5 Months Post-Op

Mar 20, 2010

It is hard to believe that it has been 5 months since surgery.  I am carrying around 70 pounds less than I was before surgery and I feel like a new person.  I never imagined that I would be at this point after only 5 months, but here I am and I feel great!!  The weight loss is definitely leveling off, but I only have 36 more pounds until I get to my personal goal weight.  I know that I can be patient with this because I already feel so much better and it is easier to endure everyday life rather than having the feelings of hopelessness and defeat that I had before.  My outlook on life is so much better, healthy, and positive.  I view life differently and have so much more energy.  I look forward to buying clothes and have really enjoyed getting the cute clothes rather than the larger sizes that looked like something my grandma would have worn.  I don't shy away from the camera like I did either!!  I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to have WLS.


About Me
Hutto, TX
Surgery Date
May 21, 2009
Member Since

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