
Jul 18, 2007

Well, I finally measured myself again and I`ve lost 66.25 inches and 96lbs. I`m so excited about that. I also have a new grandaughter. She was born 07-07-07 and was 5lbs 4ozs. and 18 inches long. Her name is Korie Blakelyn. I fell in a hole  up in North Georgia at the lake fishing on May 29th and I`m still in a non weight baring cast. I broke my right foot in 3 places. It`s been 7 weeks now and I go back next Tues. to the dr. hopefully to get the cast removed. It`s been a pain!!!!

9 months out

Jun 25, 2007

Well, I have reached my goal weight of 140 lbs. I`m in a size 9-10. And some Med. shirts but mostly Large. I don`t like mine skin tight. It feels great!!!!! I can now wear my daughters clothes. It`s so exiting to realize that this time last year I was waiting around for my surgery and now it`s over and I`m at my goal. God is so good!!!!!!!!!! My kids and husband are so excited for me and have been so supportive. Thanks God for Drs. who want to help people reach their goals in life.

6 months out

Mar 20, 2007

Hi, well I`m 6 months and 2 days out from surgery and I`ve lost a total of 85 lbs. and 72.25 inches. I`m so excited about that. I feel great! All my bloodwork is perfect. I`ve even had to go down on my Thyroid medication 2 times. I`m in a size 12 now and some 10`s depending on how it`s made. Isn`t is great? This time last year I was just beginning to really think about it and getting everything started. I think it was April when I first went to the Seminar. And now a year later and I`m better than ever. God is so good!!!

I will be updating my profile soon

Nov 20, 2006

Look for more to come!!!

About Me
Ponce de Leon, FL
Surgery Date
Sep 27, 2006
Member Since

Friends 4

Latest Blog 4
9 months out
6 months out
I will be updating my profile soon
