Life Goes ON....

Apr 22, 2012

Last night I met with a group of friends who joined together to celebrate a mutual friend's 25th Wedding Anniversary.

The couple are very active in the Greater Toronto WLS Surgery Community, interestingly enough the group of friends were mostly from the WLS Community at various stages of their journey.  It's a little strange to be amongst a group of 30 people that I would not have known three years ago, and that I only know now because I made a decision to do something for ME!!

I have been feeling 'frumpy" lately, strange how we can still look in the mirror and not see how far we have come, yet its there. . .this group of friends many of whom I have not seen for months pointed out how good I was looking, and made me see I am not the one I used to be. . .I so thank them for that.  I pray I return in like the kindness they shared with me.

Tomorrow I head for Sunnybrook, and hopefully get the news that will help me move on from this period of self loath yet again.  I hope I get the date for my repeat prophylactic mastectomy tomorrow. . .maybe knowing when this will happen will give me some sense of closure and a chance to once again move along on my journey.

