Back to the Blog - 13 years later

Jun 16, 2016

I had a Laparoscopic Roux-n-y back in October of 2003.  My starting weight was 269lbs.  Fast forward to today I am currently 161 lbs.

I never regretted going through with the gastric bypass but it has not always been easy.  I developed quite a few nutritional deficiencies which have been challenging but not impossible to treat.

13 years after surgery I developed an internal hernia in the mesentary portion of my intestines.  They called it a Peterson's hernia. It was a hole near the original anastamosis.  I think it had been developing over the past 10+ years without any obvious detectable complications except a mystery stomach ailment back in Dec 2006 that could not be diagnosed and the symptoms subsided.

In Dec 2015 a large portion of my small intestine went through the hernia and it became incarcerated.  I started to hemorrhage and went into hypovolemic shock.  I had emergency surgery and the problem was fixed.

Fast forward to today.  I developed an incisional hernia from surgery back in Dec 2015 and am having Surgery in August 2016 to repair my abdominal defect.

My surgeon had one request.  He wanted me to loose 10lbs before he closes my abdominal wall again.  I was distraught with the news at first but then just became determined.

I had a friend I'd been watching taking a nutritional suppliment.  I noticed something that had changed about her.  

She was happier then I've ever seen her, and full of energy. She jumps out of bed in the morning.  Exercise was not a chore anymore.  Bike rides were fun.  She lost 26lbs in 4 months without much thought to it.  She didn't appear to need to loose the weight but now she is fit and toned.  All of her generalized aches disappeared.  

She kept posting pictures on facebook and you could just see it.  I finally broke down and asked her what this patch she was showing off was.  She told me it was Thrive.

Me being the HUGE skeptic I thought it was like The Emporer's New Clothes.  A hoax.  There was no way it could work.  

Well I was Wrong.

I have completed the Thrive 8 week experience and don't think I have ever felt this good.  I was a person who has always woke up groggy and it usually takes me an hour to just get going.  

Now I follow 3 simple steps.  

  1. I take 2 Premium lifestyle capsules the moment I wake up on an empty stomach.  They contain a vitamins and minerals along with prebiotics, probiotics, antio-xidants, amino acids and plant extracts.  
  2. 20mins later after I make a lifestyle shake.  As far as nutritional shakes go its pretty tasty.  I like to add frozen fruit in a blender.
  3. I put on my DFT (Dermal Fusion Technology) patch.  I get to wear my nutrtion and get a continuous release through out the day.

 The 3 steps work together to fill in your nutrional gaps and it feels amazing.  I've never been one to promote a product before but I really believe its working miricales.

Since I work 12 hour nightshifts, I used to drink 3 diet sodas and a diet red bull to get through my days.  I suffered from restless legs.  My hair was thin to the point you could see my scalp.

In a matter of 8 weeks.   I get out of bed 10 mins or less after I wake up.  I no longer drink any caffinated beverages or anything with artifical sweetners.  My cravings for junky or processed foods are gone  and I happy to say I am down 8.8lbs.  I'm either walking or riding my bike.  I hit my fitbit goal of 10,000 steps daily.  I just feel healthy and happy.  

I am now ready to go get to get my hernia fixed.  I don't want to jinx it but I really feel the recovery is going to be a breeze.  I will just say its the power of positive thinking.

I just really wanted to share how Thrive from Le-vel has really affected me and would love to know its helping others too, especially the nutritionally challenge (like me) since we have a harder time absorbing our nutrients.  I don't think I will ever stop Thrive because it has been that life changing.

 If you want to learn more about Thrive from Le-vel you can do the product reaseach to see what it contains, go to  What the short video and check out the PDF files on the product lines.  If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.  I will share what I know and if I don't know the answer I will find out the answer. 


About Me
Corona, CA
Surgery Date
Oct 05, 2003
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