4 weeks post-op

Dec 06, 2010

   Yay!  I'm 4 weeks post op and still doing great.  I got on the scale this morning and if its accurate, I'm down just shy of 20 lbs down from day of surgery and that makes a grand total of 48 lbs lost from my original weigh in!  I'm feeling great and really starting to see the results.  I can cross my legs without holding my top leg in place, my cloths are falling off of me and my knees don't creek, pop, and snap when I walk up stairs.  Its awesome!  Another thing that Ive noticed is that my skin is beautiful.  That is truly one thing I didn't expect.  The  only reason I can guess why is that fat stores estrogen and since the fat is melting away its releasing the hormones.  Any way, at some point today I'm going to figure out how to post new pictures.  In the mean time, Ive got to find something to eat, I'm hungry and I get to start of soft foods today!


About Me
Stockton, CA
Surgery Date
Feb 02, 2010
Member Since

Before & After
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283 LBSlbs
155 LBSlbs

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