8-Months Post Op

Aug 04, 2011

I'm down from 269 lbs to 181 (88 pounds!) in 8 months.  I'm back to being active and dare I say athletic again.  I finished riding across Iowa last week as part of Team Livestrong at RAGBRAI.  That's almost 500 miles on a bicycle in 7-days folks!  Aside from some serious tan lines that will be hard to fix, I had a blast.  Our team of 88 raised over $200K for the Lance Armstrong Foundation.  We kicked some serious butt in the fight against cancer!

I'm between a size 12 and 14 pretty much these days.  I can buy clothes at "normal" stores and that has been interesting.  My tailor has become a frequent friend as I have to keep getting business clothes altered. 

I'm still running (which I hate!) and working on the swimming.  I have decided not to do the Hotter 'n Hell century ride at the end of the month.  The heat in Texas is dangerous and since I have completed the 100 mile ride twice before, I'm not motivated to go fight the heat this year.  My Sprint Tri is October 16, so that is my focus to train for now.  I have signed up for a half marathon on December 4 and then of course the big goal of the full marathon at Walt Disney World in January.

I can pretty much tolerate all foods now, but don't feel real good after eating any kind of bread.  I tend to stay away from it.  My appetite has certainly increased and I have to be careful to keep myself in check.  I kind of miss the feeling I used to get that would say "Oh crap!  I ate too fast or too much and I'm going to throw up!"  That doesn't happen anymore. 

Training keeps me focused on trying to eat the right things.  Life is indeed great these days.


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Nov 02, 2010
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