130 lbs... Life is GREAT........
Happy New Year to everyone. This has been a wonderful year. I never thought it would feel so good to be called a LOSER...The weight loss has slowed up, but I still see the scale going down. I see Dr Zahn on Monday morning. This is my 1 year check-up. Gosh it certainly doesn't feel like a year. But this time last year I weighed 329 lbs and I am 189 today. And I wore a 28/30 dress, 3X shirts ( in reality it should have been a 4X.) I am now in size 14 jeans, large or medium shirts, and it really has surpised when I went shoe shoping. I have lost 2 whole sizes. I went from a 10 wide to a size 8. No more wides, and it was great to open a gift from my husband... :-)... a pair of boots, yea... and they fit. And today I had to ask my daughter if I could wear one of her sweatshirts. I never thought the day would come when I was wearing my daughters clothes. Of course there has been the bad times. But I can count them on one hand. I will get on my soap box & tell everyone about one thing. When they tell you how important it is to DRINK ALL of your fluids. Do it... I am really bad about getting in all of my fluids. Well about 2 weeks ago I had a REALLY bad pain in my lower back and it radtiated into the lower abb in the front. I was taken to the hospital at 3 AM. They loaded me up on morphine, then did a cat scan of my Kidney. I have a HUGE Kidney Stone. It is measured approx. 10MM. They called in the Uroligist... He was very impressed LOL. Said it was the largest he has seen. I am scheduled for January 7th to have it busted up so I can pass it. How ironic, it is on the 1 year anniversary of my WLS. My doctor has told me he may have to go in & put a stint in since I have a hard time staying highdrated. But other than that I feel great. I have met lots of people I haven't seen in over a year and they pass right by me. When we went to candlelight services on Christmas Eve, one of the ladies in my church thought I was one of my 21 year old daughters friend. She even asked my husband where I was. Gosh that is a great feeling. People call me skinny, although I still have about 50 more pounds to take off. One lady asked where I was going to lose it from. When I went to Texas in October, my parents drove past me 3 times. My Dad & Mom wondered who that girl was that was waving at them as they drove past & had to circle the airport fo the 3rd time. But the best part of everything, I AM FINALLY HEALTHY. this time a year ago I was taking 23 different medications. I was on 250 units insulin a day. Yep you read it right. 250 and I still was having blood sugar counts over 600. and my Hemoglobin A 1C was a 14. my blood work this month it went down to 5.6 which means I am officially not considered a Diabetic any longer. Although I still watch it. Beacuse my Doc told me once a diabetic always a diabetic..... I was also on meds for high blood, congestive heart failure, high cholesterol.But I am proud to say, I am off ALL my meds. All I take now is a mulit vitamin without Iron. My Ferritin has been coming back high. And I had to quit the calcium, at least till they get the Kidney Stone thing under control. Life is Great. So I will close this. May you all have a wonderful year, All of your dreams come true. Keep all of your memories close to your heart, because your Memories are your dreams that you have already lived. Make the best of all situations. I am happy the way I am today. But I still have to look back & remember... ( on the fence at one of the concentration camps in Germany, "those who do not remember are condemed to repeat the past").. there was good times. And just because I was fat, it doesn't make them all bad memories... that time in my life just made me a stronger person. Happy New Year, and may God Bless everyone.
WOW.. it's finally over a year. Happy Anniversary to all that have made it this far. And to those who haven't, don't worry, it's just around the corner. I have mentioned my WLS partner so many times. Michael in California. Well it took over a year but we finally met each other face to face. How wonderful it was to get that hug I had needed for so long. He is such an awesome person. He has been there for me thru thick and thin.... thank goodness it's much THINNER now. I have had so many friends & family right by my side thru all of this but I will have to say Michael and I have a special bond, we were in surgery at the same time, him in California and me in Phoenix. Believe me he got many calls from me. He heard all the fears... He heard the laughs and the tears. So I take this chance to say Thank You Michael..... I know I could have done it without you, but it was a lot easier having you just a phone call away.
Wow where do I start.. I know it has been a long time since I updated.Lots going on... I like to think I am a stronger person due to this surgery. But I have found even though we think we are super humans after this... we are not. I am feeling great, I have had problems with Kidney stones. REMEMBER drink your water!. I have also had some serious back problems. The doctor seems to think they have been there for a long time but have just surfaced since I am more active, and they don't have the fat around them "supporting" them. I have been on a LONG plateau. Not eatting like I should and not useing my support partners the way I should... Like I said.. we feel like super"woman".... We are not. I have returned to fulltime work. Not that I wanted to but the income was needed. A member of the family was in a very serious accident and that opened my eyes that it is not "about me".... Now I am finally able to contribute to my family... this surgery has enabled me to return to work and support the ones that supported me for so many years when the weight held me back from being a useful member of society. I rememebr saying all the words that I still hear from so many... " I like myself the way I am" "they just have to love me the way I am" BUT now I realize even if I said the words, How could they love me If I didn't love myself. This has been a life saving surgery for me. The doctors told me in 2003, that if I did not have the surgery I would not live another 2 years... WELL here I am... 2005 and I am alive & healthier than ever. I went to the doctor today and he said all my blood work is great... now back to eatting right.. and back to loseing.. I have about another 30 lbs to lose till I am at the goal I set for myself... then I will venture out to the next journey... Plastic Surgery.... I promise to update more often... and to all the members of my support group.... I love each & every one of you...
I know I say it everytime I log on to update.... Which is not very often. BUT WOW... time flies. I have had a VERY rough year. I am just glad my weight has not been a part of it. I am so very proud that my beloved Daddy got to see me healthy before he went into the arms of his Savior. I had to tell my Daddy, my Hero goodbye. He passed away 9 days before Christmas. Decenber 16, 2005. I now know that I can make it through anything. Losing my Dad was the hardest thing I have ever been through.

Now, as for making it thru the surgery. I still have my ups & downs. There are times that I feel like "My pouch MUST have streached back out" But then all I have to do is take just one bite that is too big. Or eat just a bit too fast... OR EAT SUGAR. After feeling like I just got run over by a truck. I realize... I still have to be careful. When they tell you this surgery is a complete life style change. BELIEVE IT. As I look back, I ask myself and many people ask me this question. Would you do it again? ABSOLUTELY!!!! in a heartbeat. Before my surgery I was on 23 different Medications. I took 350 units of insulin a day... YEP thats what I said. It is not a typo.... 350 units a day. as of today I am off ALL of my meds.Dr Zahn told me I am his greatest success. I had a score of -49 the day of surgery. I now have a score of 0(ZERO) Berfore my surgery my Primary Dr. told me I had 2 years max. He said my Kidneys would not last more that 2 years with the amount of insulin I was taking. Plus with the amount of insulin, my blood sugars were still over 500. I was slowly killing myself. Now I look at my beautiful 23 year old daughter. Who I might add just became a Parimedic. And I look at my Husband of 34 years. My Mom who is so very special to me. My Brothers , sisters-in-law, and my beautiful niece and wonderful nephews. I know have a life to share with them. They don't dread that call saying " Debs in the hospital.. AGAIN"

Well, for now. I will say good night. AND It really is great to be called a loser! God Bless to all.



158 lbs gone forever
  • Insurer Info:
    Tri Care Prime
    No problems, they ask for every imaginable record you can get your hands on. In the end they didn't need all the paperwork because they had approved all the refferals for all the proceedures. They received my request from Dr Zahn's office on Friday 9-19-03 and when I called on Monday 9-22-03 at 1:30pm, it was already approved.Kudo's to Tri-Care Prime. I average 3 hospital stays a year not to mention the weekly to bi weekly trips to the ER...Finally members of the healthcare community that honestly care...


    About Me
    Las Vegas, NV
    Surgery Date
    Sep 23, 2003
    Member Since

    Friends 1
