Developing a Rhythm

Dec 06, 2010

I didn't blog yesterday as my brain wasn't fully functioning.  I read that happens for awhile after surgery because of the calorie reduction and anesthesia.  It's an odd feeling for me as an overachieving Type A personality.  So, I feel like I was moving in slow motion yesterday and today.  We did get out yesterday and do some walking.  We took a drive & I got a few chores done, but otherwise it was quiet.

I did manage to recreate my protein drink to make it more tolerable.  The Premier Nutrition protein drinks are killer in that they give 30g of protein in less than 12 oz.  However, the extent of that chocolate just gets nauseating.  I put the drink in the Vita-Mix with additional milk to dilute the chocolate & added an Unjury vanilla scoop to further offset the chocolate.  Whipped it up and though it had a lot of air, it was a lot more palatable.  Plus, I got nearly 60g of protein in one two-glass meal (able to drink more now).  After that worked out, I reworked this week's menu plan so yogurt in the morning (12g), mongo protein drink at lunch (58g) and then I can have a nice soup for dinner like carrot-ginger, butternut squash, tomato, cream of broccoli, etc.  I miss my veggies.  I think that will make this week much easier. 

I was still moving slow today with brain function, but I followed my plan and did make it to the gym this afternoon.  I did a little over 30 minutes on the treadmill at 3 mph which is slower for me than usual, but was just right for my incisions, stamina and diminished brain function.  I was happy with it and a little light-headed afterwards.  Didn't run my other errands, but that's okay.  Came home & started rehydrating.  Just waiting for hubby to get home.  Also, as I learned on the forums, I'm a little on the needy side and missing my husband (who's simply at work) and my parents.  I'm not being very Miss Independent! 

Hope everyone else is doing well in adjusting to their sleeves one week post-op!


About Me
Salem, OR
Surgery Date
Sep 21, 2010
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