Day 6 Post Op / 17Feb2011 Hello 170's!!!!!

Feb 16, 2011

Feeling REALLY good this morning! As soon as I got out of bed, I just felt different. My gas is SUBSIDING! Definitely not gone by a long shot, but better. My stomach is still pretty tight. The left side of my belly over my stomach is bigger than anywhere else so I'm assuming I have quite a bit of internal swelling. I got on the scale and I'm down 6 lbs! Woot!

Look who's feelin' sassy???


Day 5 Post Op / 16Feb2011

Feb 16, 2011

Yesterday was a great day. I actually had my hair done. I'm a redhead now!

Then I went to WalMart and stocked up on some things. Incisions are looking good. Gas is still a "pain" (LOL) but I'm working throught it. The best part of the day...discovering! I sooo wish I would have known about this site when I did low carb. Not much to speak about for today, I'm getting my protein and fluids in with now problems and I also discovered the BEST protein shake. I used 1 scoop of chocolate protein powder and 1 T of banana cream sugar free pudding powder and sugar free chocolate Almond Breeze (about 12 oz). OMG! 2 DIE 4! So, I picked up a ton of diff SF pudding mixes. NOM! NOM!

Day 4 Post Op / 15FEB2011

Feb 15, 2011

AHHHHH! Home sweet home! It was so good to sleep in my own bed last night. Some of my gas started moving on the flight home last night, thank God. Gotta love those jet engines. I didn't worry about a thing. I just let 'er rip! I still have alot of gas, but I had a BM at the airport as well so things are moving in the right direction. I weighed this morning. 185.8. Exactly what I did the day before I left. I'm sure this will start moving as well as soon as I get this fluid off and stuff.

One thing I have noticed is that my wee one doesn't like cold things at all. I can sip alot of hot broth, but anything cold feels stuck and I think it makes my stomach kinda spasm. I'm sipping on some Isopure  zero carb pineapple orange banana juice with 40 g protein, but it's wayyy too cold. The flavor is not bad. I just put my heating pad back on my stomach so maybe that will help.

I had a shower this morning and changed my drain incision and belly button dressing. It looks real good. I can see it probably closing completely within the next few days. This is actually the drain incision....

I had made some broth before I left and froze it. I've got that out thawing now and I believe I'm going to try some Isopure Unflavored protein powder in it later if I ever get through this 20 oz of Isopure pre made drink.

Oh boy! My stomach is ROLLING today! Thankfully! I so ready to get over this bloat.

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Day 3 Post Op/ 14FEB2011 Homeward Bound

Feb 14, 2011

What a day thus far. First thing this morning, they had our broth ready to go and  a jug of gatorade. I am soo tired today with all of the travel. First, the  2 hour drive back to San Diego. My flight was supposed to leave at 10 pm but I couldn't imagine having to hang at the airport all day. Since they couldn't get me in First Class the first leg of the trip, I hopped on anyway. Anything to lay down beside my husband tonight. From Phoenix, they were able to get me back in First Class so that's where I am right now. Gotta love in-flight internet. I'll have to fly into Charlotte then one last leg home. Should get in around 11p tonight.

Had a little melt down earlier on the plane when we first boarded and just started bawling. Not sure where it came from, just trying to take it all in. I got to talk to Capt (DH) and it made it all better. Sometimes I just need to hear his voice. So far today, I've had 23g protein in the form of nectar mixed with water and 8oz of broth. I'm getting ready to order a cup of hot water so I can eat the ramen noodle broth pack I brought with me. That should settle the nerves a little. Is this day over yet?

Please let this gas start moving!


Day 2 Post Op / 13FEB2011

Feb 13, 2011

Day 3 here at Almater. I'm just hanging out waiting for them to take me back for my leak test and hopefully pull this drain. They just brought breakfast in which is the same thing I've been having 2 juices and hot tea. I mixed my Nectar Lemon Tea protein supplement in the tea. Not bad but not as good as the fuzzy navel.

BBMaker should be coming in at some point today. Right now, including me, there are 6 sleevers here and 3 of those brought someone with them. Motherofthree is here as well. Met her briefly this morning. Nice girls.

I feel pretty good thus far. Just sipping walking and burping with an occasional toot. LOL! My stomach still feels very bloated but they said it's normal.

I've been doing my breathing exercises as frequently as possible and that really helps. I honestly don't think it  has sunk in that I actually did this. I am really looking forward to my new little world.

So, I know this part is pretty gross, but it is what it is. Drain and incisions.

Dr. Campos and Sergio


Final leak test done. We tried to youtube it but lost connection so I have to wait for the films. I finally just broke down and told my MIL. Whew! That was wearing on me a bit. Don't be mad Mama Z! I just didn't want you to worry about me. I love you both!

They just pulled my drain and IV. All is well. Heading ot the mall!

And here she is!!!



Day 1 Post Op / 12FEB2011

Feb 12, 2011

I woke up around 4:30 this morning in pain and nauseated but Norma hooked me up.  I've done 3 or so laps around the hospital early this morning.  Still feeling puny. Whatever you do, be sure to utilize the commonly used phrases papers. Even better, get a spanish dictionary. I forgot about the paper and it was hours before they understood that I was teling them I was hot so I was pretty miserable there for a while.

Other than my being whiny, it has been an uneventful morning. It looks like we had a few new sleevers come in not too long ago. Dr. Campos came and posed for me and they just brought me 4 medicine cups full of grapejuice for the leak test and told me to sip sip sip. After I drank the juice and started burping I feel 100% better and did another walking round.

I passed the leak test....first meal

I'm so glad I brought the Nectar protein supps. I got a sample pack at Netrition. 13 diff flavors for $22.95. Perfect to travel with and the "fruit juice" ones are clear liquids. 23 grams per serving.

I mixed the fuzzy navel with the warm tea and it is going down quite smoothl
Yolanda, me, Dr. A!

Dr. Aceves just stopped by and said I was looking pretty good. Everyone has been so sweet even when I was being a big whiny hiney! What a compassionate man. See how he has his hand on my arm? Protective.

So it's 2:38 p here in Mexicali and they took my IV out a couple of hours ago but left the hep lock. I feel free! I walked down to the pharmacy and grabbed a couple of boxes of the Nexium MUPS. $25 for 14 pills of 20 mg. I also got 7 boxes of the sublingual Supradol. There's only 4 per box and each box was $8 a piece. I might make another run tomorrow. I'm pretty sure my copay on Nexium at home is $40 and they don't have MUPS in the states. This particular kind is a tablet but it dissolves real easy in fluid.

Thus far today, I've gotten in 69 grams of protein (thanks to the Nectar samples I brought) and about 30 oz of fluid. I haven't really been pushing  the fluid for the day since they just took out the IV.

It's the strangest feeling trying to sip the liquids. It's like it kinda just gets stuck in my chest. I think my sips are too big.

Dr. Aceves just came in again while I was skyping with my husband so Capt. got to meet the infamous surgeon. Dr. A asked me if I had passed gas and I said yes. He then told my husband that he should applaud me for FARTING! Then he just laughed! Of course, my husband started clapping.

Tomorrow morning I will get to see my new little belly. Dr. A said that alot of people say it looks like a banana but he said it really is more like a fettucine. That just totally messes up my new youtube id of nanananner. My grandson calls me nana so I thought that was cute. I don't think I'm digging nana fettucine!

Pretty soon, they should be bringing the last meal of the day. I'm hoping I score some broth. The 2 earlier meals today were the same liquids.

No broth for me! Same ole apple juice, lemonade and hot tea. I think I may sprinkle a little broth in my tea. Sounds weird, I know, but I'm desparate. I packed a couple of those Ramen Noodles spice packs just in case for the trip home. They might not make it.

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The Big Day Part 2

Feb 12, 2011

I believe I was wheeled back around 11am and back to the room at 2:30. As I was coming to in the recovery room, the only thing I remember is moaning quite loudly. It hurt so bad. I would highly recommend asking about the spinal if you can get it. I wish I would have known. I was not allowed anything by mouth for the rest of the day. They did give me some water to swish and spit which helped and I have some breath spray that helps as well.

It was probably around 5 or 6 when I got out of bed for the first time. It was a rough day. They were really good about keeping the nausea in check. My heating pad has been a Godsend. I haven't had any shoulder pain and a little gas pain. The pain is difficult for me to describe. It's very uncomfortabe but not really agonizing.

It was very warm in here last night and I asked for a fan but they were unable to locate one. There is supposed to be one in your closet I didn't have one. Warm air and nausea just don't mix. Be sure to ask for one.

The Big Day

Feb 11, 2011

I'm here!!! True to form, Ernesto scooped me up from the hotel this morning at 7. Once we got here, Lucy weighed us and showed us to our rooms, Cecilia did my vitals and I unpacked.  Dr. Campos came in and we talked a little about diet. I got my shot of Lovenox and they brought me in a breathing apparatus similar to an incentive spirometry which will help keep my lungs expanded and I have to use for the next 10 days. I just suck in and hold for 3 seconds. A lot harder than it sounds!

Here I am in my gown waiting to see the anesthesiologist and Dr. A.

1st videos:

Once Dr. Aceves came into the room, I you tubed the intro (link above) but after that, he wanted our undivided attention. He was very personable as well as Dr. Campos and the anesthesiologist. They made us feel very much at ease. In a nutshell, my takeaway from Dr. Aceves was to follow the dietary guidelines, be sure to exercise to maintain lean muscle mass and above all, don't think the sleeve will do it all for you. He also said to not try to fight the sleeve. You won't win!

After Dr. A, I met with Dr. Guiterrez the anestheiologist who gave us a very detailed account of how we were going to progress from there. He was very thorough and told us we would first be given versed to relax us. From there he said he would use Fentanyl and Diprovan / propofol for the anesthesia. He explained that we would be intubated, but we would never know and I didn't ever feel anything after the versed. I was not offered a spinal, nor was the other lady that came. I did meet someone else here, but she did have it. She had her surgery the day before me and looked great. Said she even walked to the pharmacy today.

I was first so moments after that, they had me lay on a gurney and wheeled me into the surgical suite where they started an IV and wrapped my legs in ace bandages. That's the last I remember.


In Mexicali-Pre op DONE!

Feb 10, 2011

So far...

Got in to San Diego airport around 9p last night. I flew USAirways so as soon as I got off the plane, it was just a short walk then down the escalator and out the door to where the Hilton hotel shuttle picked me up. Quick ride to the hotel. Very nice BTW.

Slept like a baby and woke up around 4:30 this morning (still on East Coast time). Had a nice breakfast.  Ernesto picked me up in a gold minivan around 11:15 with Marsha and her sis in tow that he had picked up at the airport before me. Stopped at a gas station for water then off to Mexicali.

The drive was about 2 hours. Not bad but not much to see. Mostly rocky terrain.

Ernesto was super sweet. We got to this point where elevation was around 4,000 ft and we were going downhill and he said he was going to show us something cool. He pulled off to the side of the road and put the van in neutral and we started rolling backwards even though we were heading downhill. Pretty bizarre.

When we got to the border we just got waved through. No big deal. The Almater hospital was just a couple of minutes past the border. When we got there, Ernesto ushered us in and Lucy was right there waiting for us with urine cups in hand. It went so fast. Very organized. When I gave her my sample, she took me right into the lab (see pics) and drew blood. From there, off to a diff room for a quick EKG then from there to a quick xray. After that, Lucy took us in a room and gave us a packet of info for homework and a antibiotic and sleeping pill to take tonight. She also mentioned we would get a shot of lovenox or something like that in the belly. Just a blood thinner to prevent clots.

All in all, we probably weren't there for 30 minutes. Had I been at home, it would have been an all day affair! Dr. Aceves was in surgery so we were told we would meet him tomorrow.

Lucy then called Ernesto back and he took us to the Crown Plaza hotel which was about 5 minutes from the hospital. Very nice place. He walked us to the desk and called us one by one. We signed in and the bellhop took our luggage. By this time I was starving so I went downstairs and grabbed a bite to eat. Had tacos. Not bad. Now just catching up the blog and getting ready to do my "homework". Ernesto told us to meet him in the lobby at 7am and it's surgery time!!!!!

oh yeah...picked up a lottery ticket when we stopped at the store on the way because you know what they can never be too rich or too skinny!

I should also note that I didn't see any gun wielding bandits or anybody scary. I may have been the scary one. I didn't bring a stitch of make up! No armed guards at the hospital or anything weird at all.


Started making broth now

Jan 27, 2011

Figure it might come in handy here soon. I'm also cooking large meals and freezing leftovers for my husband. I've got to look out for my rock, right?

About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 17, 2011
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