Dec 17, 2008

The weather warmed up slightly and I feel a little better today so I thought I'd attempt a walk.  It felt so good to get out and move again.  I did nothing yesterday and actually fought to stay awake until 8.  I guess I was coming down with this cold as my energy level just took a nose dive on sunday and was at it's worst yesterday.  I am feeling a little better today...right now anyway. 

I did walk Monday morning but it was miserably cold, I made it but I felt so bad the remainder of the day I couldn't make the gym that night.  So in the last 3 days I've only gotten in 1 hour of exercise.  Fortunately my weight is hanging in there - I'm back at 200 but I'm not going to fret because I know once everything levels out I'll be able to make it move downward again.

TOM still hasn't come which is driving me crazy.  It's making me crave salt big time which in turn is making me retain water!  Vicious circle.

I'm just so happy I got to walk I can't stand myself!  I am hoping I still feel good this afternoon and can hit it again and then go to the gym tonight.  I need to do upper body...well actually I'm now behind in every area so I could do anything but I think upper body has been the longest.  There's a yoga stretch class tonight as well so I may see about hitting that though the last yoga class I attended was a bit much for me. 

Here's hoping I feel good tonight!!!

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