Apr 15, 2008

I can't even begin to describe how excited I am!!! I went in today as a follow-up. The biopsy done during the EGD showed no signs of H-pylori. Dr Chasen and I got to discussing complications, expectations, etc. Then he went to check to see when his next available is and I'm having surgery on APRIL 28!!!! LOL he made me
raise my right hand and take an oath that I would follow his orders and walk walk walk in the hospital no matter how I feel.

He did say that he doesn't really want me to take in more than 60-65g protein initially with my 3 meals and 2 snacks (once I get to actually being able to take in food). He said that after 3 months if I'm having
too rapid weight loss and having hair loss issues, that we can up my protein. I really HATE to go against his wishes because I KNOW that I will not absorb all of those 60-65g and that to keep from losing muscle mass and to heal, I absolutely NEED more protein than that. So I'm kind of torn with what to do. I don't want to take protein supplements and keep it from him. That's just wrong. But I also don't want to NOT supplement. The first two months + two weeks is going to be all liquids/purees. I won't start soft foods until I've done purees for 8 weeks.

I don't know, blah!!

But yeah, 13 days!! I was so excited I started to cry LOL Dr Chasen wants to meet with both me and my hubby once more before the surgery. So we will go in for one more follow-up on the 22nd and afterwards I will do my pre-admission stuff. I'm seriously counting down the days! I'm going to put myself on a liquid diet for about 10 days with low carb/high protein shakes, plus broths/soups throughout the day. He said I have a "bit" of a fatty liver but it isn't too bad. But I'd still like to go ahead and kick start the weight loss before surgery. And I'm going to up my walking. I have to walk 2 miles the night before the surgery.

WOW, so much to think about. I've got to get the house ready, lay things out in my kitchen, rearrange furniture to make it easier for me to get around. Thankfully hubby is taking leave and won't go back to work until May 12. OH! Speaking of that... as of last Monday, he was supposed to be deploying later this month. When I heard that I was like "OH NO!!" Then all of a sudden yesterday, he was told he isn't needed. THANK GOD!! So I'll have him here with me! YAY!

Ok, I've done enough rambling. I'm just so darn excited! I'm ready to start my new life.

Dreams of what's to come?

Apr 08, 2008

I don't remember much from this particular dream, but it makes me smile to think of it. 

I'm sitting in a chair, possibly a folding chair or some sort of stadium seating and there is a woman sitting to each side of me.  I don't know who they are since the focus of the dream is only seeing everything from like waist level down, as if I'm looking down my body.  I'm holding something, a newspaper or magazine, not sure.  But I look down and my legs are crossed!  I think "wow, are those my legs?  are my legs crossed?"  So I uncross them and cross them again.  Yep, those are my legs and yes they are crossed!  I felt so much joy at just being able to cross my legs.

And that is all I remember of this dream.  Just a short clip, like a video playing in my head.

I haven't been able to cross my legs for so long that I actually don't remember ever being able to cross them.  Maybe I haven't, I don't know.   But it's one of those NSVs that I'm looking forward to.

Son of a !!! (with an update at the end)

Apr 04, 2008

The endoscopy went fine yesterday.  Anatomically everything looks fine.  We just have to wait for the biopsy results to find out if I'll need treatment for H-pylori.  

It took them 30 minutes to get a fucking IV in me.  The woman who was doing it had been called down to the surgery clinic because the head nurse who usually does it is on vacation.  She takes a look at my right hand/arm.  No go.  Switch to the left arm.  Sticks me once in the hand, says she can't thread it, and bitches at me for moving.  Um, okay, all I did was grip the bed rail with my other hand because it fucking hurt so much.  I didn't even move the arm/hand she was working on.  She goes to cover the spot so it stops bleeding and I thought she was going to push her thumb THROUGH my hand she applied so much pressure.  So then she moves up to the nice vein at the bend in my elbow where they always draw blood from.  Couldn't thread it there either.  How surprising. But I didn't move this time, yay.  So back to the left hand, same vein just further down.  By this time she's bitching and moaning because she never has to stick a patient more than twice and vowed "32 years ago that I'll never stick a patient more than twice."  Yeah, she tried a third time and it hurt like a motherfucker.  This time I just turned my head away because of the pain and she bitched at me for moving again.  I'm like WTF?  I just moved my goddamned head.  She told the other nurse in the room to call so-and-so because she can't get an IV on me, that maybe I'm dehydrated because I've not been able to have anything to eat or drink since midnight.  Uh huh, right, that's why.  So this other woman comes in, very sweet demeanor.  She puts the band around my right arm and starts tap-tap-tapping away at my hand to find a vein.  She gets gloved up and prepares to insert the IV.  In the meantime, bitch nurse is at my left hand switching the big ass gauze and tape bandage over to a band-aid.  She says "now don't move, I'm putting a band-aid on you, let me come to you."  Ok, I'm not moving.  So the new nice woman proceeds to gently stick me and slowly thread the IV catheter.  As she's securing it, the bitch nurse slams a band-aid on my left hand, pressing firmly into the area she just stuck me at twice, then rips the gauze/tape from the crook of my elbow and my hand/arm automatically jerk from the pain.  "Ok now you're going to HAVE to be still this time so we can get this procedure going."  I just looked at her like she had four heads.  Then I turn to the woman who is working on my right hand and I see her look up to the other nurse and could tell that bitch nurse made some kind of face at her behind my back.  She secures the IV and all is right with the world.  That IV in my right hand didn't hurt even a tenth as much as the attempts on my left hand.  I hadn't come across anyone with such a nasty demeanor in so long it really caught me off guard.  I didn't even know what to say to her nastiness.  

Unfortunately the nice woman had to go back to whatever she was doing before she was called in.  Bitch nurse injects the happy meds into the IV and then the doc comes in to do the endoscopy.  Oy, and did I mention the numbing spray tastes like crap?  No?  Well it does.  So they start the procedure and it really wasn't that bad.  It only got "bad" for me when he went from the stomach into the upper part of the small intestine.  OW!  And that's also when I started gagging.  I only heaved about three times.  At that point I start crying like a baby, either from the heaving or the sedation, I'm not sure.  And of course I'm drooling all over myself, which any adult in their right minds must find very disturbing because it is so uncontrollable.  And because I'm crying, my nose gets all stuffy and I'm not able to breathe the oxygen through the nasal cannula they placed on me.  So now I'm having to mouth breathe during the final minutes of the endoscopy.  Not fun.  It's all over in a short time, and out the scope comes.  WHAT A RELIEF!!  I go up to recovery, drink some juice and eat some graham crackers.  I'm sent home after about 30 minutes.  

So now I have bruises on the back of both hands and in the crook of my left elbow.  My left hand hurts where two IVs were attempted, but the right hand where IV was finally placed doesn't hurt at all.  Hmm?  And my throat hurts like a fucking bitch.  I'm guessing its from the gagging I did, even though it wasn't much.  My throat actually hurts worse now than it did from being intubated during surgery.  I can tell its just the vocal cords because it hurts when I swallow and talk too much.  Thankfully DH picked up some ice cream yesterday and I made myself a sno-cone this morning with SF DaVinci caramel syrup, yumm.

YAY!!  The final step before having the RNY is complete.  I'm going to make an appointment next week to speak with my surgeon about setting a date.  Now that I have a more solid time-frame for when DH is going to deploy, we can see about having the surgery a couple of weeks before he goes.  I'm really hoping that it works out.  Its the last thing I'm really worried about.  But even if it doesn't work out, I have a good support structure here with all the ladies I've met through the local support groups.  Plus my mom will most likely be able to take some time off to spend a few days with me.  She's already spoken to her boss and he has said that family comes first.  I'm glad for that because I know how much she'd be freaking out not being able to be here with me for this.  If all goes well, I'll be having surgery in the next 4-6 weeks!

UPDATE: Just got a call for a follow-up survey regarding the endoscopy.  I gave her my $1 worth regarding the bitch nurse.

Played around with the whole My Virtual Model thingy

Apr 01, 2008

This is me before WLS at 275


And this is me at my goal weight of 130 (hopefully)


Mar 25, 2008

I went yesterday for an echocardiogram in the morning and then an appointment with a cardiologist in the afternoon.  I had another EKG done just before seeing the doctor and again it was abnormal.  I saw the doc and talked about my history and family history and then she reviewed the echo with the staff cardiologist.  The echo showed no abnormalities.  The staff cardiologist said that because of my breast size, there will be flattening of the readout prior to one of the T waves (which is what shows on my EKG) due to the signal just not being able to be picked up very well by the equipment.

So yeah, the girls (the left one really) are to blame for my abnormal EKG.

I'm home

Mar 18, 2008

I got home about an hour ago from the hospital.  I stayed overnight because I didn't have anyone who could take me home and stay with me.  I can't remember anything from the time they put the happy juice in my IV to when I was waking up and heard the surgeon talking to my mom on the phone.  I remember waving at her LOL

I was in and out for a bit and then they brought me to a room for my overnight stay.  I transferred myself over to the other bed and then asked if I could go pee.  I was actually able to get up and walk by myself already. They had those darn compression stockings on me though, so it was a pain unhooking them to go to the bathroom and then hooking them back up once I got in bed.  I slept ok through the night.  I woke up a few times, but I think I rested ok overall. 

I have been managing with the pain very well.  I only needed one Percoset last night and one this morning because of a coughing fit following a breathing treatment.  It just feels like I've done a million sit-ups and the worst pain is at my navel.  I actually drove myself home today because I'm doing so well. 

When the docs came in on their rounds this morning, they told me that the surgery actually took two hours!!!  Gallbladder surgery usually takes less than an hour.  Because of the previous bouts of cholecystitis (gallbladder infection) it was adhered pretty badly to the liver, so they had to take time getting it out.  They said it was definitely a good thing that they DIDN'T take my gallbladder out WITH the RNY because it was more complicated than exptcted. They also told me I had two stones, each about the size of a marble.

So overall I'm doing well.  I still have a little bit of a cough, but it is manageable.  I'm going to get back on the Tessalon pearls and the Mucinex until they're gone.  I've got an incentive spirometer to make sure I'm working my lungs well.  I took some pics of my tummy.  Might upload them later.

Cardiology called me today.  I have an echocardiogram next Monday morning and then an appointment in Cardiology later that afternoon.  And then I still have my EGD on the 4th of April.  Things are moving along and I can't wait to get a date for the RNY.


Mar 13, 2008

Had a six week follow-up with my primary care manager.  She reviewed the bloodwork with me and for the most part everything was pretty good.  My total cholesterol and LDL levels were high, which isn't news to me.  I told her about where I stand regarding WLS and she is pleased things are moving along so well.  I also let her know about the abnormal EKG from last week's pre-admission visit.  So she went ahead and had it repeated.  Same result as last week.  And I was MUCH more confident with the nurse who was administering it this time.  She was much more thorough and careful with where she was placing the electrodes, but still the results were the same.  My blood pressure was still a little high, which the PCM was concerned about.  So with all of these factors going on, she has referred me for a more thorough checkup with cardiology.  She also increased my BP medication and put me on Zocor for the cholesterol.  We discussed the fact that I'm soon to be having bariatric surgery and that I will most likely not need these medications with weight loss.  But she wants me to go ahead and try to get things under better control even before the surgery.  Makes sense to me.  Sure it means extra medication and the scary prospect of seeing the cardiologist (keep in mind I'm only 32), but I know I'm being taken well care of.  My cholesterol was high and my blood pressure was rarely normal when my previous doctor checked them yet she never added or changed any medications.  And I thought I was getting pretty good care.  Kind of scary to realize that this isn't necessarily the case.  My PCM here seems much more proactive, which I appreciate greatly.

So scary days ahead. 
Gallbladder surgery on Monday. 
EGD April 4. 
Cardiology TBA

BAH! (updated following doc visit)

Mar 10, 2008

I haven't blogged about this, yet.  For what reason, I have no clue.  Probably because if I didn't put it into words that other people can see, maybe it wouldn't be really happening.

Following my first consult last Tuesday, I started feeling tight in my chest.  The cough started Wednesday morning, along with some post-nasal drip and nasal congestion.  And when I went in Thursday for all the pre-admission stuff, they said I was running a low-grade fever (99.9).  However, at home the whole time I've been feeling crappy, I haven't gotten a reading above 98.7 on my thermometer.  I've been on OTC meds for nasal and chest congestion, bought and started using a humidifier, and have been using my albuterol inhaler daily.  I FEEL perfectly fine, except for when I'm coughing.  My sides and back hurt from all the strain during coughing.  I have to go sit on the toilet any time a coughing fit comes over me, for fear of peeing or pooping on myself.  I've been in denial that this is going to delay my gallbladder removal on Monday the 17th, but now it is looking like that will be the reality.  I finally called and made an appointment for later on today.  *sigh*  So we'll see what the verdict is then and I'll find out if I'll have to delay the gallbladder surgery.  If that happens, it is just going to delay the RNY. 

I hate this!  Things always happen to me this way. As soon as things start looking up and going my way, something else comes along to screw it all up.

So I saw a doc for this crud.  It's bronchitis.  Not surprised.  Doc didn't put me on steroids or require a breathing treatment, which is good. But I'm on a Z-pack, Tessalon pearls and Mucinex. He also thinks I'll be fine for surgery next Monday. So here's to hoping

What a day!

Mar 06, 2008

Ok, so I just had one of those emotional OMG moments.  One of the ones where something just hits you like a truck.  Something you have known in the head but not really taken in.  I was in the bariatriceating.com chat room following the weekly online support group meeting.  Someone made a comment about the surgery being life-changing.  And I responded with "this surgery will not just change my life but will save my life, literally."  And that's when it hit me.  If I don't have this surgery, I'm not going to be able to lose this weight on my own.  I would end up developing diabetes within the next five years and my weight will just keep continuing to climb.  I would never have my own children and would certainly make a widower out of my husband at a young age.  I don't want that.  I want to live.  I want to see my children have children of their own.  I want to grow old with the love of my life.  I realize now that this is what I have to do.   So now I'm just a blubbering mess.  What a roller coaster of emotions.  From confident to crying in a split second. 

And now for an update on the rest of today.  I went to the surgery clinic thinking I was going to be picking up paperwork regarding my upcoming procedures.  I actually ended up doing pre-op workups for both the EGD and gallbladder removal.  I had blood drawn, a chest x-ray, spoke with the nurse anesthetist and had the EKG done.  I'm a bit worried because the EKG readout said "anterior infarct - undetermined age."  WHAT???  I'm seriously hoping it was just a lead problem.  The tech said they would have the cardiologist look at it and we would go from there.  It could be nothing.  Or it could be that I had a very minor heart attack.  I actually wouldn't be surprised given my weight, poor eating habits and lack of exercise over the years.  I've read time and time again that women often times don't recognize the symptoms of a minor heart attack.  So it just makes me wonder.  But I'm going to lean toward it being a problem with the leads rather than a real event.  I don't want to worry myself too much over this without even knowing for sure. 

So here's the rundown for the next few weeks for me:

March 11 - Psych evaluation
March 13 AM - Gallbladder ultrasound
March 13 PM - Six week follw-up with primary care doc (has it really been that long since she referred me for surgery???  Time flies!)
March 17 - Gallbladder removal
April 1 - EGD

The date for my RNY has yet to be determined.  I'm hoping against hope that somehow my surgeon can squeeze me in before the hubby goes on his deployment. 


Mar 04, 2008

I've been sitting here thinking this morning.... and sometimes I do overthink things, but that's just me.  Anyway, I was thinking over some of the responses I got from people on this message board and other boards who questioned the reason behind two surgeries versus one.  Yes it would be easier for the surgeon to go in and take my gallbladder out at the same time that he does the RNY.  Yes it makes sense.  Yes I would prefer that method.  But he said he prefers to not do it that way, and I totally respect that.  HE is the one who is going to be doing the surgery, cutting me open, rerouting my insides.  Who am I, or anyone else for that matter, to tell him how go about handling the situation?  It just aggravates the hell out of me that I have to defend the choice that the surgeon and I made.  Why in the hell would I even WANT him to do a procedure in a manner that he isn't 100% comfortable with?  That's just asking for complications to arise. 

Ok rant over.  I feel better.

About Me
Harlem, GA
Surgery Date
Jan 27, 2008
Member Since

Friends 42

Latest Blog 26
Three months out
One month out
My first NSV
13 days post-op
Is it really tomorrow?!?
6 AM
Can I just say....
