It has been a very long time....

Oct 01, 2009

Actually it has been a year since I last posted.  After my last post I went through the same thing in November - stomach swelling closed completely.  I went 3 weeks not being able to eat solids and occasionally no liquids.  I went back to my doctor and he removed all the saline.  I had lost 15 pounds in 3 weeks BUT I was not healthy.  I wasn't dehydrated but I could feel myself failing, i.e. walking slowly and staggering.  IT WAS TERRIBLE.  Once the saline was removed I felt an immediate difference.  Both liquids and food went down immediately.  I was starved!

Because I was gun shy I left the saline out until February.  Unfortunately, I gained 10 of the 15 pounds back during that time but I suppose it wasn't too bad considering I went through most of the fall and winter holidays.  I tried watching what I ate but the carbs got me.

I was ok until recently and then the same thing started happening.  I have been trying to pinpoint the trigger.  I think it is certain foods.  I primarily eat nothing but soft food, my protein drinks with a small amount of fruit and non fat plain yogurt blended in them and soups.  I rarely eat meat and have substituted meat for beans.  I'm worried the carbs in the beans may keep me from losing through my mid section.  I used to be able to eat nuts but they stick immediately not matter how much I chew.  Peanut butter and cottage cheese sticks, too.

I'm wondering if I have too much saline but 1/2 cc made all the difference in the world. I had 1/2 less before my last fill and I felt I could eat anything.  I wasn't losing a pound.  I'm almost back to where I was last November - just about 4 pounds short - so I feel I've wasted an entire year.    I'm determined to get there even if it takes 5 years.

I don't like the way my skin looks, though.  I have a lot of cellulite that I didn't have before and I can see the skin sagging.  I guess that is what happens to old skin.  Not much elasticity there anymore.  My arms are disgusting! 

To top everything off I fell this past March and tore my rotator cuff.  I had it repaired in August and now going through physical therapy.  My knees have pain in them, too, so I don't feel like exercising or walking.  I'm sure if I were to get out there and walk I would lose more weight but I fear the pain in my knees and heels.

Enough for now.  Hello to all and good luck!


About Me
Oct 15, 2007
Member Since

Friends 5

Latest Blog 13
It's Been A While.....
On My Way
It's Better Now
The Journey Begins
Counting Down
Test Results
On Track
