Sheryl Johnson 21 years, 2 months ago

Hi Rebecca, One thing you need to're doing this for you only. Yes the fact that you'll be able to do more with the ones you love and that some will see you in a different light is an added benifit, but if others are not giving you the support you are looking for...then frankly don't look for it. It's okay to do this on your own. This site is a great place to get support. We all love and understand exactly where you are comming from. I know that sounds strange comming from a complete stranger, but you'd be amazed at how true it is. It's very easy to love and respect someone you have so much in common with. I have been amazed daily as to the support and prayers I get from this site. Please...if you ever need to talk don't hesitate to email me. ~God Bless you and yours~

1800Bev 21 years, 2 months ago

Best wishes Rebecca for a speedy recovery. I pray you have an easy Journey, free of complications. Here's a big phat cyber {{{HUG}}} for ya.

Emijade 21 years, 2 months ago

Rebecca~ Wishing you well for your upcoming surgery. I pray that you have a successful and safe surgery. Gods blessings to you.

tambra D. 21 years, 2 months ago


tracy W. 21 years, 2 months ago

In all things Remember,that the one above loves you,that He holds us all in his loving arms,He knows each of us by name.He said anything you ask for in "my name" will be given to you.So in His name I pray for you,that you be given strength, endurance,love,peace and most of all long life.In Jesus' name. When you wake up and see the faces of your loved ones in the recovery room,know that you have made it.Thank Him,Know that you have been blessed to see and to live out the rest of your days with the ones you love and the ones who love you.....Knowing that He loves you too. Happy soon to be ReBirthday.

charanewme 21 years, 2 months ago

Rebecca You are starting a new chapter in your life to a healthier and thinner you. You are in my thoughts and prayers for a safe and speedy recovery.Best wishes to a brighter future. Charlene

summewe 21 years, 2 months ago

Rebecca - You are on the countdown! You are in my thoughts and prayers. I wish you a speedy recovery. --Wendy (pre-op; scheduled for 3/31/03)

Sharon Neva 21 years, 2 months ago

REBECCA~~I WILL BE PRAYING FOR YOU ON YOUR BIG DAY ~~ May you always have an Angel by your side..... Watching out for you in all the things you do...... Reminding you to keep believing in brighter days......Finding ways for your wishes and dreams to come true......Giving you hope that is as certain as the sun.....Giving you the strength of serenity as your guide......May you always have love and comfort and courage....May you always have an Angel by your side......Someone there to catch you if you fall, Encouraging your dreams... Inspiring your happiness... holding your hand and helping your through it all.

Karen N. 21 years, 2 months ago

Best wishes and extra prayers for smooth surgery and recovery. A positive mental attitude is your best preparation! You'll do great with this life-saving tool!

OLD RODEO C. 21 years, 3 months ago

Best wishes on your upcoming surgery. We both wish you all the luck in the world with your recovery too. We BOTH had open rny's in 2001. Mine (Doug, aka: OLD RODEO CLOWN PANTS) was in Oct and I have lost 215 lbs. My sweet wife, Nancy, had her surgery in June and she has lost 110 lbs. We both invite you to read our profiles and hope that maybe you can get some inspiration from them, but NO PROMISES!!!! Just remember that YOU WILL SUCCEED!!!!! BELIEVE IN YOURSELF AND YOU CANNOT FAIL. From: Doug and Nancy, La Mesa, CA!
About Me
Salinas, CA
Surgery Date
Mar 01, 2003
Member Since

Before & After
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