Pity Party, table for 1

Dec 30, 2008

I don't know what happened.  I was doing so well then Christmas cookies hit and I gained 5 lbs.  Now I'm trying to get back to business but with the "pre new years eve house cleaning frenzy" I haven't been to the gym and I can't seem to keep my carbs at 20.  Today I'm at a whopping 62 and didn't have anything really good to show for it.  I was down 2 lbs today but it doesn't look like I'll be below 200 for new years day which SUCKS.  Maybe I'll get up now and hit the treadmill and pool.  I had planned on going in the morning but I sure whant my scale to read 199 on Jan 1 2009.  I don't want to start another year above 200 lbs.  OK going to the gym.

OK just got back.  I did 72 minutes on the treadmill and 200 crunches.  I only have 2 lbs to shed by New Years day and that is completely doable if I make the effort.  I'm going to do some yoga tonight and take my stairs a few times (knees permitting).  I stopped at the grocery store on the way home and got some active on for my shoulder and knees, I hope that will help!

