
Sep 19, 2007

Today I had my other two appointments.Then first with Dr Olmstead.She was very nice.After about a half an hour she said my case was a no brainer (hope that doesnt mean I have no brains) I think she means I have no psych problems which would stop me from having WLS and she would send off her letter to Dr Rumsey.My second appt was with Dr. Khehar-also a very nice man who said I was perfectly healthy but just need to lose some weight.Wow what a diagnosis! So now I wait for a date. I told my hubby he better hold me back for at least a week from calling Dr Rumseys office to bug them but its going to be hard. My angel Heather is still on her "Love Boat" cruise and I cant wait to tell her.Im on my way---Now what???

Pre-op continues.

Sep 13, 2007

Well quite a bit has happened since last post. I did go to pac-Bar seminar. My lovely angel friend Heather spoke there about her weight loss.She did a great job.My hubby came with me and now understands the seriousness of all of this and my seriousness to go thru with this.He also got to meet Heather.I was glad because I talk about her all the time.
 I've had my bloodwork, chest xray,Ekg and ECHO done all within 3 days.I move fast !  Then I had my appointment with Dr Rumsey on the 27th of August.Kaiser only authorized me to see the surgeon-not the other 2 internist and psych. I really like Dr Rumsey.I had to wait about an hour to get  in to see him.Apparently this was his first day back from vacation.He did a full physical exam on me,asks some medical history questions then told me I am a perfect candidate for surgery.He waited for me to ask question s but being on OH all the time and all the books Ive read I couldnt think of one darn question!!
   So I called in a couple days to see if the dictation had been done and sent to Kaiser yet for authorization.She said they contract out to India and it could take a couple weeks! What?  OK I have to be patient.So my hubby and I went to Vegas for a few days and on the way back the lady from Kaiser called and said I have been approved by kaiser to have the surgery but I have to wait for authorization and that might take 3 weeks?What? So I call Rumseys office and told them Im approved so she said she needs the authorization number and she will call kaiser for it.She calls and tells me Debbie M at kaiser doesnt have a number and it could take weeks.I call my lawyer at Obesity Law and she gets right on it and says there should be an auth number to get things going.By this time I am defeated cause no one is returning the lawyers calls.  A couple days later I get a call from Kaiser saying everything is approved and authorized and all faxed to Rumseys office.I dont beleive it so I called myself and yes it had been done and they will get me in to see the other two docs next wednesday the 19th and I will probably have my surgery the second week of October. Yaya Prayer and perseverance works-I love it

More Kaiser

Aug 13, 2007

5 days later I got a call from the director of bariatrics for Kaiser setting me up with an appointment with Kaisers bariatric doctor Dr Osano and then I have to see the director to get my lists of pre op tests.I still have to go to a PacBar seminar.I had intended and actually went to the seminar site last month but had looked up their 2006 schedule (why dont they delete that?) and showed up on the wrong night.So I cant go to one til Aug 22 and I cant have my echo til August 31st anyway.In the meantime I will get my labs and chest xray and EKG done whenever.Its happening.In the midst of all of this my father in law has come to my husband and my house to recooperate from open heart surgery.16 pills in the morning-2 more thru the day plus 8 at night with blood sugar checks 4 times a day and insulin 4 times a day.Bathing and cooking for him.Not fun.But has to be done.Putting a little tension in the house and I feel like a darn scrub maid.I'll live cause I know I have greener fields ahead Yay!


Aug 13, 2007

Just two days later the attorney Kelley called me and told me she was holding the golden ticket in her hand. We won the case and I do not have to attend anymore classes and they have 5 days to contact me to get the ball rolling.I am ecstatic and couldnt stop smiling the rest of the day.

Kaiser appeal

Aug 01, 2007

OK well this morning my attorney Kelly Brown and I had ten minutes to talk to Kaiser appeal board to get my surgery NOW! Kaiser would not disclose who was in the room listening to the conference call.She would say that there 12  -2 were  internists,1 general surgeon,1 attorney,nurses and the rest part of a multidisciplinary group and all would not be voting-it would just be a consensus vote..Kelly went on to tell them that because they would not disclose the names of the people in the room and their qualifications this will be reported to the department of managed care.Kelly went on to tell them my co-morbidities and my diet history and that I am an RN. Then she asked if they had any questions and they didnt so she invited me to talk..I talked fast so they wouldnt cut me off and said Hello My main concern is the excessive 24 week classes and that the past 14 weeks of Options callses have been how to lose weight.I told them I know how to lose weight. I have been on WW,Jenny C,TOPS.OA,etc-even hypnosis and was successful in each but gain the weight back plus 5-10 pounds.I told them I have increased urinary incontinence,arthritis,restless legs and have done extensive research and I am ready for this surgery now.I am ready to live the second half of my life healthier,more active and happier and I appreciate their time and for listening.--then Kelly called me and said what a great composed job I did and now we just ahve to wait and see what happens.


Jun 25, 2007

Wow Rocky and Tony made me POTW.That was a suprise. So silly but made me feel special.There are so many nice people on these boards.It is great to be supportive and be supported for the same cause.This is week 10 of Options classes. Last week was actually beneficial.It was label reading.I learned some things I didnt know before.Cant wait for this surgery.maybe one summer I actually wont sweat as much and be confident enough to wear a sleeveless shirt and a pair of shorts.Again thanks all my OH friends for POTW.

My letter is done

Jun 20, 2007

I finally got an Email from Obesity Law last night the 19th of June with my 20 page appeal letter.Walter writes a heck of a letter.It is simply amazing and I hope it turns things around for Kaiser Patients.I am all for education and Im glad some people loved their 24 week classes.I feel like they are drawn out,repetitive,juvenile and totally not necessary for all people who want WLS. Dont round us all up as cattle and treat us the same.I wont rant on.Walter asked Kaiser to please respond within 10 days but he said they really probably wont for a month. I am on week 9 of Options classes.

Still waiting and waiting and waiting

Jun 12, 2007

It's been 5 weeks since I sent the money to Obesity law. I've talked to Kelley a couple times and she reassures me that Walter is almost finished with my letter. I'm so impatient!!! The Options classes are getting worse and worse.My jaw aches at the end of each class because I clench my teeth so tightly.I cant beleive one lady stands up and says "I have a problem with the scales out there-I stood on them and weighed myself-then took off my shoes and weighed less-and then took off my sweater and weighed less-and then took off my jewelry and weighed less"      OK so whats your point? How stupid some people are.I am appalled that Kaiser makes a person sit thru 6 months of this!!! I am going to need blood pressure meds,anti anxiety meds and a big pain killer after these classes. Please Walter finish my letter!!!!!


May 11, 2007

Ok well I filled all the Obesity Law paperwork out and put in my credit card number and went to Kinkos this morning before stupid Options class 4...but the fax machine was busy.So after stupid Options class I went back to Kinkos and tried again-busy busy busy.And I didnt have their telephone number with me to call them and say hey whats up with your fax machine.So I called 411 and of course the operator couldnt find Obesity law in Chula Vista.Why is that? So I got home and called from my home phone.Kelley Brown picked up and said you muct be psychic Gaylene cause I was trying to call you too. She said we just received all your info per fax and we are ready to get started on your case!!!! God is with me. Wonder why it kept showing busy but they got in anyway? Oh well hope Kinkos doesnt hunt me down cause I didnt pay them.I'll share the jail cell with Paris Hilton.No Im not worthy. Anyway Im am jazzed to the max cause I get things started and maybe wont have to take all these classes.They are torture!!!! Happy Mothers day this weekend to all


May 10, 2007

Tomorrow will be week four (only) of the Options class. Now that my best angel Heather has had her surgery and is doing so well and Amanda also. I feel I really want to expedite this process. I am all for education-after all I am a nurse and I educate new parents with their infants every day but....I feel 24 weeks of classes with Kaiser is way too many and just a stall tactic hoping people will drop out or change their minds. I am seriously thinking of hiring Obesity Law to fight having to take these classes. I talked to Kelley and she has sent me the paperwork and I talked to my hubby.He said go ahead.He is as anxious to get me out of this bitter fat world and get his old wife back as I am.I have requested my medical records from Kaiser.I will keep you up on the process

About Me
corona, CA
Surgery Date
Nov 08, 2006
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Friends 38

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3 month anniversary
Day 2 at Home
Day One at Home
Day Four Going Home
Day Three
day 2 post surgery
More of surgery day October 9th 2007
Day of surgery
My surgery
I got a date
