Sleep study appointment fell through the cracks

Aug 02, 2007

I called OWLS yesterday and asked them about my sleep study because no one has called me yet to make an appointment.  They told me that according to their records, I was going to get my referral via a PCP.  Which I don't have one.  So, I told them that and they said they'll refer me themselves.  Hopefully will get a call soon.

pre-op appointments scheduled

Jul 31, 2007

I got my welcome packet from OWLS (Oregon Weight Loss Surgery), who is partnered with Legacy Hospital of Portland Oregon.  The packet included my appointment dates, insurance and co-pay information verfied by my carrier.  They also listed the blood tests needed... I bet I have to have a pint a blood taken.  Also, some forms that I need to fill out about my diet history and some info for my psych testing.  

I did my initial workshop meeting on June 19th.  There must have been 150-200 people there.  I can't believe there were that many obese people considering WLS on just the one day I was there when they put these workshops on many times a year.  That tells me that most of those people don't have the surgery or possibly go somewhere else.  

The workshop was very informative but not much that I didn't already learn online from the many days of surfing I've done researching this surgery.  But, I was more there to get information about OWLS specifically and there statistics of complications/deaths.  They're a complete laproscopic outfit.  As of their statistics, they only had 2 conversions to open chest for RNY bypass.  Dr. Emma Patterson gave the presentation.  I chose her as my surgeon not because I don't trust the other 2 surgeons she has in her office but she's the most qualified, experienced... and she's the boss.  It's possible I might change surgeons after I have my initial appointments.

I filled out my application I received at the workshop the next day and FedEx'ed to OWLS offices.  I called them a few days later and got a confirmation they recieved it.  They told me that I should wait anywhere from a few days or possibly up to 2 weeks before I get my welcome packet.  I got my packet in early July as scheduled.  They said assuming that there is no hiccups, that after my appointments in August, I will have my surgical consult up to 3 weeks after, and then can get my surgery date scheduled about 3-4 weeks after that.  I've spoken to mostly the same person at Dr. Pattersons' office.  Her name is Grace.  She seems very knowledgable and helpful.  So far I have not had any issues come up or anything that would make distrust their office. 

My insurance covers 80% of the surgery, anestesia (sp?), etc using an in-network doctor (which OWLS is for my carrier).  They said nothing about get additional approval, I called my insurance carrier and they said I was covered.  They also havent said anything about having to lose a specific amount of weight before my surgery either, which is different from other people I've read about.  I don't know if this is a doctor thing or an insurance thing.  

About Me
Everett, WA
Surgery Date
Jul 28, 2007
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Carbs are bad mmmmk?
Ketosis session
Hospital writeup
Back home from surgery
Surgery in less than 23 hours
Surgery date scheduled!!!
Consult completed... waiting on insurance
Consult date scheduled !!!
All hoops jumped through
