A Brand New Day!

Sep 05, 2012

Well, last year I was supposed to have my gastric sleeve surgey. I never could raise the money for my down payment so it never happened. I stayed depressed for a few months and then took charge of my life and started on phentermine and levothyroxine. Now, the phentermine has been great for curbing my appetite and giving me energy, but my weightloss is slow and I am unhappy with my progress as of yet. The levothyroxine is for my thyroid, but it also helps with brain function. This has been my miracle pill. I have stayed strong because I can think clearly, logically and rationally. It is because of my rational thinking that I have decided to move forward with getting the surgery now.

I have turned my life around and started going back to college, in fact I began last March and have passed all classes with an A and my government class with a HIGH B lol  and with me getting a lump sum of financial aid for the Fall, I can finally afford the surgery! So, I will take a week off from school (professors already notified) that I will be in Mexico getting my gastric sleeve on Septemer 25th!

I am so excited and I just can't wait!!!

What a weird feeling today?

Nov 21, 2011

I realized today what bad choices i have made in my life when it comes to food. I've been hard core reading about low carb diets and things of that sort since i began this journey. Well today i feel like it may have hit home. I'm down to my very last Dr. Pepper in the fridge. I woke up around 10am this morning with no appetite so finally i tell myself i need to eat something. 4pm rolls around and i tear myself away from my Twilight marathon to make some french toast. I made 3 pieces of french toast with a dash of cinnamon and syrup. UGH. What a bad move. Literally 3 bites in and my stomach starts churning so i set the plate down and drink my Dr. Pepper. 10 minutes later it moves through my system and pardon the graphic nature i run for the bathroom and there went my french toast and dr pepper brunch.

It sucked feeling this way. Taking bites of the bread and then actually reading the label on my Dr Pepper that said 40g carbs! I was so mad at myself. Drinking 4-5 Dr Peppers a day for years. So i've probably been eating/drinking 400-500 carbs a day. Crazy isn't it! I have no doubt in my mind i will be able to stick to my pre-op and post-op diets! 

i hate writing titles for my posts

Nov 20, 2011

So the date to start my pre-op diet is Dec 21st but just in case i make some slip ups the first few days im going to start full force on Dec 19th. I have already decided that once i run out of Dr. Peppers here at the house im not going to buy any more and i will be strictly on water. I've checked around for low carb and zero carb drinks and shakes and found some good options. Actually on craigslist i found someone selling 25 bottles of zero carb Isopure for only $25 which is a fantastic deal since they are $4.50 a bottle at GNC! Also found some good deals on packets of zero carb Nectar.

I think putting myself in a mind set now and preparing for the 19th i will be ok. Once i make it past this Thanksgiving it should be smooth sailing (knock on wood lol). Id start now but i promised to cook the best and last thanksgiving dinner ever for my entire family.  

My Miracle :)

Nov 16, 2011

It happened this morning. The first of 2 miracles. I got approved for financing through Belite Weight! My surgery is scheduled for January 5th 2012. My next miracle is coming up with $3000! Please God, if you are up there help me live.

Plus even more news! An old friend of mine saw that i was having the surgery and is going to try to have hers scheduled for the same day as me and we will go together to Juarez!!! Isn't that great!?

I never thought this would be happening for real. I am so scared im not gonna have the downpayment. Please keep me in your thoughts and pray for me :D 

Getting Discouraged

Jun 19, 2011

These past couple of weeks ive started stressing over my financial situation. The only way i can get this surgery is if i use in-house financing. The down payment alone is $35 00 plus i need an extra $10 00 for the flight because i will need to purchase 2 tickets just for myself. My husband just graduated from college and he is currently looking for a better job that fits his career choice so ive got that stress on my mind. Where he is looking for a job its going to cause us to move 3 hours away from my family plus we're moving the heat of the summer so more stress. 

I just dont know how or if i will ever come up with $45 00! God please let a miracle happen, and fast :(

The First Step

Jun 16, 2011

 Yesterday i took my first step to free myself from this fat bodied prison. I contacted a representative for Belite Weight Group. Her name is Jamie and she is the person that does all the approvals for the in-house financing. She will act as my patient facilitator. I know nothing about her but she gave me her person facebook page to keep in contact with her since she knows i have a slight phobia using the telephone lol. I feel safe talking to her and asking her questions about the financing and the service i will recieve.

Now, here i am on ObesityHelp.com starting to track my progress and meet new people via the forums. Im excited to get this started and meet the people that may get surgeries scheuled for the day i have mine done. I wont be able to start until September most likely but i want to have this done by December at the latest.

About me, My name is Nomie Rebecca. My BMI is 71 and my weight at last weigh in was 505lbs. Its taken me a long time to say that number out loud but i realize i can not keep being ashamed of myself. I made bad choices and have kept myself locked away far too long. Its time to get out and live!

About Me
Lindale, TX
Surgery Date
Jun 15, 2011
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