I have been heavy pretty much my entire life, minus maybe a couple years in my senior year of high school and first year of college when I started going to Weight Watchers with my mom. It was around this time I met my husband. At the time I probably weighed 140 lbs or so. We moved out together and were both working at a variety of fast food restaurants, definitely not good for the weight-challenged individual. Eventually, the weight started creeping up. When we got married in 1996, I was around 160-165 lbs, and it gradually increased from there. In 2000, my DH was diagnosed with cancer and since then has had 3 recurrences. During this time is when I discovered I was a stress eater and over a timeframe of around 7 years, I have gained around 100 lbs. I had my son, who is now 5, in 2002. I was probably around 230 when I got pregnant and during the course of my pregnancy gained about 45 lbs. After he was born I lost all but maybe 5 lbs of what I gained during the pregnancy, but it didn't last long.
I have been a yo-yo dieter since I was about 18 years old. You name it, I have probably tried it - Weight Watchers, Atkin's, South Beach, Curves, Scarsdale, Metabolife, etc., and I can just never stick to them for a long period of time. Probably the most weight I have ever lost in one period of time is 25-30 lbs, and then I just gained it back plus some. I swear, I have a bottomless stomach; I can never stay full or satisfied. I am hoping the Lap Band will help me to get full faster and maintain that feeling.
I am really looking forward to this surgery and hope it will help me reach my goal. I want to be the kind of mother that can play with her child and not be tired all the time. I want to take my son to Disneyland, but know if I were to do that now I would never make it walking all day, not to mention I probably wouldn't fit on many of the rides. I want to be able to take him swimming and run around with him, and now I just can't do that. Most of all, I want to be healthy and be able to see my grandchildren. I can't wait for my new life!