It has been a very long time....

Oct 01, 2009

Actually it has been a year since I last posted.  After my last post I went through the same thing in November - stomach swelling closed completely.  I went 3 weeks not being able to eat solids and occasionally no liquids.  I went back to my doctor and he removed all the saline.  I had lost 15 pounds in 3 weeks BUT I was not healthy.  I wasn't dehydrated but I could feel myself failing, i.e. walking slowly and staggering.  IT WAS TERRIBLE.  Once the saline was removed I felt an immediate difference.  Both liquids and food went down immediately.  I was starved!

Because I was gun shy I left the saline out until February.  Unfortunately, I gained 10 of the 15 pounds back during that time but I suppose it wasn't too bad considering I went through most of the fall and winter holidays.  I tried watching what I ate but the carbs got me.

I was ok until recently and then the same thing started happening.  I have been trying to pinpoint the trigger.  I think it is certain foods.  I primarily eat nothing but soft food, my protein drinks with a small amount of fruit and non fat plain yogurt blended in them and soups.  I rarely eat meat and have substituted meat for beans.  I'm worried the carbs in the beans may keep me from losing through my mid section.  I used to be able to eat nuts but they stick immediately not matter how much I chew.  Peanut butter and cottage cheese sticks, too.

I'm wondering if I have too much saline but 1/2 cc made all the difference in the world. I had 1/2 less before my last fill and I felt I could eat anything.  I wasn't losing a pound.  I'm almost back to where I was last November - just about 4 pounds short - so I feel I've wasted an entire year.    I'm determined to get there even if it takes 5 years.

I don't like the way my skin looks, though.  I have a lot of cellulite that I didn't have before and I can see the skin sagging.  I guess that is what happens to old skin.  Not much elasticity there anymore.  My arms are disgusting! 

To top everything off I fell this past March and tore my rotator cuff.  I had it repaired in August and now going through physical therapy.  My knees have pain in them, too, so I don't feel like exercising or walking.  I'm sure if I were to get out there and walk I would lose more weight but I fear the pain in my knees and heels.

Enough for now.  Hello to all and good luck!

It's Been A While.....

Sep 29, 2008

It has been a while since my last post.  I have had only 2 fills and feel I have reached my sweet spot.  It doesn't take much to satisfy my appetite.

ALTHOUGH, I basically screwed myself up recently.  I had a bad week and ate whatever I wanted.  Before long I started throwing up every thing I ate.  The throwing up caused my stomach to inflame and swell consequently I could get nothing down - I mean nothing - including water.  The doctor said to go on liquids for a few days and if it didn't get better I would have to have the saline removed from my band.  Thank goodness the liquids worked and I'm back to normal.


Mar 26, 2008

Had my first fill on March 13th.  I don't think it is just right yet.  I can eat things I was told I wouldn't be able to eat (of course, I have to test the water).

I lost another 5 pounds.  I really thought I would lose faster but the doctor seems to be thrilled with my loss.

I experienced my first sliming Easter night. I totally forgot about the band and ate like I used to eat - not chewing properly and shoveling it down.  The ham immediately stuck and I walked and walked thinking it would go down.  Then the gagging started. I won't do that again!

My next appointment is at the end of May.  More at that time.

On My Way

Feb 20, 2008

I had my follow up visit with Dr. Halmi on February 7th and according to the scale lost 22 pounds.  He said it was too much and to slow down.    He also said I could start eating regular food at that time and of course I overindulged and had stomach cramps in the middle of the night.  I went back to my soft foods and have been ok since although I don't think I have lost any more weight - maybe a pound.  He said to return in 5 weeks for my first fill. I've gone down 2 sizes and THAT is a good feeling! 

It's Better Now

Jan 23, 2008

It's better now.  I'm not outrageously hungry.  I eat the portions that I am supposed to eat (2 tbsp protein and 2 tbsp fruits/vegetables) plus drink my protein powder (Unjury) and skim milk in between meals.  My biggest problem is getting the water in.  I drink about 34 oz a day and that is not enough because I'm getting charlie horses.  The most painful are under my rib cage or down my left side.  I try to work them out but yet be careful not to hurt my incisions.  I have one incision that is turning red so I need to buy Neosporin to see if I can heal it.  I should walk more, too, but just can't get away from my desk.

The Journey Begins

Jan 17, 2008

I had surgery on January 9th.  All went well except that they kept me in recovery for 5 hours because of my breathing.  The nurse said I have smoker's lung.  Go figure - I've never smoked a cigarette in my life but have been exposed to second hand smoke most of my life.   I don't think I have ever visited a hospital as wonderful as iNOVA Fair Oaks.  Every person in that hospital is so compassionate, caring, nice, etc.  They released me on the 11th.

My challenge began.  I got on the scale and weighed an additional 14 pounds.  Of course, I knew that was from all the fluid they pumped in my body and would lose it soon.  I was depressed and nauseous from hunger.  It hurt to hear people talk and I couldn't even turn on the TV.  I found it extremely annoying.  I was annoyed that I was dependant on someone else to prepare my "food", and help me out of bed so I just stayed in bed.  That was a mistake.

By Monday morning I'd had enough so I drove 2 hours into work.  Tuesday I felt like a new person and have progressively felt better each day.  

The only down side is that I am outrageously hungry.  My stomach growls constantly and I am just down the hall from our cafeteria so the smell of food makes me ravenous.  I only have a few more days of liquids and then I start on pureed food.  I'm actually looking forward to it.   

My bandages are falling off and the scars aren't too bad.  I see a lot of bruising in places I didn't expect so I will ask about that.

More later.

Counting Down

Jan 07, 2008

Visited Dr. Halmi today to go over lab results.  Everything looks normal except for my blood sugar.  He said it is normal in obese people and I will go back to a healthy range in a short period of time.  My greatest fear was developing (is that the proper terminology?) diabetes because it killed my grandmother and mother at an early age.

I have more blood work tomorrow and a visit with the Nutritionist.  I bought all my supplies over the weekend so I'm ready to go.  Wednesday is the big day.  I will post more after surgery.  Wish me luck!!! 

Test Results

Jan 03, 2008

Got my test results back and all looks good except my blood sugar - 105 - so I guess I'm considered pre-diabetic.  It's a good thing I'm having surgery!    

I visit Dr. Halmi on Monday, go in for more blood work on Tuesday and surgery is scheduled for 10:30 on Wednesday.

On Track

Dec 27, 2007

I'm on track for the January 9th surgery.  Yesterday I had all the pre-op medical work done as well as an appointment with the nutritionist.   I'm looking forward to a new life! 


Nov 13, 2007

I have my first consultation with Doctor Halmi on December 3rd and surgery is scheduled for January 9th.  I was hoping to proceed before the holidays but it didn't work my way. 

About Me
Oct 15, 2007
Member Since

Friends 5

Latest Blog 13
It's Been A While.....
On My Way
It's Better Now
The Journey Begins
Counting Down
Test Results
On Track
