2 weeks post-op

May 28, 2008

I made it!!!!    Two weeks out and through the Memorial weekend vacation!  I feel great.  for the entire four days that we were gone I never cheated and only skipped ahead one day on the "diet" that Dr. Chung gave me.  That was only because I was on the beach all day for Memorial Day and couldn't cook anything and was really hungry from not eating anything.  Sooo I went to this this beach bar/grill and ordered a grilled lemon peppered tuna steak and ate that by itself.  I knew it would be okay because I'd kept everything else down.  It was SOOO good!  I told Dr Chung on my appt yesterday and he said that was okay and I am now ready for solid food.  YEAH!!!  I'm doing way better than I thought with this will power thing.  My husband is so supportive with it too because he insists on making sure I am able to eat (the right thing) before he even thinks about what he'll eat.  I love that man!!!  He's always been that way though.  From when I had my babies (c-sections) he was right there the entire time helping me, even with the gross stuff that goes along with having a baby.  WOW I'm so blessed to have him in my life.  He's truly God's gift to me. 

On another note.  I'm going to try to go along with my sister's vegetarian plan.  Not entirely though because who loves seafood....me!  But I'm trying the soy chicken instead of real chicken.  I won't eat ground meat, turkey, or pork.  Just the veggie chicken and seafood.  Let's see where this takes me.  I'm really excited about my new eating habits.  I feel like more of a baby.  You know, eating at certain times instead of waiting until I'm starving.  I usually think to myself "time to feed me" instead of "man I'm hungry" and need to eat.  I love, love love banana and strawberry shakes for my protein packs.  Oh and I'm down to 210 today.  I was at about 230 before my pre-op appt but the Dr's office still had my weight down as 225 from the first appt.  So I'm officially down 20 pounds since 1 week pre-op.  That's truly amazing!  I just can't wait to start my Yoga Booty Ballet CDs now.  I tried them before for 2 weeks and boy did I see results.  But you really have to stay committed to them b/c there's a daily routine to follow.  A different CD each day and you have to be ready to sweat like a pig and burn like an oven!  They are a really fun way to work out without even knowing at the time that it's real exercise.  I can't wait!

1 week post-op

May 22, 2008

I am feeling much better today.  I've been able to eat mashed/cream potatoes and today I had 1 scrambled egg for breakfast.  I am now drinking a protein smoothie.  I made it with:

about 1/2 cup frozen strawberries
1/2 banana
8oz 1% milk
1cup ice
3 packets equal
1 packet of Vanilla Ice Cream Flavored-Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey  Protein Pack (24g)

Es muy delicioso!

On other note I'm down to 1 pain pill left. (I've been saving a few for bedtime).  I'm really not in much pain just the occasional burn/pull at the port site.  So I've been taking Tylenol 600mg when in need. 

I am so very grateful to God and to Dr. Chung for my recovery.   It has been much easier than I could have ever hoped for.  I'm looking forward to my 2 weeks appt to weigh-in.  I have a scale but it is grossly off by like 8-10 pounds over.  I know, time to get rid of it right? 

I'm going to Destin Beach tomorrow with my family and cannot wait to test my new will power to resist eating everything in sight.  I have it planned out.  We're staying in a condo while there so I'll really utilize the kitchen and prepare what I'm eating before I tag along to a restaurant to watch them eat.  I know my husband won't want to leave me behind and go alone with the kids.  Vacation has always been such a celebration of food for me in the past so this will be hard but I know I'll get through it just fine!


May 18, 2008

Today...not so good as the past few ones.  I have gone into a DEEP mourning for food now.  I am suddenly noticing EVERYTHING that everyone around me eats.  The pizza, the seafood, the chicken.  I am not really hungry to be honest b/c I'm still in recovery from my surgery (from 3 days ago).  I just wish I could at least taste these things again.  I keep thinking what if I just chew it up and spit it out??  It's not like I'm eating it right?  And I'm really angry and turning kind of mean...but I chose this right?  I guess this is where all the "What have I done" questions come in??

1st day Post-Op

May 16, 2008

Well it's done!  I am feeling as good as can be expected.  My husband and I traveled through all the storms to get to the hospital early (3am) Thursday morning.  I don't even remember seeing the surgical room.  I was there one minute feeding my Charmed  re-run episodes addiction in the room when the "team" of miracle workers came in one after the other to introduce themselves to me and tell me their part in my surgery.  I remember thinking how grateful I was to them for doing that because it really helped my nerves.  Then Dr. Chung came in and in his own witty way said something like... "you ready to get this thing in ya?"  Yeah he's quite a character.  Then the anesthesiologist came in and snuck behind me to the IV bag to give me the good stuff and I was out.  Of course it felt like two seconds later and I was done.  All  I remember thinking was is it really over?  And man I'm sleepy!...as I was still pretty groggy.  Anyway, i asked for a Percocet and took a nap in and out for the next 4 hours while my poor husband was slouched over in a chair watching the game.  But everything went really well.  I'm home now, yes in pain but controllable with my medicine (except for the occasional gas build-up in my shoulders).  I've been able to keep down chicken broth, orange tang, water and now since its the 2nd day, instant carnation so no nausea here.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE DR. CHUNG!!!  Needless to say I have absolutely NO regrets in choosing him.  I am so very thankful for obesityHelp.com in aiding my research and helping me to find such a wonderful miracle worker.  Also the staff at Women & Children's were soooo very nice.  They define the word hospitality...no complaints there.  I'm now sitting on my couch, sipping my liquids and allowing myself to heal so i can get started with some exercise.  I love my Yoga Booty Ballet tapes so I can't wait for that.  At least now I'll be able to see some results because I won't be eating double the calories I burn!  I'll be back soon to post as I take my journey down the rode for losers!!

4 days Pre-Op

May 11, 2008

So I am officially in the final week before my surgery date.  I was going to post yesterday but I was worried about how I was going to do with this liquid diet.  It wasn't as bad as I thought.  My little sister(19) and I went to the store yesterday.  She's a vegetarian so she knows a little but about diet restrictions.  She helped me a lot with accountability.  She read my grocery list and made sure I stuck to it and when I was eating made sue to remind me to practice not drinking anything until 30-45 after my meals.  I have to admit, I've never really eaten soup/popsicles/pudding/yogurt before so I'm a little excited about trying to these new things.  The cream of shrimp/chicken & mushroom were very good!  Anyway.  I thought I'd just keep an account of what I've been eating so:

Saturday(Day 1)
Brkfst:  Eggbeaters
Snack: SF Popsicle
Lunch: Cream of Chicken & Mushroom soup, Protein Tea drink
Snack: SF Pudding,
Dinner: Cream of Shrimp, Protein Tea Drink

Vitamins: I'm on vitamin D replacement therapy right now so my PCP has me taking 50,000 IU prescribed vitamins once/week.  I have 3 weeks left of that.  I also am taking a Centrum daily vtamin now.

On another note.  I thought I'd have some anxieties/apprehensions right now about the surgery but NOPE!  None, I'm more eager than anything ready to start losing. 

2 week countdown

May 02, 2008

I have been waiting for this moment now for months.  When I could say, ____ and counting.  Well I'm at two weeks now.  I am excited, nervous, and a bunch of other indescribable emotions.  My husband and I are going through the "questioning" stage.  You know, what's going to happen afterwards.  I don't know, I guess that's something to expect, men with their egos and foolish pride.  Anywho, I've been running a couple of times and trying to convince myself to do as much exercise as possible to "condition" myself.  I have to admit that I've been eating all my favorites as sort of a mourning process that I'm going through.  Whattaya mean no more fresh baked cookies???!!!  Awww man!  Oh and we've paid for this cruise in Aug of this year.  My first cruise.  I'm already sad at the thought of not being able to enjoy all the inclusive food they'll have.  And on May 23-26 I'll be in Destin, FL for Memorial Day.  What do you mean I can't have my crab legs at Captain's buffet???  I'm just having a bit of anxiety right now, questioning my will power.

But ya know... I've always been a determined individual.  I was determined to graduate from my Magnet high school even though my father abused me and my mother put me out of the house.  May 1999, I did.  I was determined to go to college even without the support of family...I was accepted to all that I applied for and chose the best one.  I was determined to build a strong family after getting pregnant while still only a Freshman in college, I married my soulmate and had two gifted and extraordinary little beings.  I was determined to buy my first home by age 25, we brought a brand new home at age 24.  I was determined to finish my degree and in something I could be passionate about...I am now a Junior in Computer Science. 

My point?  I have always had this weakness for food...but I am determined by this time next year to weigh-in at 140 lbs!

Ive got MAIL!!!!

Mar 13, 2008

I received my approval...yep approval letter today!  UHC is the BEST!  they approved me without any appeals.  It did take a bit longer than I wanted but hey, I can't really complain can I?  The receptionist, I should know her name by now, well anyway she asked me when did I want to schedule my surgery.  I can't believe it, "when do I want to schedule it?"  You mean finally have it done!  Man!  I am so excited...I cannot wait until I'm "a big loser".  I feel like a 5 year old whose presents have been wrapped and under the tree and now I'm just waiting to open them.  Now I just have to schedule Christmas.  LOL!  I dont know when to have it.  I'm a student and mommy and was hoping to have it during spring break but that's next week so not gon' happen.  I guess I'll have to wait until summer break.  I'm thinkin' May 11ish.....

Med Records...Finally!!!!

Feb 19, 2008

My PCP has the WORST staff EVER!!!!  After weeks of my unyielding harrassment, they finally faxed over my 5 years of med records today.  Soooo  I'm praying that they approve me waaaaaayyyyy quicker than it took them to get the records.  Anyone reading this PLEASE send a prayer my way that I should have a "speedy approval".  I would love to have the surgery the second week of March b/c Dr Chung is going to be out the week of the 18th.  Until then, I will just pray...

Still Waiting....

Jan 28, 2008

I decided to call today to see if the Dr's office has heard anything from UHC after my consult a week ago and they told me that they just heard that I'll need 5 years of Med records from my PCP.  Soooo  off to the races I go....

About Me
Baton Rouge, LA
Surgery Date
Jan 09, 2008
Member Since

Friends 7

Latest Blog 9
2 weeks post-op
1 week post-op
1st day Post-Op
4 days Pre-Op
2 week countdown
Ive got MAIL!!!!
Med Records...Finally!!!!
Still Waiting....
