I don't know what to think anymore!!

Feb 27, 2008

So.. I was gearing myself to going back to work on March 10th.  That is the date I begged my orthopedic surgeon to let me return with restrictions.  Well my employer has another story.  My HR, HR assistant and my boss called me today on a conference call to inform me that they do not have any work to fulfill my Dr's restrictions.  It is slow, and so they are letting some 'temps' go, and well I'm hired in, they still cannot find anything for me to do until my Dr feels I am ready to put full pressure on my foot.  The job I was doing in the office when all of this came down ended.  So when I was to return I was to go back out on the floor and inspect again.  I was ready for that conversion.  I can perform it better since I have lost all the weight since surgery.  I was looking forward to "moving" again and not sitting at a desk typing all day.  Thus would help speed up my weight loss as well.  I loved my desk job, but that is how I got in this predicament in the first place.  I did nothing but sit there and work all day.  Never took breaks (since I quit smoking) or walked or anything.  Just sat there until it was time to go home.  So with all this said, I cannot go back to work until I am released by my orthopedic surgeon.  He has a "tentative" date for May 5th.  OMG that is so long away?!?!  I guess the good part is, I am getting STD and if out long enough LTD.  So I should be getting some money hopefully soon so I do not have to rely on my parents to pay for EVERYTHING!!  But there is a downfall, I get 3 weeks Vacation on March 7th.  Now with me being out, I'm sure I am going to have to use them damn days.  I HATE THIS!!  When I had my WL surgery I too had to use up all my vacation days and when I was up and about and back to work, I could only take "pre-approved" days off so that meant NO pay on those days.  I sure hope I don't have to take my vacation days, but the way my luck has been lately.. I will.  This just sucks!!  Don't get my wrong.. I'm getting used to being home all day doing things around the house.  I think I would make an AWESOME house wife or a stay at home mom.  :O) I can get used to this REAL quick.  But not going to, that will not happen in the near future.  So here I sit on my duff with my foot elevated waiting for May 5th to arrive or a sooner release date.  I think I should go on vacation.  Might as well, cant work, and if I have to use all my Vacation days, might as well enjoy while I am off these 3 months!  Hmm something to ponder.  Maybe the next blog will be that I'm going on vacation.  :O)  Lets just hope!  Giddy Up!  If I can talk my parents to paying for it.. I'M SO GONE!!


Feb 26, 2008

Hey guys...just to let you know I am sitting here in a pair of JEANS!!!  They are not cutting me off either!  Do you know how long it has been since I could sit and relax in a pair of jeanst??  Here let me tell you...2 or better years!!  Life is so wonderful!!  I feel half way "normal" now and only half way there.  I love life, and my RNY :O)

Non-Scale Victory

Feb 24, 2008


Oh were do I begin....So I decide again go through my "old" jeans that are in many of the totes in my bedroom.  This was last night at 4:30am.. well technically this morning.  I tried on a smaller size, and sure enough THEY FRICKEN FIT ME!!  I'm so geeked!!  I feel like a fat kid in a candy store right now.  I'm down 108 lbs as of yesterday morning, and down 3 jean sizes....and life is GRAND!!!  I could not be any happier.. well I guess I could.. but at the moment.. nothing can ruin this high I am feeling... I LOVE MY RNY!!!  Now if my broken foot would heal, I could walk walk walk.  I am doing as much as I can with my weights and my exercise ball.  It's not alot, but it is something.  Better than sitting on my duff doing nothing.  Did I mention that I love my RNY????

Broken Foot Update...

Feb 22, 2008


So I went to my orthopedic follow up today....He seems to think I might need surgery.  We looked over my CT results and it is broke in 2 different places and several chips.  Yikes!  To be exact I broke my 2nd metatarsal.  An extremely long, and hard healing break.  I am still in my walking cast, and he did give me permission to put as much weight on it as tolerable.  I am release to go back to work on March 10 for sit down work only.   My work has been awesome working with me on all of this.  I was scared to be off so long in fear of losing my job, but my HR lady called me personally and told me to "get a life" I have been with the company for years and I have nothing to worry about.  That made me feel 100 times better.  One week after I am back to work I have another follow up with the orthopedic.  He again will check and see how things are going.  I'm hoping I do not have to have surgery.  I don't want 6 pins and screws in my foot!  But I guess who does.   I will most likely have to have physical therapy, but I can handle that.  He did give me some exercises to do on a daily basis so my muscles do not cease up on me.  They are easy and don't hurt to much.  All in all, I am hanging in there doing the best I can with this bum foot.  Stay tuned....


Feb 10, 2008

100 pounds gone today... Waiting on my Century card!!
Life is sooo beautiful!!

Foot Update!

Feb 08, 2008

Went to the Orthopedic Surgeon today.  Had some FMLA paperwork that needed to be filled out for work.  Handed that in to the receptionist, and she abruptly says... "Okay...that will be $15.00 ".  I almost shit my drawers!  $15.00 for them to answer 3 questions and a lousy signature?  WOW!  And the killing part is, it takes them 7-10 buisness days to fill them out!!  Anyways... I was called back into the room and the nurse was going over the same thing I just filled out.  Really short, and stern when she talked to me.  I was thinking.. I wonder if they are all jerks here?  I waited and waited and waited for over an hour for the Doc to get in there.  I was NOT impressed with the staff, thus far.  Maybe I was having a bad morning.. but Uggh!  The Doc finally came in, and he was this short balding man.  Came in all bubbly, and positive and he change my attitude real quick.  He was awesome!  I just loved him!  He took a look at my X-rays and said that this is a very bad fracture and hopes he does not have to do surgery on me.  I hope so too!!  Doc also mentioned it is going to be a long long time before this is all healed correctly.  The fracture I have, is the slowest healing kind.  OH great!  When I do it, I do it good!  He twisted, and prodded and everything on that damn right foot, where I thought I was going to come of that examine table.  He also told me that he wants me off work for 12 weeks.  I said 12 weeks!!!  That is when he went into say this fracture needs time to heal.  Good Lord!!  I'm going to go broke by then.  I mentioned to him that I am NOT coordinated to use the crutches I have at home, so he looked at the girl that he called in and said.. "Get her a walker"  Okay, now I'm getting nervous.  Is he going to get me one of them grandma walkers with the damn basket in the front.  Well sure enough.  She brought in one just like I described, MINUS the basket.  I was SO humiliated!  A cute gentlemen was fitting me for my air cast, and well of course this Ole' Hollander has huge feet, and the ones they have in office would not fit, so they wrote me a Rx for a Aircast/boot, for just down the road at Carelinc. Dr Merriman scheduled me for a CT scan of the foot just to get a clearer picture of the fracture.  I then have to follow up with him, to get the results, to see how my foot is doing.  At this Appointment I will have to tell him I cannot be off from work this long.  One, I cannot go that long with out any money.  Yes I will be on STD, but that is not enough, and two, I don't want to lose my damn job over this.  I sure hope it heals fast!

4 Month Anniversary

Feb 03, 2008

Hey Everyone!!  Today is my 4 month Anniversary of my surgery.  Yippie!!    My first 'mini' goal was to be down 100 lbs by this day.  Well, as of Tuesday (the day I broke my foot) I was down 95 lbs.  I can live with that.  I could get on the scale, but why..my cast weights enough to depress anyone.    So I am not even going to attempt.  I will just take in stride that I came extremely close, and work harder to make my second 'mini' goal at 6 months.

Broken foot.. CONFIRMED!!

Feb 02, 2008

Today my dad drove me to the ER and was confirmed that I broke my foot in two different places.  Uggh!!  That was what I thought.  Now what the shocker is, they put me in a cast while I was there.  I  figured I would get an air cast and be on my way.  Oh No!  I have to make an appointment with an Orthopedic Surgeon this week  to check it out.  He will look it over and tell me what he is going to do, and put a different cast on.  Just when I was starting to get in the groove of exercising, something has to get in the way.  Such life!

Broken or Sprain?!?!

Feb 01, 2008

It was a normal Tuesday night.  Getting ready to turn the TV off and go to bed.  I always look out the door at the weather before I head on down the hallway to my bedroom.  I have been sitting in my chair with my legs resting on a TV tray, so this makes my feet extremely high in the air and my feet usually fall asleep.  No biggie, just get up and go on my merry way.  Well Tuesday night that was not the case.  I stood up, could not feel my feet at all and toppled forward bending my feet so my toes could touch my heel and heard every bone in my feet snap crackle pop.  This obviously brought me to my knees screaming in pain.. no tears...holding my right foot rocking back and forth on my butt.  I wanted to die at this point.  Feeling light headed, I had to let go of the right foot and place my head on the floor so I would not pass out.  3 minutes went by, which felt like an hour, I crawled to the phone to call my mom who had been in bed for the past 4 hours, told her what I did and said she was sending my dad to my house to see if I was alright.  I was fine!!  I make it to the phone!  Walked into the bedroom and went to bed.

Wednesday..Received a call from my dad, saying NOT to go to work because it was really nasty out.  So I tried to get out of bed, and could not!!  My foot was swollen 3 times its size and could not put any weight on it.  I thought to myself.. I'M STUCK IN HERE UNTIL I CALL THE AMBULANCE TO GET ME OUT!!  I had to pee really really bad, so I got on my knees and crawled into the bathroom and had a HELL of a time getting on the toilet.  OMG was that awful!  Well now me knees are sore as hell, and I had to get out into the livingroom some how, so I got on my belly and started on my way down the hall.  That did not work too well, so I sat on my butt and scooted.  Can you say RUG BURN BUM?!?!? My dad was here ALL day Wednesday to help me get around, feed me, and to bring some crutches that I cannot even use!

Thursday.. the weather was just Nasty and did not want to go to the ER and die on the way, so skipped it again.

So here it is Friday and STILL have not went and got my feet looked at.  Yes it is both of them, but the right is the one I cannot walk on at all.  The left I can at least put some weight on it.  I have an office chair with wheels, I have been getting around my house in.  If it was not for that, I don't know what I would  do. 

Can you imagine if this would have happened 4 months ago when I was 100lbs heavier??  I would STILL be laying on the floor whining and crying of the pain.  I attached some pictures, tell me what you think.  Do you think it is a bad sprain, or a break... All I know is that is hurts like a bitch!!  And that's putting it mild!



3 Month check up... and more!

Jan 18, 2008

Today was my 3 month check up, and I am down 85 pounds!!  I guess I am okay with it.  I have been at a major stand still since NYE.  I have fluctuated between these 2 pounds for the past 3 weeks and it is irritating me!!  I know it is my own fault.  I have been eating the same things day in and day out.  I need to switch it up some.  I have not been getting my protein in like I should.  Seems like the New Year came and everything fizzled.  I need to start writing a food journal again.  That keeps me on my toes and I do much better!   

My first appointment today was with Christine.  I like her SO much more than Lasandra, as mentioned before.  With being 3 months out, I can no longer have "liquid" calories.  I never really drank them anyways.  I was not a Cappuccino drinker, Milk drinker, juice drinker, yogurt eater and soup eater.  I was always scared of dumping on juice, and the coffee drinks.  Christine stressed that we are to have only 3 meals a day, and one snack.  We have to get in 1,000 to 1,200 calories a day and less than 30 grams of fat.  I don't know how I am going to do this, I never recorded the fats and calories when I journaled about a month ago.  I just kept track of the water and protein I consumed.  I can do it!  I have several sites online I can refer to get the information needed.  

My second appointment was with Andy.  He was asking me about my exercise.  It have not been up there, but I have been walking allot more at work on my breaks.  This is why I need a recombinant bike to give me that boost I need.  I did buy some bands online and I need to dig them out and do some strength exercises.  I'm getting floppy, and need to tone some.  This is my goal for this year is to exercise more and more.  I will do this!  I just have to find the motivation!  I don't have any.. and you think I would have TONS after 85 pound weight loss.  Am I the only one that had this problem??  I hope not!

My last appointment today was with Nancy the PA.  Eh!  She was alright.  I like Todd the best and then Matt.  Have not ever had Randy.  Anyways...She was telling me that I will need to get some Calcium Citrate with Vitamin D added and take them twice a day.  I cannot take them at the same time I take my prenatal Vitamins, so I will need to take them at lunch and bed time.  Yeah right!  I can barely remember to take my other pills, now I have to add 2 more!?!?  I will do my best, I knew walking into this that I would be on pills the rest of my life.  I just have to keep thinking positively.

I was talking to Nancy on a more personal note about her job and her responsibilities and what not.  I have decided that I really want to get back into the medical field.  I really want to go to school and be come an MA.  Just recently my  mother was in the HOS at Blodgett in the cancer wing and I just loved how they took care of her, and I think I want to do this!!  I think it is my calling.  I would love to work at Blodgett in the Bariatric wing.  This is my new life dream.  I don't think it is too far fetched.  I am looking online for schools to go to and get the MA degree.  Ross Medical School is sticking out to me.  I have a friend that went there.  To be someone that has went through what all the people on the Baratric wing are going through is just a wonderful feeling I want to feel some day!

As I said before in a previous post, I did not want to be one of them "obsessed" with the scale I got for Christmas.  Well, I am one of them and I am a BAD one!!  I have the scale in the middle of my kitchen, so every time I go in there I have to GET ON IT!!  This is how I know I have been at a stand still since NYE!!  I do know what my problem is.  I have to change my diet and get a variety of foods in.  I have only been eating Wendy's Chili for the past 3 weeks!!  It just tastes so good to me.  So I will go and get 8 chili's at a time and freeze them and eat them all the time.  Christine said it was okay to eat the chili, but not all the time.  I have to switch things up a little.  So today I am off to get some groceries.  I need a variety of things.  Chicken, Beef, and some Pork.  I also will get some WW dinners for when I am in a hurry.  I know what I have to do, I just have to do it!  

Since I am not been losing, I decided to just go and try on some of my old jeans that I have not been able to wear forever.  I figured maybe my body was just "catching up" to the weight loss.  Well I can get them on, buttoned, and zipped, but man oh man do they look like they are painted on.  I DONT CARE!!  They are on!  That is all that matters to me.  I have not worn them out of the house yet, but I will be either this week or next!  OH so happy I am!!
Until next time....

About Me
Wayland, MI
Surgery Date
May 12, 2007
Member Since

Friends 70

Latest Blog 55
Update on my Daddy!
Daddy Update...
My daddy!!
6 month appointment
6 Month Surgaversary!!
Pills Pills and More Pills!!!!
foot update
Two months late on blood work
So Tragic!
