Aug 27, 2008

Today is my One Year Surgiversary – WOW! I have so many emotions running through me today it’s almost a bit overwhelming. I began the morning with my 1 year follow up with Dr. Moazzez. I really dislike the scale there so of course I weighed myself first thing this morning so that I knew the REAL numbers – lol. Dr. Mo’s scale said 175 but it’s always at least 7lbs. off. I learned that the hard way one day then, after talking with a few other patients, I felt SO much better knowing that it wasn’t just me. My appointment went well. He is very pleased with my progress and said that I have lost more than 70% of my excess body weight which is awesome. I even got him to take a picture with me to celebrate the 1 year mark. He said my target weight is 130 – 140lbs. for my height and that I’m right on track. My scale said 168.6 with a BMI of 28.9. Just one year ago, that same scale read 280. A total of 111.4 lbs. GONE forever! What a difference a year makes. I was a bit upset with myself that I didn’t reach my personal goal of 120lbs. then I realized that had it not been for this surgery, the numbers easily could have been an additional 111.4lbs.! I try to keep these things in perspective when I have these moments, and most times it works.   This year has been filled with extreme highs and extreme lows. I’ve had great days and days that I never thought would pass. I read all about the physical process this journey takes you through and some of the emotional ones as well. I had time to process the details of the surgery the risks involved and prepare for what was ahead physically. The emotional part was more difficult and probably the hardest part. When I reflect on this year, it is so easy for me to cry tears of joy. I have been extremely blessed. I have accomplished things that were mere thoughts at one point. Just last week, I climbed all 250 stairs to the top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy, in ten minutes, without being out of breath. This something that one year ago, I would not have been able to do without this surgery. I walked ten miles on a walking tour of the city of Rome in the hot sun. I can bend over, and touch my toes, tie my shoes, and walk without my thighs rubbing together. I walk by and people don’t look at me with that “whoa” look. These things may seem like nothing to the average person, but for those of us who lived with being morbidly obese these things mean so much more. Most of all, I feel GREAT about myself. I love me. I can say that for the first time in years. I can accept compliments without feeling like “they’re just saying that”. I can look in the mirror and say “you’re beautiful” and actually BELIEVE IT. I have a new lease on life and I intend to enjoy every minute that I am blessed to be on this earth. I finally feel like everything I’ve always wanted is finally falling into place. I no longer feel out of control. It’s a great feeling, one that I never thought I would experience. God has always been the center of my life but this year I have grown so much closer to him and his word. He has sofentened my heart in so many ways. I’ve always been a compassionate person - not trying to be conceited or anything but I’ve realized that I’m even more so. I’ve allowed myself to be vulnerable to new experiences and situations. Through this I have been blessed and had the opportunity to be a blessing to others.  I have finally been able to let go of a lot of things that held me back and I’m slowly letting go of a lot of the pain. I’m not 100% there yet, but I’ve made some great improvements and I’m continuing to move forward. The tough days are far from over but knowing what I know now, and feeling everything that I’ve felt and working through those feelings without turning to food for comfort is so powerful. So, would I do it all over again? ABSOLUTELY! IN A HEARTBEAT!

The one thing that really moves me is how amazing the people in my life have been. My husband Derrick has been my rock, my shoulder to cry on, my hand to hold, and any and everything else that I needed. From day one, he has been on this journey with me never once complaining. I laugh at some of the moments we shared like the liquid and puree phases that we BOTH went through. Who would do that?! Give up a ‘real’ meal for pureed food when they don’t have to?! I know it would’ve been hard for me especially since food was my best friend! But these are the kind of moments that make me feel so blessed. Having a partner who supports you more than you possibly imagined and loves you unconditionally. I thank him everyday, especially today because I know that without his support this journey would have been even harder. My Parents & Sisters have encouraged me and helped me adjust to this new lifestyle. They have been flexiblefrom changing family recipes and learning newer and healthier meals, re-adjusting their schedules and working out with me at my pace. My sisters have been patient while shopping for clothes in stores that I considered “their sizes” while I was adamant that “This stuff can not fit me” to I “I think I need a smaller size”. They have loved me and supported me when I made it difficult and for that I am grateful. My best friend Darby attended information sessions with me until I found the perfect surgeon. Asked me different questions to be sure that I was sure, and ready to take on all of the challenges that this surgery brings with. She emailed other people she knew who had the surgery to ask them questions for me. She has supported me no matter what. I was so afraid that our friendship would change as I had heard so many other people tell me they have experienced. I am so blessed that she has loved me no matter what size I am. She still invites me to do all the things we did before and continues to se me for who I am, who I’ve always been. Other “friends” have come and gone, but she has remained consistent, dependable, and non-judgmental. For that and everything else I will forever be thankful. Words can not express how much I appreciate her and our friendship. My girlfriend Beth who was and still is my go to person for “is this normal, did this happen to you, do I need to call the doctor?!”. She has been so amazing. She was the one person who could relate to everything I was going through whether physically or emotionally because she too had been there four years ago (08/09/04). From sharing protein horrors and recipe ideas to me keeping her on track for taking her vitamins. I thank her for always being available to share my fears as well and my triumphs like crossing my legs and having a tremendous amount of energy. She understands and has been open to re-living the experience with me. For that I love her.

There are so many more people who have been instrumental in my life and through this journey. I’m so thankful for the many new friends that I’ve come to know from here and my support group who have added so much to this journey by sharing their stories, experiences and ideas with me. To those of you thinking about this surgery or wondering if it’s worth it, only you can answer that question. I will say that your life will change in so many ways, and the good, by far definitely out weighs the bad. Whatever you decide, be sure that you are making the decision for YOURSELF. For those of you already on the journey, I wish you much success as we strive toward new goals and the opportunities that await us. Good luck to you all. And don’t give up! 

Love, Nikki

Nine Months Post-Op

May 27, 2008

Today is my nine months surgiversary and I’m having a bit of trouble after seeing my numbers on the scale not move as much as I wanted. I weighed in at 176.2. - only a lost of 4 lbs. in one month. I don’t know what’s going on with this four pound loss for the last two months. And what’s up with this point 2 lbs. that I keep seeing month after month?!? I’m really upset about it and part of me feels like my tool has ‘stopped’ working. I don’t know what else to do. I’m just very frustrated right now. I’m trying to stay positive keeping in mind how far I have come, but sometimes it’s a little hard and today is one of those days. Matter of fact this has been a bad month emotionally which is the other half of having this surgery. I knew that it would be difficult, dealing with all of the emotional reasons that I was able to use food as a coping mechanism for so many years and then having to re-learn how to have a healthier relationship with food. I think it was a little easier for me to deal with, when I was losing significant amounts of weight in the first few months right after surgery. Now that it has slowed down somewhat, and I have more time to think about everything more in detail. I’m praying that everything will pick up, my weight loss and my spirits. This blog hasn’t turned out as uplifting as I wanted it to be, but it’s honest and it’s real. It’s part of the learning and growing process that comes along on this journey. Hopefully, next month I’ll have better news to report on the weight loss front and I’ll be a bit more cheerful. Wish me luck, & keep praying for me as I do for all of my weight loss OH Family!



Eight Months Post-Op

Apr 27, 2008

Yay! Today is my 8 months surgiversary!!  I can't belive how quickly the time has passed! I feel like I was preparing to start this journey just yesterday and here I am eight months later feeling better than I've felt in YEARS! God is SO AWESOME!! I weighed in at 180.2 today which is only 4.4lbs. lost in a month but considering I was at a pleatue for two months, I'm glad that I lost something. I was really hoping that it would be more so I am a little disappointed. Now, if I can lose at least 14 lbs. a month I'll be able to meet my goal of 125 for my one year surgiversary! The personal trainer that I really want to work with is on vacation until May 31st but that just means I have to step it up on my own until then. I know that she'll definitely be able to whip me into shape and hopefully help me to my goal weight in the timeframe that I want. Prayfully it will all work out. I don't have much to report since I recently updated my 5,6,&7 months just two weeks ago. I definitely need to take my measurements so I'll do that first thing in the morning. Good luck to you too! 


5, 6, & 7 Months Post-Op

Apr 17, 2008

I can't believe I haven't updated my page since January at 4 months out!! So much has happend..I've been so busy. At my last weigh in, I was 196. 0 When I weighed in on my official weigh date (01/27/08) I was 192.4 only a lost of 3.6lbs. From then I was on a serious plateau of no losses which bothered me immensely. It's funny when I think about how I feel when I don't see the numbers move down on the scale now, compared to pre-op when the numbers would go up, and up and up and I would say "o well, that's another 5, 10, or 15 lbs that I've gained" and totally shrug my shoulders and eat whatever it was that I wanted. But seeing the numbers stagnant now, frightens me more than anything. I guess it's a defense mechanism. I always think "I don't want to go back to where I was" and seeing the number not move, always seem to bring up that fear in me. Especially now that my eating habits have kind of "normalized' in that I can eat a bit more variety than a few months before. Lord knows I was sick of TUNA because it's easy to chew and I tolerated it really well. If I never see a pouch of tuna again I will be thrilled!! Anyways, being stuck at 192..4 - 192.0 for two months was a bit rough. I knew I was still losing because the clothes that I had bought were all too big again. This meant that I was losing inches. I am so proud to say that I can fit a size 12!! This is a huge blessing coming from a size 24 just seven months ago. Not only am I in a size 12, but the 12's are too big as well! I've been really conservative about replacing my wardrobe so everything that I have purchased has been from a consignment shop. Derrick keeps telling me to just go get whatever I want, but I really don't want to invest too much money in clothes that will be too big in a month or so again. I'm waiting for my 1 year because hopefully I will have reached my goal weight and stabilize a lot more.

I had my 7 months post op with Dr. Mo on March 19th, 2008 although it was eight days shy of being exactly 7 months post-op. I weighed in before I went to his office because that scale is so off it frustrates me. FINALLY my scale moved and it was saying 184.6 with a BMI of 31.7. I have no idea how or why it took that long to move!! I'm just glad that it went down 7.4lbs. I would've preferred a total of 20lbs. (10lbs/month) but something is better than nothing, which is what was happening. Being at 184.6 is a total of 96.4lbs down from my original 281 pre-op, pre-consultation and official weigh in with Dr. Mo. After attending Dr. Mo's seminar, he mentioned that it was okay to lose some weight while waiting for my appointment for my official weigh in. I went on Atkins and I lost 21lbs. My official weigh in on my medical records was 260. On my surgery day, I weighed 245.4. As I'm sure many of you can relate to and understand, it was never a problem to lose the weight, it was keeping it off and adding more once I did re-gain that was the problem. Now, at 184.6lbs, my life has changed drastically. I haven't reached my official 100lbs. lost but emotionally I feel that much lighter. This surgery is more than the physical rewards. It's coming to grips with all of the emotional reasons why I over ate and why food was my bestfreind. That is the hardest part. Having to face and deal with the real issues rather than substitute them with food. It is still an everyday struggle. Now, I just have the tools available to make the process a lot smoother. I'm still doing what I'm supposed to, sticking to my schedule, getting my exercise in and not eating emotionally so overall I am doing well. Dr. Mo was concerned because I'm taking at total of 87 grams of Iron a day and my levels are still coming up as anemic. I've been anemic my whole life and so has my mother and sisters. It's definitely genetic. He told me to add vitron C to my supplements and hopefully that will help to bring my numbers up to where he's more comfortable. Other than that, I 'm hanging in there. Really enjoying life, and being active. I've gotten so many compliments on how great I look. I use to get them before but it was different. It was different because I blocked whatever it was that the person said to me because I didn't believe it myself. Now, I'm confident, and my self esteem has grown so I can and do accept compliments without saying "you're just so nice". I simply say "Thank you" and I mean it. These are just a few of the ways that I have matured over the last few months. God has truly worked it out in my life. It took a lot of prayer, dedication and humbling to get to this point. I still have a lot left to go, but I know I will get there. I'll try to keep on top of updating so that I can look back and see the progress I've made on those difficult days. My official weigh in on 04/27/08 so I'll be sure to post the results there. I'm not expecting much change from 184.6 but any change in a downward slope is good news!  God Bless & Good luck to all of you out there on this journey.


4 Months Out

Jan 17, 2008

I've been so busy since Thanksgiving with Christmas right around the corner and me getting back on track with life in general. This is the first opportunity I've had to log on and update my journey. I had my 4 month post op appointment with Dr. Mo on 12/19/07 and I weighed in at 196.00. That's only a 5lb. lost but something is better than nothing. AND, I'M OFFICIALLY IN ONDERLAND!! Dr. Mo said that at this rate I will definitely meet my target weight of $135 -140. My lab work came in showing that my vitamin D was low and so was my iron. I've been advised to add an additional iron pill in the middle of the day in addition to the two that I already take at bedtime. One other thing is that my hair is falling out even more than before. I keep telling Derrick that I'll be looking like him in no time. LOL I'm taking the biotin and getting in my protein but it's not slowing down the hair loss. I'm praying that it gets better it before it gets worst - if that's possible!! Other than that, life is really Great and I am SO Blessed! I'm enjoying so many things that I didn't before and now, I love being outside the house. Best of all I don't make excuses anymore to not go to events when I'm invited. For the first time, I've been enjoying every aspect of my life. We went on a Cruise for my birthday and I had SO much fun. (I'm uploading pics so be sure to check me out) I hiked up and down a mountain in Puerto Rico without breaking a sweat or being out of breath or having to use my inhaler. I was so happy I had tears in my eyes. I felt such a sense of accomplishment. When we booked all of our excursions, I didn't realize it at the time, but they were all walking activities. In the past, I would've never done that. This surgery is such a blessing and I am so grateful that I can enjoy my live to the fullest without regret. I thank God everyday for bringing me through.

Happy New Year! 


Three Months Out :-)

Nov 27, 2007

I made it to three months out and so far, everything has gone SO smoothly! I am very blessed. My goal for October was to be less than 200lbs….unfortunately, I didn’t reach my goal L I was at a plateau for three weeks. I kept getting on the scale only to find that there were no changes no matter what I did. That kind of threw me into a bit of depression and frustration. Finally, last week, on Thanksgiving of all days, I was thrilled to see that the scale had finally moved…it didn’t move much but at lease it moved… I weighed in today at 201.00 lbs. My BMI is down to 34.5. My clothes are getting really big on me now but I haven’t even tried my size 16 jeans since last month. I was so frustrated that the scale wasn’t moving so I didn’t want to throw myself into an even deeper funk. I’m planning on trying on my 16’s before the week is over and hopefully *fingers crossed* they’ll fit comfortably. I did find that I’m having more trouble with my vitamins.. the orange flavor multivitamins are completely non-tolerable for me. I hate the taste and I gag every time I put one in my mouth. After this month’s support group, I realized that it was definitely time for a change. I contacted Bariatric Advantage yesterday to order a new flavor multivitamin – Berry and to order the B-50 complex. They called me back today to mention that the Berry flavor was on back order so I went for the tropical flavor instead. I’m also tired of the protein shakes… I think I just need more variety. The Nectar cappuccino flavor is great…but I’m starting to get sick of it. I’m thinking that I need to switch up the routine and add a couple of varieties. I just don’t want to spend too much money trying to find something that I actually like.  Any suggestions?? Derrick and I leave for my birthday cruise in a week so I’m excited about that. I’m looking forward to having much more energy and not getting as out of breath doing the excursions and walking as I have on past trips. I do have to buy a few more items for the warm weather that’ll we’ll be enjoying and hopefully I’ll haves some luck finding some cute things. Hopefully I’ll have more to report on my weight loss next month. I’ll be sure to take some pictures and get my weight chart updated. I didn’t measure myself last month so hopefully, I’ll see a lot more changes for inches lost than the scale showed! Good luck to all of you on your journey! 

Sometimes You Just Have To Go Through

Nov 11, 2007

The last two weeks have absolutely been hell for Derrick and me. Five very special people (family & friends) have passed away and at this point, I don't feel that I have the strength to attend another home going service. The hardest I would have to say is Danny's. He was my best friends brother.. only 22 years old. He was truly the epitome of a Good and Faithful Servant. Danny was the kind of person that we all strive to be like. He loved EVERYONE, he befriended everyone, and he never had a negative thing to say about anyone. This young man impacted so many lives that there were over 600+ people at his funeral.  There was standing room only in the church and there were more than 200+ people outside the church. Some people live to be well into their 80's & 90's and never have the opportunity to touch as many lives as Danny. We all laughed a bit at the funeral when his best friend joked of how he would befriend the homeless men on the corners on his way to class each morning. That's just the kind of person he was. He always wanted to make sure that everyone in his life felt loved. He never ever hung up the phone with out saying "Love you" no matter who was on the other end.  There are so many wonderful things about Danny that I haven't even touched on. The most amazing thing of all was his love for the LORD. He was definitely a good and faithful servant and I have no doubt that when he was called home, he heard the words "Well Done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful with a few things; I will make the ruler over many things" Danny was as Christ like as all Christians strive to be. Everyone who spoke, all said the same thing, he was a GREAT man. We heard so many stories of how Danny was such a blessing to all his friends and family, all of the wonderful things he did, and about the character that he lived his live with. We never expect to walk out of a Funeral feeling inspired, but hearing all these stories about Danny inspired all of us there to want to do better, and BE better. If we could live our lives a fraction of how Danny lived, then there's no limit to what we can accomplish and how many people we can inspire. I pray that when it's my time to go, I will have a portion of the testimonies that were given about how special Danny was.  It always breaks our heart when they’re people like Danny in our lives who we see as 'perfect' leave us so suddenly and we question why God chose them first. After everyone was gone a few days after the service, Derrick and I stayed there because we knew that reality would set in once the family was alone.  His mom was weeping so hard that she could hardly breathe. The only words she managed to get out were to ask me, "Why"?, She kept asking me "WHY DANNY"? I didn't know what to say, but at that moment, God had equipped me with the words to comfort her. I had been asking myself the same questions all week long and couldn't find the answer. In that moment, I don't know where it came from, but I was able to relate it to something that was meaningful to her. Mom D is an avid Gardner . She has the most beautiful garden that you could ever imagine. Being at her house in the garden is like touring the most beautiful botanical gardens around the world. In that moment when she kept asking me "Why Danny", I told her "You know how you love flowers, and when you go shopping for new flowers for your garden, and you find something you like, you always try to choose the most beautiful flower of the entire bunch for your garden? That's what God did with Danny. He was the most beautiful flower, and God needed Danny in HIS garden to make his garden even more beautiful." He chose the best flower just as you choose the best flowers for your garden." I know that in that moment, it was nothing but the Holy Spirit that allowed me the words to comfort her. As I sat there on the floor holding her, I knew that she had understood and heard what I was saying. She looked at me and said "That makes so much sense, I get it, I never thought about it that way, but that makes so much sense."  That was the first time that I had seen her smile since we arrived in town a few days earlier. My best friend was holding up better than we all imagined. She and her brother were closer than most siblings. We would all joke that if we didn't know better, we'd think they were boyfriend & girlfriend. And anyone who didn't know them and saw them out in public would think the same thing. That's just how close they were. On our last day there, I think reality had set in for her. She was doing so well that I was almost afraid at how well she was handling everything...I can look back at that now and see she was doing well because there were so many people around. I saw her breakdown for the first time in my life. Even as college roommates, we had some difficult times, and held each other while we cried several times. She was always the "Strong one" but losing a brother and best friend so tragically and unexpectedly can shatter the strongest person to their core. I was glad that we could be there for her, mom, and Dad D.  I spoke with them earlier and now, my best friend is at the point where she can't look at photos of Danny anymore. Mom D said that they're surviving minute-by-minute and hour-by-hour. I know that's the best we can do during these difficult times. We now have an additional Angel looking over us. I just pray that we will continue to strengthen each other and grow together. As Christians we know that God will never give us more than we can bare and all of the tests, and trials and tribulations that we encounter are all to prepare us for something greater - his Grace and Mercy.  I'm blessed that I was fortunate to have this life saving surgery. It's during times like this that I would eat to ease the emotions that I'm feeling. I'm so proud of myself for having this tool to help me control what I put into my mouth. It's been hard, REALLY hard. But I remember what I went through to get to this stage, and I remember the promise that I made to myself that I would never allow myself to let food control my life. Everyday, I wake up feeling better than I've felt in YEARS, and I will continue to work hard to staying healthy. If you're reading this, please keep us in prayer. Sometimes you just have to go through, and right now we're definitely going through a storm, but we know that once the storm has passed the sun will shine again.

God Bless You All.





Two Months Post-Op

Oct 31, 2007

My two month post-op was on Saturday October 27th, but this past week has been so difficult. We’ve had a total of two funerals in less than one week and we’re flying out for our third on Friday. It’s been a mental struggle for me, but I know that when difficult times like these arrive, it simply means that God in preparing to bless us in a way that is beyond our comprehension. One major thing is that I haven’t thought about turning to food for comfort with all that has been going on. I’ve been talking with Derrick and my really amazing supportive friends about it all and that has been my outlet. Even this soon after surgery, I’m surprised at how disciplined I have been in that regards knowing that I have been an emotional eater for years and years.




I had my follow up appointment with Dr. Moazzez on Wednesday October 24th.  As always, I weighed in on his scale that is 6lbs. over than my scale. His scale said that I was 212 lbs. which he was very happy with. I knew it was really 206lbs so that made me feel better although I didn’t meet my goal of being in Onederland or fitting into my size 16 jeans. The 18’s are too big but the 16’s are too snug. Hopefully that will level out before my three month post-op weigh in and measurements.   Dr. Mo said that my labs were back and all of my levels were great except for my cholesterol which was a little high – high compared to what it was before surgery because I was taking my Lipitor but low compared to what it was before I started taking the medication. I still haven’t taken my lipitor since my surgery so I wasn’t surprised that it was higher. Dr. Mo told me to hold off on taking it because he wanted to continue to compare my numbers before taking medication with my numbers after surgery and not being on the medication. Also my vitamin D was a little low although my calcium was fine. I didn’t understand that part but Dr. Mo said it basically means that in addition to taking my calcium supplements I needed to add Vitamin D3 to my daily regiment.

My appetite has definitely returned, but I’m glad that I have this new tool to limit me.  I’m blessed that I haven’t had any problems with digestion or lack there of. I’ve added Kashi’s Good Friends High Fiber Cereal to my diet and it’s been working really well with keeping me regular. I’m thrilled that I can finally enjoy a salad and other fresh fruits. The canned stuff was starting to annoy me. I went to MOM’s and stocked up on all my organic produce so I’ve been enjoying this new phase.  Hopefully my next update will be a bit more exciting and uplifting. I’m just glad that I finally had an opportunity to sit down and write because doing this is always therapeutic. I’ll try to update my measurement Chart as soon as I get back in town. Good luck to you all and stay strong and focused on your journey.









One Month Post-Op

Sep 27, 2007

I can't believe that it's already been one month since my surgery. I had my one month post-op follow up with Dr. Moazzez yesterday which went well. My incisions are healing quite well and my recovery is going as planned. Dr. Mo was concerned that I may be dehydrated. I've been struggling to get all of my water in along with three meals a day. I've been able to either have my three meals a day along with my protein shakes or get all my water in along with my two protein shakes. It's been really hard trying to do it all. Some days I just don't seem to have an appetite at all, and other days, I get a bit hungry when I haven't eaten for hours at a time. I know that it's not healthy but I've been trying. I've managed to keep my workout going so that's great. I just have to keep trying harder to follow all the rules and get everything in that I'm supposed to - all 64oz of water, two protein shakes, all my vitamins, three meals a day and exercise. So far, I've done pretty well in the weight loss area since my surgery. I asked Dr. Mo what he thought my goal weight should be and he said anywhere between 135-140. I told him that I wanted to be 120lbs. because of my height, but he felt that was/is too small. He said that because of my bone structure, being 120lbs. wouldn't look good on me. LOL. Derrick definitely agrees with him so we'll see how that goes. As long as I'm healthy and able to do all the 'normal' things that this surgery will allow, I'll be happy with the results. My goal was to lose 30lbs. in the first month but I missed that goal by 2.6lbs. Hopefully I'll do better next moth. Here is my chart of how I've done so far.







                   My Weight Loss Journey





























































































































































































Shoe Size
















Dress Size




24 W




22 W








Pants Size




24 W




22 W











My Goals for October are:
~ To be in ONEDERLAND by 10/27/07
~ Eat 3 meals/day, drink 64oz.water, drink 2 protein shakes, & increase my workout to 45 minutes
~ Be able to fit into my size 16 Jeans

Please continue to keep me in your prayers as I travel on this journey to a healthier me. Best of luck to you all.








One Week Out

Sep 04, 2007

I'm now one week post-op and I'm feeling pretty well. I've been walking a lot on the treadmill and keeping up with my full liquid diet which I'm really ready to be off! I'm still having a hard time getting in all my water and my protein some days, but hopefully that will get better. I have to admit that I've been so hungry. I've been drinking nothing but broth, water, and my protein which keeps me running back and forth to the bathroom. I'm glad that I only have a few days left of the liquid diet so that I can move on to my pureed stage. I meet with Dr. Mo for my follow up on Thursday morning so hopefully he'll say that it's okay for me to move forward. So far I've already lost 11lbs. so I'm pleased with that. Mom & Dad, Derrick, and my sisters all say that I look smaller, but I don't really see any difference. Hopefully that too will change soon! Other than that.. things are going great and I'm happy.

About Me
Surgery Date
Apr 03, 2007
Member Since

Friends 28

Latest Blog 15
Nine Months Post-Op
Eight Months Post-Op
5, 6, & 7 Months Post-Op
4 Months Out
Three Months Out :-)
Sometimes You Just Have To Go Through
Two Months Post-Op
One Month Post-Op
One Week Out
