Time to check in again

Jul 12, 2009

A lot has happened since i wrote last.  I've met a few of you in person, which is great!  I truly believe that they way to "win" here is to stick with the losers!  I may go to the 0-6 month meeting at my hospital forever if it keeps me on task!

I bought my first size 10 pants last week.  I was planning on saving them until fall - they were a bargain at Sierra Trading Post, but i tried them on when they arrived, and HELLO, they fit!!!! 

Unfortunately, immediately after that, my boyfriend and I broke up.  Literally...i went downstairs to show him the new outfit, we got into a petty argument, and then the shit hit the fan.  This has been a long time coming... we've both tried working hard at our problems, but the truth of the matter is, sometimes there are irreconcilable differences.  No, my surgery did not cause this break-up.... it may have sped it up, and for that I am grateful.  We are two great people who didn't need to struggle for any longer than it took to learn our life lessons.  

I sound very optimistic about this, and I am - I know that i can get through the break up, even as I'm sitting in my mom's house because I'm staying with her for a few days while I look for an apartment.  BUT - no matter how much you know something is the 'right thing' for you, doesn't seem to take the pain away.  he was staying with friends, but i had to get out of our place because everytime i looked at the dog I cried (he's keeping the dog).  I think it will be fair to split up the time we spend at home.  he gets weekdays and I get weekends.  My mom lives close to work, he's with his friends on weekends 1/2 the time anyway. 

Other good news - i was stuck in a bit of a stall for a while, hovering at 98 lbs lost.  then i lost 1.  then 2.  this week 4!!!!!!  I'm down to 167... my original goal was 150, then i pushed it up to 160.  Now i'm just stunned.    7 lbs from 160.  People refer to me as 'tiny'.  I'm going to a family function in a few weeks and i look forward to having my picture taken with my family - so I can see what i look like in relation to people i think are tiny. 

ok, that's enough rambling for now.  Please keep me in your prayers during this difficult time.  and pray that i eat.  I've got that anxious knot in my ....stomach?  i don't know where it is...but I'm not interested in food.  But I'm doing all i can to keep up the protein and water.


About Me
Nantucket, MA
Surgery Date
Mar 17, 2008
Member Since

Friends 107

Latest Blog 28
gone gone gone
one week
sweet emotion...
